NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.
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There were more than several Capitol police standing right behind her when she was shot. That idiot could have just as easily hit of of them. He's the same idiot who by the way, left his weapon on a sink in one of the Capitol bathrooms, and was reprimanded for it.
So here's an actual example of true, mortality inducing violence on that day like no other since Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, and September 11th.

This is old news, and I can't believe NBC hasn't taken it down.

But after posting it on various Jan. 6th threads and receiving no response, I figured it deserves its own safe space.

I'm sure all the Leftists here who are so concerned about justice and the truth will immediately begin to at least question the pre-conceived notions of the Pelosi/Cheney Jan. 6th kangaroo court.

After all, Democracy Dies In Darkness.

Is it suicide by cop if you stupidly assume the cop feels constitutionally obligated to let you attack them?
yeah yeah, LOL ....race card and "Russian" those two right there..... those are their favorites....so far :laugh:

Hell, I've had the whole deck thrown down on me, including the Russian card, race card, sexist card, homophobe card, bigot card, nazi card, mean-spirited card, deplorable card, incel card, klan card, and the other 42 cards in the deck.

I should get an award for being such a bad person. :04:
Why do you hate George Floyd?

Is it because he's black?

I mean....on drugs....and physically assaulted a lady....and robbed stuff?


They probably hate him because of that time he pointed the pistol at the pregnant woman's belly. Obviously he was going to perform an abortion on her but he didn't pull the trigger.

Leftists loves them some abortions.
Hell, I've had the whole deck thrown down on me, including the Russian card, race card, sexist card, homophobe card, bigot card, nazi card, mean-spirited card, deplorable card, incel card, klan card, and the other 42 cards in the deck.

I should get an award for being such a bad person. :04:

LOL they are morons....that's all they can do......blah blah blah:blahblah:you know.... :04:
They probably hate him because of that time he pointed the pistol at the pregnant woman's belly. Obviously he was going to perform an abortion on her but he didn't pull the trigger.

Leftists loves them some abortions.

Gold Jerry.


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