Nevada debate tonight at 7pm central on CNN

CT9, Im as liberal as they come, and I agree. its time to let these fat fvckers fail.

My point is protecting us, the American tax paying public is a very expensive and complicated issue. cutting the budget to ridiculous levels is not the answer. Not when it comes to our national security and as we know, letting wall street bundle toxic loans was a huge hit to national security as it has made us weaker as a whole.
Cain needs to come run for office in Georgia. Get some experience under his belt. The atlanta mayor is a prick. OK occupy you have to be out by Monday. You say No? Ok never mind then. You can stay. Way to go pussy.
Mitt brings it back to Obama........................

Yup, I noticed that too...

Which is exactly whre it should be.

This infighting is not going to help us win. We can debate and discuss policies, but we need to be united against Obama come November 2012.

No, it's a "plan" that ignores the here and now. Mitt wants to avoid a fight because the last thing he wants to be challenged on a conservative level, he wants his record as a conservative to be put against Obama only because Obama is further left than Mitt.

Mitt wants to be the lesser of two evils against Obama.
Michele ... answer the damn question! Would you cut the defense budget?
It's a simple yes or no answer.

Yeah ... thanks for talking points your way around that question.

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