Nearly 1 in 3 Mississippians eligible for Food Assistance


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Did you hear the new Gov in Arkansas revealed her plan to better the people there? No LatinX verbiage and no CRT. Both banned by some huckleberry.

AR doesn't teach CRT and LatinX is used by only 3% of any latino populus. Priorities first. MAGA.

I long for a day when MAGA is not longer around. It is becoming more and more of a curse word each day.
No one ever asks if Mississippii will secede. They are afraid to because the US might take them up on it and kick them out before they can say 'on second thought.'

As the repubs prepare to seek cuts in assistance to the poor, they should take into consideration that Red States are the biggest users of federal assistance.
Mississippi has a whole lot of goddamn lazy ass Negroes.
The other side of balance-of-payment ratios is federal spending. Some of the most expensive federal programs are Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Each of these is “means tested,” meaning recipients must earn below a certain income threshold in order to receive federal assistance. Low-income states receive more federal money than high-income states by design because of means-tested federal poverty programs. As these programs expand and become more generous, the gap between state balance-of-payment ratios will only increase as federal taxes and spending increase to pay for means-tested poverty assistance.

Plus, federal means-tested eligibility does not control for differences in cost of living between states. Mississippi and Hawaii are the least and most expensive states to live in, respectively, while federal eligibility requirements are uniform. Many Mississippians receiving federal assistance would not be considered “poor” compared to their state’s cost of living, while many Hawaiians not receiving federal assistance may be considered “poor” because of how expensive Hawaii is compared to other states

36% black, 3 times that national average. 32% of blacks on food stamps there, 27% mixed, 10% of whites.
MAGA and Flaming Racist! Who would a guessed?

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