Neither Pete nor Joe in 2020


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Wall Street Pete" and the "Senator from DuPont" aren't "moderate" politicians; they are corporate whores in the mold of Bill and Hill and Barry.

According to Norman Solomon:

Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg Are Not to Be Trusted

"In a recent New Yorker profile of Pete Buttigieg, one sentence stands out: 'Watch Buttigieg long enough and you notice that he uses abstraction as an escape hatch.'

"Evasive platitudes are also routine for Joe Biden, the other major Democratic presidential candidate running in what mainstream journalists call 'the center lane.'"

What did Jim Hightower have to say about "the center lane"?

"'there’s nothing in the middle of the road except yellow lines and dead armadillos.'"

Follow the money if you really want to know about Pete's and Joe's corporate fealty:

"'Forty billionaires and their spouses have donated to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, according to an analysis of federal election filings, making the South Bend, Indiana mayor a favorite among America’s richest people,' Forbes reported last month...."

"...Biden declared in May 2018: 'I love Bernie, but I’m not Bernie Sanders. I don’t think 500 billionaires are the reason why we’re in trouble. … The folks at the top aren’t bad guys.' (At last count, 44 billionaires and their spouses have donated to Biden’s campaign.)"

The fundamental contradiction between serving greedy corporations and serving working Americans is becoming an increasingly difficult circle to square.

Biden and Buttigieg aren't up to the task.

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