Nearly 13 years old the ACA has proven GOP dead wrong... again, again, and again.

Only in leftist Lala land can a program that cost three times its advertised price and covered twenty million less Americans than promised be considered a raging success.
A country which is supposed to be the greatest country in the world should at the minimum make sure all it's people can affordably access health care when it is needed.

If that means we can't fight useless stupid waste of resources wars in other countries, so be it. If it means we have to address graft and corruption to pay for it, all the better.
That's fine, but let's be real about it and not claim that if you don't swallow lies you hate sick people.

As I showed in post # 77 Obamacare made healthcare affordable for millions by making it unaffordable for millions of others who were able to afford it before Obamacare.

This is not a secret. The answer to where the money to insure people who had not made the effort required to be able to insure themselves is that it comes from people who do make that effort. Once again, the unproductive get a free ride courtesy of the brow sweat of the productive.
That's fine, but let's be real about it and not claim that if you don't swallow lies you hate sick people.

Did I condemn the lies?

As I showed in post # 77 Obamacare made healthcare affordable for millions by making it unaffordable for millions of others who were able to afford it before Obamacare.

This is not a secret. The answer to where the money to insure people who had not made the effort required to be able to insure themselves is that it comes from people who do make that effort. Once again, the unproductive get a free ride courtesy of the brow sweat of the productive.

You call them unproductive. I call them hard working Americans unable to afford the high cost of health care.
You can gaslight all you want, but I'm not falling for your repeating of the lies any more than I fell for them when they were first told. The Architect of Obamacare told us that its purpose was to shift the cost burden of healthcare from the sick to the healthy. Get back to me when you can answer this with facts:

Where do you think the money is coming from to insure those 20M? The Tooth Fairy?
Obamacare provides affordable insurance to those who would otherwise not have insurance - healthy or not. Are you opposed to affordable options for 20M people who don’t have any other option?

And, again, your costs have gone up but no more than they were going up before. The massive purchasing power lowered the insurance rate for those new people… it hasn’t come from any one else’s insurance.. it doesn’t work like that.
Millions didn’t, Simp.
Mine changed this year as our corporate contract was up. All companies renegotiate every 1-3 years so a huge portion will switch every year regardless. You just didn’t care before. Or you are stupid. Or both.
Obamacare provides affordable insurance to those who would otherwise not have insurance - healthy or not. Are you opposed to affordable options for 20M people who don’t have any other option?

And, again, your costs have gone up but no more than they were going up before. The massive purchasing power lowered the insurance rate for those new people… it hasn’t come from any one else’s insurance.. it doesn’t work like that.
I have no more to say to you until you answer this:

Where do you think the money is coming from to insure those 20M?
Mine changed this year as our corporate contract was up. All companies renegotiate every 1-3 years so a huge portion will switch every year regardless. You just didn’t care before. Or you are stupid. Or both.
Nope. A number of plans were eliminated by Barrycare, Simp.
Stamps used to be 5 cents and $6,000 per year salary was good. ACA insured more people and didnt affect affordability to others. I just showed you the charts.
Not ACA but the unconstitutional expansion of Medicaid on the people's dime. You folks are being disingenuous again. No surprise.
The ACA true purpose was to offer an ENTICEMENT to migrants to come to the USA as they could get free healthcare rather than go to Europe or Canada. I had the ACA and could not use it because the deductible was 8000$.
The ACA true purpose was to offer an ENTICEMENT to migrants to come to the USA as they could get free healthcare rather than go to Europe or Canada. I had the ACA and could not use it because the deductible was 8000$.
Sigh. Illegal immigrants nor DACA immigrants are able to purchase insurance from the marketplace. Try a little harder please.

LOL sure you can go to the doctor you want to. Your insurance, however, is not obligated to pay the same amount if they are out of network as opposed to in your network. And lord forbid you got thrown into medicaid instead of a free real insurance policy. Happened to a woman I know who had to travel 90 minutes each way for her cancer treatment. Fortunately she had a separate cancer disability policy that covered most of her lodging for the 6 weeks she was doing radio 5 days a week because that was simply too much driving back and forth every day for her chemo-drained arse.
if I go to a Dr who is out of nerwork I'm subject to a deductible before my plan kicks in. The solution for me? I only use Dr's IN NETWORK, & they're plenty of them. Insurers have been steering patients to Dr's who are in network for decades, before the ACA was even thought of.
You tell me.
The money to insure 20 million people who had not made the effort to get health insurance before Obama care comes from the large increases in the costs of health insurance premiums, co-pays, deductables, and other cost-sharing for people who had made the effort to get health insurance before Obamacare.

But you already knew that.
The money to insure 20 million people who had not made the effort to get health insurance before Obama care comes from the large increases in the costs of health insurance premiums, co-pays, deductables, and other cost-sharing for people who had made the effort to get health insurance before Obamacare.

But you already knew that.
That’s not true. The marketplace pooled all of these people who wanted insurance together giving them consumer power. Then it was subsidized in 3 ways to make it affordable, the smallest of which was eliminated by crooked courts.

First, on the spending side, cuts in Medicare payment rates and reductions in payments to the Medicare Advantage program trimmed spending by more than $700 billion by 2025.

Second and eventually eliminated the law raised revenue by imposing tax penalties on people who don’t have health insurance ($43 billion by 2025) and employers that don’t offer coverage to their workers ($167 billion), among other things.

High-income taxpayers also help pay for Obamacare. The health law requires workers to pay a tax equal to 0.9% of their wages over $200,000 if single or $250,000 if married filing jointly to finance Medicare’s hospital insurance. It also imposes a 3.8% surtax on various forms of investment income for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income is over $200,000 if single or $250,000 if married filing jointly. Those provisions were to account for $346 billion in revenues by 2025.
That’s not true. The marketplace pooled all of these people who wanted insurance together giving them consumer power. Then it was subsidized in 3 ways to make it affordable, the smallest of which was eliminated by crooked courts.

First, on the spending side, cuts in Medicare payment rates and reductions in payments to the Medicare Advantage program trimmed spending by more than $700 billion by 2025.

Second and eventually eliminated the law raised revenue by imposing tax penalties on people who don’t have health insurance ($43 billion by 2025) and employers that don’t offer coverage to their workers ($167 billion), among other things.

High-income taxpayers also help pay for Obamacare. The health law requires workers to pay a tax equal to 0.9% of their wages over $200,000 if single or $250,000 if married filing jointly to finance Medicare’s hospital insurance. It also imposes a 3.8% surtax on various forms of investment income for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income is over $200,000 if single or $250,000 if married filing jointly. Those provisions were to account for $346 billion in revenues by 2025.
trimmed spending by more than $700 billion by 2025.

Not sure I'm taking medical insurance advice from a moron who doesn't even know what year it is.

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