Nellie Ohr Transcript Released!!!.... watch the DeathRATS scatter!!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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Love it.

The FISA warrant was granted because of the fake Steel Dossier.

The whole investigation was a scam.
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And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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That's the way to do it POTUS... nice and slow... make it last until July 2020 when 40 or more DeathRAT indictments are announced....oh, I just love it when a plan comes together!
Neli Ohr's testimony puts huge nails into the coup coffin. The question is how many bodies will be stuffed into it before its over?
Let her know she could have 20 years in prison...or more if treason thrown in and she will sing making Cohen look like he took the 5th!:113:
Wow, she was paid 55 bucks an hour to try and help enact a coup. What a cheap traitor.
Last to declare?.... The Mooocher Obuma.... there will be a GROUNDSWELL of support for her ....THOUSANDS marching around her WALLED MANSION In D.C...... Remember VOTE WOOKIE!!!
We'll be seeing a lot of dominoes fall this year (in slow motion). Clunk, clunk, clunk.
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And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
Not only was the Steel Dossier not verified as accurate by those who applied for the FISA warrant, the Steel Dossier was complete bullshit.

Swearing the information is 100% accurate when it is not is a crime.

“Woods procedures” after Michael J. Woods, the FBI Special Agent attorney who developed this layer of approval, DOJ verifies the accuracy of every fact stated in the application. If anything looks unsubstantiated, the application is sent back to the FBI to provide additional evidentiary support – this game of bureaucratic chutes and ladders continues until DOJ is satisfied that the facts in the FISA application can both be corroborated and meet the legal standards for the court.
Neli Ohr's testimony puts huge nails into the coup coffin. The question is how many bodies will be stuffed into it before its over?
Let her know she could have 20 years in prison...or more if treason thrown in and she will sing making Cohen look like he took the 5th!:113:
They need to do a slow drip of this stuff all the way until summer of 2020.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.
DOJ / Ohr Went After Trump's Family...


Ivanka Trump among subjects of oppo research from DOJ official's wife for dossier firm, transcript reveals

Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, did extensive opposition research on Trump family members and campaign aides while working for the firm behind the salacious anti-Trump dossier in 2016, according to a newly released transcript of her closed-door interview with Congress.

Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ official, did extensive oppo research on Trump family, aides: transcript

Of course they did, they wasted no effort to go after Trump and anyone connected to him in order to try to help Hillary win.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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Read it you dumb fool. And weep.

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