Nevada Republicans have introduced a bill that would legalize Pop-Tart guns


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I guess we need stupid laws to address the un-american progressive radical leftist movement


Nevada Republicans have introduced a bill that would legalize Pop-Tart guns, finger guns and other non-lethal non-firearms in the state’s elementary schools.

“A little plastic gun that small is not going to be mistaken for a real gun,” Republican Assemblyman Jim Wheeler told the state Assembly’s education committee on Wednesday, according to KOLO News.

It s Come To This Nevada Bill Seeks To Legalize Pop-Tart And Finger Guns To Stop Schools From Suspending Students Weasel Zippers
Yes, schools should totally ignore anti-social little twits until they bring in a REAL GUN.

and then all the gun nuts will scream, "Well, why didn't you do something when it was obviously little Johnny was anti-social? Guns don't kill people. Small children with access to guns kill people!"
Yes, schools should totally ignore anti-social little twits until they bring in a REAL GUN.

and then all the gun nuts will scream, "Well, why didn't you do something when it was obviously little Johnny was anti-social? Guns don't kill people. Small children with access to guns kill people!"

So I take it you don't support this bill?

Yes, schools should totally ignore anti-social little twits until they bring in a REAL GUN.

and then all the gun nuts will scream, "Well, why didn't you do something when it was obviously little Johnny was anti-social? Guns don't kill people. Small children with access to guns kill people!"

So I take it you don't support this bill?


I'm indifferent to it.

Let's review this whole thing in context. Because we have an insane policy of letting any asshole who wants to own a gun have one, we have a lot of guns out there. And sometimes the spawn of these assholes bring those guns to school and shoot up their little schoolmates.

Which is why we have some schools that have metal detectors at the doors. Feeling Free, yet, America?

So when one of these little sociopaths shoots up his little school-chums, you have a bunch of school administrator who overreact. Which is kind of silly, but not as insane as the underlying policy thta causes it to start with.

So here's an idea. Let's legalize toy guns and outlaw real ones. Problem solved.
Yes, schools should totally ignore anti-social little twits until they bring in a REAL GUN.

and then all the gun nuts will scream, "Well, why didn't you do something when it was obviously little Johnny was anti-social? Guns don't kill people. Small children with access to guns kill people!"

So I take it you don't support this bill?


I'm indifferent to it.

Let's review this whole thing in context. Because we have an insane policy of letting any asshole who wants to own a gun have one, we have a lot of guns out there. And sometimes the spawn of these assholes bring those guns to school and shoot up their little schoolmates.

Which is why we have some schools that have metal detectors at the doors. Feeling Free, yet, America?

So when one of these little sociopaths shoots up his little school-chums, you have a bunch of school administrator who overreact. Which is kind of silly, but not as insane as the underlying policy thta causes it to start with.

So here's an idea. Let's legalize toy guns and outlaw real ones. Problem solved.

Guns are not the issue. Control is

Guns are not the issue. Control is

You're absolutely right. Most countries restrict guns to people who actually need them and have shown themselves to be responsible.

In the US, you have a gun lobby that fights to keep guns in the hands of the mentally ill and criminals because, gosh darn, you wouldn't want to own a gun is you weren't pissing yourself over the thought everyone else has them, too.
Guns are not the issue. Control is

You're absolutely right. Most countries restrict guns to people who actually need them and have shown themselves to be responsible.

In the US, you have a gun lobby that fights to keep guns in the hands of the mentally ill and criminals because, gosh darn, you wouldn't want to own a gun is you weren't pissing yourself over the thought everyone else has them, too.

So if someone is threatened, they should ask the criminal to wait a few days so that a background check can be completed? Criminals don't wait for background checks

Guns are not the issue. Control is

You're absolutely right. Most countries restrict guns to people who actually need them and have shown themselves to be responsible.

In the US, you have a gun lobby that fights to keep guns in the hands of the mentally ill and criminals because, gosh darn, you wouldn't want to own a gun is you weren't pissing yourself over the thought everyone else has them, too.
It is illegal for the mental ill and for criminals to have guns.

Since that is not enforced, let's traumatize our kids by expelling them from school if they point a finger and go "Bang".
Guns are not the issue. Control is

You're absolutely right. Most countries restrict guns to people who actually need them and have shown themselves to be responsible.

In the US, you have a gun lobby that fights to keep guns in the hands of the mentally ill and criminals because, gosh darn, you wouldn't want to own a gun is you weren't pissing yourself over the thought everyone else has them, too.

Felons and the adjudicated mentally ill already cannot own guns.

And its not up to the government to decide, beyond those categories, who can own one or not, that's the whole point of the 2nd amendment.
So if someone is threatened, they should ask the criminal to wait a few days so that a background check can be completed? Criminals don't wait for background checks

Criminals only have guns because everyone else has them.

Hey, you know what, crooks in the UK, Germany, Japan... they don't have guns. Imagine that.

England and Japan have lower murder rates than the US, and they have restrictive gun laws. However, Switzerland and Israel have high rates of gun distribution and have even lower rates. South Africa's murder rate is even higher than the US, and they have very restrictive gun laws.

Felons and the adjudicated mentally ill already cannot own guns.

Yet they are still able to get them.

And its not up to the government to decide, beyond those categories, who can own one or not, that's the whole point of the 2nd amendment.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to preserve the right of states to have militias. Which is how the courts have read that amendment until 2008 or so.

But we should totally make policy based on what some slave-rapist thought 240 years ago instead of, you know, logic and common sense.
England and Japan have lower murder rates than the US, and they have restrictive gun laws. However, Switzerland and Israel have high rates of gun distribution and have even lower rates. South Africa's murder rate is even higher than the US, and they have very restrictive gun laws.

I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend the UK has a higher murder rate. So I give you credit for honesty

Okay, Israel is an apartheid police state where half the population is trying to murder the other half, I'm not sure that's a good example. Switzerland is a very small country of not a lot of people. So it's not really indicative.

South Africa is a country in collapse, so I'm not seeing that as good example, either.
Felons and the adjudicated mentally ill already cannot own guns.

Yet they are still able to get them.

And its not up to the government to decide, beyond those categories, who can own one or not, that's the whole point of the 2nd amendment.

The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to preserve the right of states to have militias. Which is how the courts have read that amendment until 2008 or so.

But we should totally make policy based on what some slave-rapist thought 240 years ago instead of, you know, logic and common sense.

The States retain the right to keep militias, the PEOPLE keep the right to keep and bear arms.

And as usual, go fuck yourself.
England and Japan have lower murder rates than the US, and they have restrictive gun laws. However, Switzerland and Israel have high rates of gun distribution and have even lower rates. South Africa's murder rate is even higher than the US, and they have very restrictive gun laws.

I'm glad you aren't trying to pretend the UK has a higher murder rate. So I give you credit for honesty

Okay, Israel is an apartheid police state where half the population is trying to murder the other half, I'm not sure that's a good example. Switzerland is a very small country of not a lot of people. So it's not really indicative.

South Africa is a country in collapse, so I'm not seeing that as good example, either.

Well of course....

The States retain the right to keep militias, the PEOPLE keep the right to keep and bear arms.

And as usual, go fuck yourself.

That's an interpretation... other people have interpretted other ways.

You know, ways that mean you don't let crazy people own guns.

Its the right interpretation, and its pretty clear. The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms should not be infringed.

If I have a clean record and no mental adjudication in my history, I should be able to own a firearm with minimal hassle. Its right there in the document. But you don't like that, so like a petulant child you pout and try to get your way regardless of process. It's sad actually.

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