NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

"House Chamber had already been cleared of almost all of the lawmakers"

Which makes it a justifiable shoot.
Why would the shooting of an unarmed protester EVER be "justifiable"? What made Ashli Babbitt a threat to the Congress people who were literally being escorted out of the House Chamber as Byrd stepped out and fired that shot without warning?
No matter how many times you lie about this, your lies will never be true...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21

Ah yes...Thomas Baranyi! The man who's testimony doesn't match up with audio or video from numerous cell phones? Show me where in any of the videos Baranyi can be seen racing up to grab people and pull them back! You can't because it never happened. Show me where on any of the audio from those multiple cell phones you can hear a number of police and Secret Service people saying "Get back, Get down, Get out of the way." You can't because THAT never happened either! There is a reason that eyewitness testimony is so unreliable and Thomas Baranyi is a PERFECT example of just that! What he recalls simply didn't happen.
Testimony from multiple people who were there and confirmed that commands were given.
And yet none of those commands can be heard? Have you even looked at the video from that day, Marener? The hallway is empty before Byrd steps out to take his shot. There are no multiple law enforcement officers yelling commands! There is one person about fifteen yards down the hallway and there is Byrd who is hiding off to the left out of sight. That's it.
And yet none of those commands can be heard? Have you even looked at the video from that day, Marener? The hallway is empty before Byrd steps out to take his shot. There are no multiple law enforcement officers yelling commands! There is one person about fifteen yards down the hallway and there is Byrd who is hiding off to the left out of sight. That's it.
It was a chaotic scene as the rioters were being very belligerent and yelling.

You can’t hear the commands in a video, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t said.
It was a chaotic scene as the rioters were being very belligerent and yelling.

You can’t hear the commands in a video, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t said.
You haven't listened to the audio on those videos...have you, Marener!

Have you ever seen Police issuing commands? They don't whisper them...they SCREAM them! Look at any video of any confrontation and you'll see Police yelling commands. You don't hear Police yelling commands in the moments before Babbitt was shot because they weren't issuing them! You don't hear them in ANY of the audio from ANY of the videos for one simple reason...there weren't any commands being given in the moments before Michael Byrd decided he was going to step out and execute someone!
"House Chamber had already been cleared of almost all of the lawmakers"

Which makes it a justifiable shoot.

Hmm, according to your definition, if an antifa or blm asshole, breaks down my fence. I get to shoot them to death.

It was a chaotic scene as the rioters were being very belligerent and yelling.

You can’t hear the commands in a video, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t said.
With all due respect, Marener...the protesters that you claim were being "very belligerent" had just allowed the Police officers who had been standing in front of the doors to walk away! What was "belligerent" about that?
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

And that “new angle” shows her MAGArat buddies violently and repeatedly smashing windows and Ashes Targetpractice getting one in the neck because she was climbing through one of those smashed windows

With all due respect, Marener...the protesters that you claim were being "very belligerent" had just allowed the Police officers who had been standing in front of the doors to walk away! What was "belligerent" about that?
The officers in front of the door were being threatened with violence by the belligerent rioters.

We all know the rioters were there to go after members of congress. Not police.
Why would the shooting of an unarmed protester EVER be "justifiable"? What made Ashli Babbitt a threat to the Congress people who were literally being escorted out of the House Chamber as Byrd stepped out and fired that shot without warning?

Because it doesn't matter that she turned out to be unarmed. No one knew what was in her backpack. And what threat did she pose? The mob posed a threat to the lawmakers and staff still inside the House chamber. She was shot because she was the first one getting past the barricade.
Ah yes...Thomas Baranyi! The man who's testimony doesn't match up with audio or video from numerous cell phones? Show me where in any of the videos Baranyi can be seen racing up to grab people and pull them back! You can't because it never happened. Show me where on any of the audio from those multiple cell phones you can hear a number of police and Secret Service people saying "Get back, Get down, Get out of the way." You can't because THAT never happened either! There is a reason that eyewitness testimony is so unreliable and Thomas Baranyi is a PERFECT example of just that! What he recalls simply didn't happen.

The man who exited the Capitol and said he heard police warn them to get back. And I've already shown you things heard on one video but not another only a few feet away.
Because it doesn't matter that she turned out to be unarmed. No one knew what was in her backpack. And what threat did she pose? The mob posed a threat to the lawmakers and staff still inside the House chamber. She was shot because she was the first one getting past the barricade.
And it was well deserved
The man who exited the Capitol and said he heard police warn them to get back. And I've already shown you things heard on one video but not another only a few feet away.
And yet on NONE of those videos do you hear Michael Byrd yell a warning before he shot Ashli Babbitt! Not one! The reason for that is he never did! He stepped out of hiding and shot an unarmed woman protester without warning.
And it was well deserved
Because she broke a window? We shoot protesters for that? No pepper spray? No whacking her with a baton? Hiding out of sight to jump out and assassinate someone who probably never even saw Michael Byrd? It was the act of a coward.
And yet on NONE of those videos do you hear Michael Byrd yell a warning before he shot Ashli Babbitt! Not one! The reason for that is he never did! He stepped out of hiding and shot an unarmed woman protester without warning.

I showed you those videos don't pick up all sounds in a chaotic mob screaming.

He was there and said he heard the warnings.

Sucks to be you.
Because she broke a window? We shoot protesters for that? No pepper spray? No whacking her with a baton? Hiding out of sight to jump out and assassinate someone who probably never even saw Michael Byrd? It was the act of a coward.

She didn't break a window. Shouldn't you know what you're talking about.
I showed you those videos don't pick up all sounds in a chaotic mob screaming.

He was there and said he heard the warnings.

Sucks to be you.
So all of those videos picked up OTHER sounds but none of them picked up a single law enforcement officer yelling for Babbitt to get back? How exactly can that be?

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