Got their panties in a wad!


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
What is it that causes some to constantly measure how much they are hated? What kind of people demand their host nation be intimately familiar with their past? We learned this week that once again, some Jews are upset by the fact that a considerable segment of the American people refuse to see the past exactly as they themselves see it.

My, my, my

But wait! There's more!

Survey results on Holocaust knowledge in America are in, and the findings are terrifying. Not only do they show a shocking level of ignorance, but they reinforce findings about all adults, as well as trends throughout western Europe. And they coincide with a disturbing rise in Neo-Nazi propaganda, antisemitic feelings, and hate crimes against Jews.

Heaven Forbid!
What is it that causes some to constantly measure how much they are hated? What kind of people demand their host nation be intimately familiar with their past? We learned this week that once again, some Jews are upset by the fact that a considerable segment of the American people refuse to see the past exactly as they themselves see it.

My, my, my

But wait! There's more!

Survey results on Holocaust knowledge in America are in, and the findings are terrifying. Not only do they show a shocking level of ignorance, but they reinforce findings about all adults, as well as trends throughout western Europe. And they coincide with a disturbing rise in Neo-Nazi propaganda, antisemitic feelings, and hate crimes against Jews.

Heaven Forbid!

And this is only the Neo-Marxist Dimms!!!
What is it that causes some to constantly measure how much they are hated? What kind of people demand their host nation be intimately familiar with their past? We learned this week that once again, some Jews are upset by the fact that a considerable segment of the American people refuse to see the past exactly as they themselves see it.

My, my, my

But wait! There's more!

Survey results on Holocaust knowledge in America are in, and the findings are terrifying. Not only do they show a shocking level of ignorance, but they reinforce findings about all adults, as well as trends throughout western Europe. And they coincide with a disturbing rise in Neo-Nazi propaganda, antisemitic feelings, and hate crimes against Jews.

Heaven Forbid!

Not sure what you're trying to say here. A lot of Americans are ignorant on what happened during the Holocaust. Someone once said that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I hope that's not the case.
Are we down to minimalizing the extermination and murder of over 6 million people? If so, I would say, we've already lost our humanity.
Remembering The Holocaust isn't just a lesson for The Jews. It's a lesson for humanity.

And ... if you forget it, then the next time it happens, it could happen to you or someone you actually care about.
I guarantee you if things go bad here, the rumblings of a despot will become part of the landscape. And despots like to blame others. We are so rich in potential with all of our groups. That is why having a major party actually fomenting violence sucks. A potential person may not come from that, but the seeds could be planted.
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Not sure what you're trying to say here. A lot of Americans are ignorant on what happened during the Holocaust. Someone once said that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I hope that's not the case.
Are we down to minimalizing the extermination and murder of over 6 million people? If so, I would say, we've already lost our humanity.
I'm "trying to say here" what I've said many times. I DON'T GET IT! And 6 million is a bogus number- It's a physical impossibility in the manner presented/described.
The second article is saying our schools are failing because of. Which is pure bullshit. Our schools ard failing because they don't teach about respect- all men are created equal and have certain UNalienable Rights- the foundation of Truth. Without it NO lives matter. That is THE reason our schools are failing.

I DON"T GET IT! What makes jews any better than Indians here? Because they're "chosen"? By whom?

Remembering The Holocaust isn't just a lesson for The Jews. It's a lesson for humanity.

And ... if you forget it, then the next time it happens, it could happen to you or someone you actually care about.
It's not about remembering History- AND it has happened elsewhere, which is "A" point, specifically here in the US with Indians, a conveniently forgotten history here.

Humanity is to make others suffer- jews have doled out their fair share of it- either ALL lives count, or none do.

A curse on non believers of the "holacaust" is subscribed to why! Answer: ANTI-SEMITE! As though they're special- they ain't. They, like others killed in being thwarted, are merely humans- although they would have us believe they're "special"- their specialty is guilt tripping others shaming them into acquiescence AND demanding adherence to their being special- they ain't. They're just humans.
Not sure what you're trying to say here. A lot of Americans are ignorant on what happened during the Holocaust. Someone once said that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I hope that's not the case.
Are we down to minimalizing the extermination and murder of over 6 million people? If so, I would say, we've already lost our humanity.
I'm "trying to say here" what I've said many times. I DON'T GET IT! And 6 million is a bogus number- It's a physical impossibility in the manner presented/described.
The second article is saying our schools are failing because of. Which is pure bullshit. Our schools ard failing because they don't teach about respect- all men are created equal and have certain UNalienable Rights- the foundation of Truth. Without it NO lives matter. That is THE reason our schools are failing.

I DON"T GET IT! What makes jews any better than Indians here? Because they're "chosen"? By whom?

Remembering The Holocaust isn't just a lesson for The Jews. It's a lesson for humanity.

And ... if you forget it, then the next time it happens, it could happen to you or someone you actually care about.
It's not about remembering History- AND it has happened elsewhere, which is "A" point, specifically here in the US with Indians, a conveniently forgotten history here.

Humanity is to make others suffer- jews have doled out their fair share of it- either ALL lives count, or none do.

A curse on non believers of the "holacaust" is subscribed to why! Answer: ANTI-SEMITE! As though they're special- they ain't. They, like others killed in being thwarted, are merely humans- although they would have us believe they're "special"- their specialty is guilt tripping others shaming them into acquiescence AND demanding adherence to their being special- they ain't. They're just humans.

