If Trump Paid Off Stormy, What Was the Crime?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
She was threatening to release info that, true or not, would have damaged him far more than the supposed payment.
He weighed his options & came to a rational conclusion that paying her off might be the smartest choice.

Unless he actually robbed anyone to obtain the money, where is the injury and/or public interest?

After an untold number of investigations, harassments, illegal surveillance, set ups & fake dossiers, this is the best the entire DC/NWO Deep State could find?

The UNiparty & MSM Mockingbird Pravda has given him the equivalent of a full body cavity probe going on 7+ years & the best you can do is try to indict him in a kangaroo court for possibly paying off ex-porn star turned attention whore Bimbo McFunbags to keep her mouth shut after he banged her.

That's pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for ya'll

I wonder what they might be trying to distract us from?

I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
She was threatening to release info that, true or not, would have damaged him far more than the supposed payment.
He weighed his options & came to a rational conclusion that paying her off might be the smartest choice.

Unless he actually robbed anyone to obtain the money, where is the injury and/or public interest?

Paying the money to Stormy wasn't illegal. A lot of married men do that Immoral, yes, illegal, no. But funds were taken from campaign funds to pay it which IS illegal and criminal. Address that fact and not where the money was spent. And Rump is guilty as sin. Just, the Gavel hasn't fallen yet.
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
She was threatening to release info that, true or not, would have damaged him far more than the supposed payment.
He weighed his options & came to a rational conclusion that paying her off might be the smartest choice.

Unless he actually robbed anyone to obtain the money, where is the injury and/or public interest?

After an untold number of investigations, harassments, illegal surveillance, set ups & fake dossiers, this is the best the entire DC/NWO Deep State could find?

The UNiparty & MSM Mockingbird Pravda has given him the equivalent of a full body cavity probe going on 7+ years & the best you can do is try to indict him in a kangaroo court for possibly paying off ex-porn star turned attention whore Bimbo McFunbags to keep her mouth shut after he banged her.

That's pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for ya'll

I wonder what they might be trying to distract us from?

Paying the money to Stormy wasn't illegal. A lot of married men do that Immoral, yes, illegal, no. But funds were taken from campaign funds to pay it which IS illegal and criminal. Address that fact and not where the money was spent. And Rump is guilty as sin. Just, the Gavel hasn't fallen yet.
That's rich, so why hasn't Stacy Abrams and AOC been charged with election fraud?

Stacey Abrams-linked charity may be illegally fundraising across the US

AOC's campaign and ex-chief of staff failed to disclose $1 million in expenses
I think the question is the source of the money. If he used campaign money there is a problem.

But, again, the indictments that will be coming out of Georgia will be what brings Trump down.
Nothing will be bringing him down, however, and I am very serious about this, if you fascists continue to target the lawful president, you will succeed in provoking widespread violence, and it won't be targeting people such as myself, it will be squarely directed at you fascists, both in the corrupt federal system where Biden family is revealed as utterly, ludicrously, corrupt and treasonous, and wherever you street level fascists walk, you have so poked the bear, and that bear is up and awake, along with being armed to the teeth!

I would not want to be a fascist democrat deviant if this breaks wide open, not at all, mask up killer..... :eek-52:
Nothing will be bringing him down, however, and I am very serious about this, if you fascists continue to target the lawful president, you will succeed in provoking widespread violence, and it won't be targeting people such as myself, it will be squarely directed at you fascists, both in the corrupt federal system where Biden family is revealed as utterly, ludicrously, corrupt and treasonous, and wherever you street level fascists walk, you have so poked the bear, and that bear is up and awake, along with being armed to the teeth!

I would not want to be a fascist democrat deviant if this breaks wide open, not at all, mask up killer..... :eek-52:
Because if the payments to Daniels had nothing to do with the election, then Trump would have to explain why he was willing to spend six figures to prevent his wife from hearing about an alleged sexual encounter with a porn star — a tryst that he for years has claimed never happened.

Does anybody think that Melania doesn't know that Donald was into Stormy's pants.

I think she does but she doesn't care.

But she doesn't want the publicity over it that would make her out to be a part of Donald's clusterfk group, with the ring and the title to make her his favourite meat.

Otherwise, it's all about campaign finance laws.
Nothing will be bringing him down, however, and I am very serious about this, if you fascists continue to target the lawful president, you will succeed in provoking widespread violence, and it won't be targeting people such as myself, it will be squarely directed at you fascists, both in the corrupt federal system where Biden family is revealed as utterly, ludicrously, corrupt and treasonous, and wherever you street level fascists walk, you have so poked the bear, and that bear is up and awake, along with being armed to the teeth!

I would not want to be a fascist democrat deviant if this breaks wide open, not at all, mask up killer..... :eek-52:

I doubt more than a handful of Trump fanatics will turn violent. They will be put down.

More and more people are seeing the election fraud claims as lies.
Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances, they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign.

They exceed the donation limits, a violation, and neither was included in campaign finance reports, another violation.

the limit is $2,700.

but Cohen was also convicted of tax fraud and lying to bank. Trump was the un-indicted co conspirator.
If they did it, charge them.

We need to hold these politicians accountable for their actions, something YOU are unwilling to do with trump.
So, say ya'll are right.
People donated $ to DT because they wanted him to be president & he used a tiny fraction to pay off an extortionist to keep her from damaging his chances at election.

Again, where is the actual crime here & is this everything they got after years of constant scrutiny?
What a joke
So, say ya'll are right.
People donated $ to DT because they wanted him to be president & he used a tiny fraction to pay off an extortionist to keep her from damaging his chances at election.

Again, where is the actual crime here & is this everything they got after years of constant scrutiny?
What a joke
This ^^^^^ is JUST ONE thing. But let's just stick to this one.

Doesn't matter how much, $100 or $130,000.
The amount is irrelevant.
There are RULES on Campaign Spending.
Don't Break the Rules.

Is it a crime to spend campaign funds illegally?

Okay, I'll play your silly assed game. Your question is if a group can be found criminal for accepting money. No, they can't. Not for just accepting donations. If they accept them, the IRS can bill them for taxes. Now, if they refuse to pay those taxes then it can be criminal but probably less than criminal. Now, if they use that money for personal reasons THEN they just crossed the line. Your complaint for Abrams is "Might" not "Did". Meaning it's made up.

Now, on to AOC. It was investigated by the FEC and here is the findings.
The FEC's findings come more than 30 days after the agency voted to dismiss the complaint against Ocasio-Cortez, according to the outlet.
Another made up political piece of work. This was levied by the NLPC right after an anonymous right wing donor made a sizeable donation.
So, say ya'll are right.
People donated $ to DT because they wanted him to be president & he used a tiny fraction to pay off an extortionist to keep her from damaging his chances at election.

Again, where is the actual crime here & is this everything they got after years of constant scrutiny?
What a joke

You can't use political donations for private use, period. I suggest you read up on the 501(c) IRS Tax laws.

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