Neocon Republican Cindy McCain Endorsing Slow Joe to Spite Trump!

John McCain was a traitor to our country and the Republican Party, and his daughter has decided to follow in his treasonous footsteps.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him

And you expect her to vote for trump? The man who trashed her husband and still trashes him to this day?

You are surprised she won't vote for trump?

What drugs are you on?

Your post shows how your hate had blinded you. What she says still has pull in Arizona. She just put the nail in the coffin for martha mcsally.

When was the last time Arizona had TWO democratic senators in DC?

Get used to saying Senator Mark Kelley and watch the republican majority in the senate shrink even more.

Keep trashing republicans and cutting your nose of to spite your own face.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him

And you expect her to vote for trump? The man who trashed her husband and still trashes him to this day?

You are surprised she won't vote for trump?

What drugs are you on?

Your post shows how your hate had blinded you. What she says still has pull in Arizona. She just put the nail in the coffin for martha mcsally.

When was the last time Arizona had TWO democratic senators in DC?

Get used to saying Senator Mark Kelley and watch the republican majority in the senate shrink even more.

Keep trashing republicans and cutting your nose of to spite your own face.
Pipe down you Groping Joe apologist...

Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him

It is Donald Trump and Republicans who ignore the Constitution. Bonespurs Trump criticizing a real hero. She is reflecting what all female voters are experiencing. That is why they will vote for Biden and Biden has a very good chance of flipping Arizona. Voters support Obamacare more than they support Trump.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Cult45 is rattled.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him

It is Donald Trump and Republicans who ignore the Constitution. Bonespurs Trump criticizing a real hero. She is reflecting what all female voters are experiencing. That is why they will vote for Biden and Biden has a very good chance of flipping Arizona. Voters support Obamacare more than they support Trump.

Donald Trump attacked McCain only AFTER McCain attacked Trump's supporters. Donald Trump believes in loyalty, and he is loyal to his base. After McCain called Trump's voters "crazies", what should Trump have done? What he did do was rip into McCain.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Yeah, it's good publicity for Trump. Especially when numerous democrats have crossed over to the Republican side. The neocon McCain's cannot get over themselves. For the sake of Songbird's grave.
Conservatives couldn’t stand McCain. He stabbed them in the back repeatedly in life. Not sure why she would think anyone would be surprised by this? Just more of the same. Apparently she needs attention?
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Yeah, it's good publicity for Trump. Especially when numerous democrats have crossed over to the Republican side. The neocon McCain's cannot get over themselves. For the sake of Songbird's grave.
Conservatives couldn’t stand McCain. He stabbed them in the back repeatedly in life. Not sure why she would think anyone would be surprised by this? Just more of the same. Apparently she needs attention?

I read her endosement and nearly changed my mind on voting for believe that and I'm trying to sell some swamp land too
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Yeah, it's good publicity for Trump. Especially when numerous democrats have crossed over to the Republican side. The neocon McCain's cannot get over themselves. For the sake of Songbird's grave.
Conservatives couldn’t stand McCain. He stabbed them in the back repeatedly in life. Not sure why she would think anyone would be surprised by this? Just more of the same. Apparently she needs attention?

I read her endosement and nearly changed my mind on voting for believe that and I'm trying to sell some swamp land too
McCain was the worst presidential candidate the republicans have cranked out to date . And a shitty politician in general. Um...yeah...clearly the McCain’s are still full of themselves.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Yeah, it's good publicity for Trump. Especially when numerous democrats have crossed over to the Republican side. The neocon McCain's cannot get over themselves. For the sake of Songbird's grave.
Conservatives couldn’t stand McCain. He stabbed them in the back repeatedly in life. Not sure why she would think anyone would be surprised by this? Just more of the same. Apparently she needs attention?

I read her endosement and nearly changed my mind on voting for believe that and I'm trying to sell some swamp land too
McCain was the worst presidential candidate the republicans have cranked out to date . And a shitty politician in general. Um...yeah...clearly the McCain’s are still full of themselves.

Bob Dole and Mitt were pretty weak, but they were solid as a rock compared to McCain.
Meh....Cindy McCain....a RINO then a RINO now.

Sour grapes are not becoming to you Ms. MacCain.
Trump got more black votes than Romney, but sill greatly trailed Clinton.
So, she basically just said that the issues are not the important part of being the President.

It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're "good and honest." LMAO
.....and owned by the Chicoms.

On the other hand, it is a good thing the Globalist cronies step out and identify themselves.
Cindy is super, her Dad so much the hero.
Cindy was John McCain's old lady, not his daughter. His daughter is Megan, a chubby blonde still on TV.
BTW, McCain scored a LOWER percentage of the black vote than Trump. He was considered by the D's not to be a "hero" but to be Literally Hitler.
Lol, it is adorable how you try to explain things to Jake the Fake when he couldnt give a shit less what anyone tells him. He is a groveling ideological nit wit
Cindy is super, her Dad so much the hero.
Cindy was John McCain's old lady, not his daughter. His daughter is Megan, a chubby blonde still on TV.
BTW, McCain scored a LOWER percentage of the black vote than Trump. He was considered by the D's not to be a "hero" but to be Literally Hitler.
Lol, it is adorable how you try to explain things to Jake the Fake when he couldnt give a shit less what anyone tells him. He is a groveling ideological nit wit
I relish explaining the defaults of Trump to his toadies. McCain personally and professionally opposes Trump that is clear.

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