Netflix Documentary mini-series "Trainwreck: Woodstock 99"


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
1999 I was 34 years old, at the time I didn't even know it was going on.
But I certainly remember the newsreels of the aftermath, the disaster that it was - and the amazingly inept producer/organizer throughout the whole event basically being "Baghdad Bob" - in denial that this was going to be the biggest promotional failure in history.
3 part series that examines the beginning, the event and the aftermath of the rapes/explosions/trampling/heat strokes and on and on of the disaster that was Woodstock '99.

1) Teenagers of 1999 - are nothing like teenagers of 1969.
2) The original Woodstock - the food was free. The water stations were free. And the venue was in a park-like setting.
3) Woodstock 99 was on an abandoned military complex. Flat as a pancake, no trees anywhere and almost all tarmac. Concrete. No where to hide from the heat, and the concrete acted like a sauna reflecting the midday sun and roasting kids alive.
4) The food was oppressively expensive. A taco - $7. In 1999. Water was $4 a bottle. In 1999.
5) Security was basically non existent. Trash everywhere. Porta pottys were not kept in order.
And then you invited two bands known for inciting their audience to mayhem - Korn and Limp Bizcit. Especially Limp Bizcit. Who should have went to jail for encouraging kids to to become animals.

In 1999 these "rebels without a clue" had nothing to lash out against other than their own failure to succeed.

There was no war going on. Going to college was expensive but it was just as stupid to waste the money then as it is now rather than get paid to learn a trade.

Limp Bizcit sucked anyway. Music in general took a huge nose dive after Metallica sold out to Bob Rock. I knew we were doomed as a society and culture way back then simply looking around at the vacuous generation I was a part of.

Finished it last night. These kids were essentially playing in, and drinking from, a cesspool. Incredible.
The "mud scene" was mind blowing to me.
You had 100s of Porta Pottys sitting in a foot of brown water and - just how much of a moron do you have to be to not know that "brown color" of the water - is not dirt. It is shit. I was blown away they didn't think of that.
IMO - the resulting riot that tore the event apart was a perfect storm.
1) No security
2) Ripping the kids off for not allowing them to bring in any drinks whatsoever - and then force them to pay $4 for a bottle of water that, at the time, cost $.59. As well as exorbitant $$ for crappy fast food. This pissed people off. Big time.
3) Not taking care of the grounds, not - at all - prepared for the trash of serving 200,000 people paper cups/paper plates/water bottles. Literally nowhere for people to dispose of it. What moron thought that would be ok?
4) The Limp Bizkit effect. There can be no denial he purposefully incited the audience into a frenzy. By literally screaming "when this song starts up - I want you to start tearing shit up". To which the kids obliged.
5) The constant denial the event was out of hands within the first 4 hours and event staff already began telling the producers this is going to turn bad. Within 4 hours they were told this isn't going to work.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes......I remember at the time wondering what they were thinking when they chose the venue.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes......I remember at the time wondering what they were thinking when they chose the venue.

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One of the staff members, upon seeing the venue for the first time when she arrived 2 days before the event - "Oh my God, the whole place is concrete" As other staff arrived they noticed the same thing. It was the middle of the summer, there was no shade of any kind and it was all concrete.
Imagine spending 3 days in the middle of the summer in a mall parking lot where NOWHERE to go to get out of the sun.
Medical staff started running out of supplies in the first 24 hours trying to treat 100s of kids with heat stroke. They were lucky they were kids and had the resiliency not to die from it.
1999 I was 34 years old, at the time I didn't even know it was going on.
But I certainly remember the newsreels of the aftermath, the disaster that it was - and the amazingly inept producer/organizer throughout the whole event basically being "Baghdad Bob" - in denial that this was going to be the biggest promotional failure in history.
3 part series that examines the beginning, the event and the aftermath of the rapes/explosions/trampling/heat strokes and on and on of the disaster that was Woodstock '99.

1) Teenagers of 1999 - are nothing like teenagers of 1969.
2) The original Woodstock - the food was free. The water stations were free. And the venue was in a park-like setting.
3) Woodstock 99 was on an abandoned military complex. Flat as a pancake, no trees anywhere and almost all tarmac. Concrete. No where to hide from the heat, and the concrete acted like a sauna reflecting the midday sun and roasting kids alive.
4) The food was oppressively expensive. A taco - $7. In 1999. Water was $4 a bottle. In 1999.
5) Security was basically non existent. Trash everywhere. Porta pottys were not kept in order.
And then you invited two bands known for inciting their audience to mayhem - Korn and Limp Bizcit. Especially Limp Bizcit. Who should have went to jail for encouraging kids to to become animals.

Wow! I watched that series on BFlix.

I was a very busy guy back in '99. I didn't even know NY had a zombie apocalypse.
Those that chose the groups that appeared evidently had no idea about music filled with rage and anger.
These weren't the peace and love groups or fans that made up the original Woodstock.

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