Yep. That's what I thought you were trying to say. Revisionist history and victim blaming.
No one is ignoring what happened to Native Americans. The history that was glossed over is being re-written to tell the truth.
The truth of the Holocaust has already been documented and photographed.

I'll buy your "They're just humans" line when you start talking about the many atrocities that have occurred in Africa, the Kurds, the treatment of the native dwellers in Tibet, or hell, even the treatment of African Americans in this country.
Qualifying atrocities is the first step in denying they ever took place to begin with. Just ask the Native Americans about that.
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I'll buy your "They're just humans" line when you start talking about the many atrocities that have occurred in Africa, the Kurds, the treatment of the native dwellers in Tibet, or hell, even the treatment of African Americans in this country.
You can choose the line you want to start from, but, you can't choose the finish line- I prefer to talk about Indians since those atrocities happened HERE- IDGAF about jews and their whining. They (the zionist faction) are evil incarnate and they are white- none of those listed by you are- I prefer Indians HERE because this is my home. Indians are, BTW, just humans. But they don't rob through user fees (taxes) and demand adherence to their past. AND had you bothered reading the first article as well as its comments you, could have seen that there were atrocities listed there that YOU failed to mention-

I prefer Indians over jews because they don't contradict christianity (and I don't claim to be a christian) with their religion while demanding they are "the chosen" by their god which must be a different god than the christian god or the muslim god- I despise arrogance in ANY form, especially religious and political- and stupid fucking posters who won't answer questions made directly to them- like you.
I'll buy your "They're just humans" line when you start talking about the many atrocities that have occurred in Africa, the Kurds, the treatment of the native dwellers in Tibet, or hell, even the treatment of African Americans in this country.
You can choose the line you want to start from, but, you can't choose the finish line- I prefer to talk about Indians since those atrocities happened HERE- IDGAF about jews and their whining. They (the zionist faction) are evil incarnate and they are white- none of those listed by you are- I prefer Indians HERE because this is my home. Indians are, BTW, just humans. But they don't rob through user fees (taxes) and demand adherence to their past. AND had you bothered reading the first article as well as its comments you, could have seen that there were atrocities listed there that YOU failed to mention-

I prefer Indians over jews because they don't contradict christianity (and I don't claim to be a christian) with their religion while demanding they are "the chosen" by their god which must be a different god than the christian god or the muslim god- I despise arrogance in ANY form, especially religious and political- and stupid fucking posters who won't answer questions made directly to them- like you.

I don't even know how to respond to this. You're qualifying support for the atrocities people suffered based on something like their religious beliefs?? And the fact you believe they are "arrogant"?
That pretty much makes you a bigot. Beginning. Middle. End.
I don't even know how to respond to this. You're qualifying support for the atrocities people suffered based on something like their religious beliefs?? And the fact you believe they are "arrogant"?
That pretty much makes you a bigot. Beginning. Middle. End.
And you're pretty much a fucking stooge. Beginning. Middle. End.
They (the zionist faction) are evil incarnate and they are white

Not all of us ...

Not sure what you're trying to say here. A lot of Americans are ignorant on what happened during the Holocaust. Someone once said that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I hope that's not the case.
Are we down to minimalizing the extermination and murder of over 6 million people? If so, I would say, we've already lost our humanity.
I'm "trying to say here" what I've said many times. I DON'T GET IT! And 6 million is a bogus number- It's a physical impossibility in the manner presented/described.
The second article is saying our schools are failing because of. Which is pure bullshit. Our schools ard failing because they don't teach about respect- all men are created equal and have certain UNalienable Rights- the foundation of Truth. Without it NO lives matter. That is THE reason our schools are failing.

I DON"T GET IT! What makes jews any better than Indians here? Because they're "chosen"? By whom?

Remembering The Holocaust isn't just a lesson for The Jews. It's a lesson for humanity.

And ... if you forget it, then the next time it happens, it could happen to you or someone you actually care about.
It's not about remembering History- AND it has happened elsewhere, which is "A" point, specifically here in the US with Indians, a conveniently forgotten history here.

Humanity is to make others suffer- jews have doled out their fair share of it- either ALL lives count, or none do.

A curse on non believers of the "holacaust" is subscribed to why! Answer: ANTI-SEMITE! As though they're special- they ain't. They, like others killed in being thwarted, are merely humans- although they would have us believe they're "special"- their specialty is guilt tripping others shaming them into acquiescence AND demanding adherence to their being special- they ain't. They're just humans.

And where does your particular hatred for Jews come from? Because it is clear you hate them....
And where does your particular hatred for Jews come from? Because it is clear you hate them....
I don't hate- P.E.R.I.O.D.

The only "clear" thing is those projectionist trying to shame others into acquiescence.
Obviously- which makes you a defender or activist of hate speech- if you don't like it it's hate- right?

The thing about facts, evidence and truth- very few have the balls to see them, and even fewer to act on them.
When confronted they deflect with personal attacks- which renders hate speech- so, yeah, you're "sorry"- and you project you're discomfort on others because you don't have the balls to see the truth for what it is, based on irrefutable evidence and facts which contradict what you *want* to believe.

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