Nazi Collaborator George Soros to go after Tea Party


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Progressives biggest financier, George Soros has announced that he will work against the Tea Party the same way he worked against Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust. Instead of tracking Jews for the Nazis, Soros's will track the Tea Party.

Seig Heil, Georgie

"Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals."

Globalist Soros Launches Frontal Assault Against Tea Party
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One can look at this in a number of ways, at 14 what would you have done? And maybe Gawd in all her glorious wonder and mystery decided it was better that George lived, as now he is a thorn in the side of contemporary fascists such as CrusaderFrank. Could that be it? Only Gawd knows for sure.

Soros Helped The Nazis During Holocaust | Sweetness & Light

"When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, George Soros' father was a successful [Jewish] lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews, he decided to split his family up. He bought them forged papers and he bribed a government official to take 14-year-old George Soros in and swear that he was his Christian godson. But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews."

And what would the Nazis do to the pretend godfather had they known the truth. A sensible compassionate person would not judge this very difficult question of a father's love of their child and what he would do to protect that child. Would any father condemn their child to a horrible death? Doubtful. A compassionate, thoughtful person would also wonder at the pretend godfather's courage to protect one in this horrid job, and leave judgment to Gawd. But that is a compassionate, honest, thougthful person.
Why are we surprised that Soros would go guns blazing after the Tea Party. It is a direct threat to the power structure he's building to resurrect the noble class.
So wait, Frank's source is Infowars, a 9/11 conspiracy/New World Order conspiracy theory website. :rofl:
It is breathtakingly hypocritical for the left to defend Soros. That man has been responsible for destroying the economies of whole countries - purely for profit. And yet, he is a hero to the left - and why? Because it wasn't our economy he destroyed.... We didn't suffer so who cares?

That man is an indefensible bastard - and, not for the first time - the left shows its true colors.
So wait, Frank's source is Infowars, a 9/11 conspiracy/New World Order conspiracy theory website. :rofl:

Seriously.... this story is all over the fucking net.... He linked to infowars.... He could have linked to a variety of left wing sites singing the praises of Soros and his band of thieves.

Your "bipartisanship" is touching..... but not quite grasping reality.
Seriously.... this story is all over the fucking net.... He linked to infowars.... He could have linked to a variety of left wing sites singing the praises of Soros and his band of thieves.

Your "bipartisanship" is touching..... but not quite grasping reality.


I don't see how Frank or yourself expect for anyone to take you seriously if you're linking infowars articles.
The Progressives biggest financier, George Soros has announced that he will work against the Tea Party the same way he worked against Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust. Instead of tracking Jews for the Nazis, Soros's will track the Tea Party.

Seig Heil, Georgie

I wonder if Frank will be calling the Pope a Nazi Collaborator next for being apart of the Hitler Youth. After all, Soros was thirteen years old when he joined the Jewish Council in 1944. Never mind the fact Soros's father is a Jew who had to hide the fact Soros himself was Jewish.

You're disgusting Frank and you're disgusting as well CG for supporting him in such slander.
Seriously.... this story is all over the fucking net.... He linked to infowars.... He could have linked to a variety of left wing sites singing the praises of Soros and his band of thieves.

Your "bipartisanship" is touching..... but not quite grasping reality.


I don't see how Frank or yourself expect for anyone to take you seriously if you're linking infowars articles.

Find your own fucking links, you lazy twit.

You'll see it covered by Washington Post, FNC, news one, CBS, Media Matters, Kos and a whole host of others.

And.... there's already been several threads on it on here.... mainly ranting lefties high fiving Media Matters and their merry band of whores.
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Find your own fucking links, you lazy twit.

You'll see it covered by Washington Post, FNC, news one, CBS, Media Matters, Kos and a whole host of others.

And.... there's already been several threads on it on here.... mainly ranting lefties high fiving Media Matters and their merry band of whores.

The burden of proof is on you. Though you should see the latest post I made before yours in this thread.
The Progressives biggest financier, George Soros has announced that he will work against the Tea Party the same way he worked against Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust. Instead of tracking Jews for the Nazis, Soros's will track the Tea Party.

Seig Heil, Georgie

I wonder if Frank will be calling the Pope a Nazi Collaborator next for being apart of the Hitler Youth. After all, Soros was thirteen years old when he joined the Jewish Council in 1944. Never mind the fact Soros's father is a Jew who had to hide the fact Soros himself was Jewish.

You're disgusting Frank and you're disgusting as well CG for supporting him in such slander.

That man has destroyed the economies of whole fucking countries for profit. And you call me and Frank disgusting? Fuck off moron.
That man has destroyed the economies of whole fucking countries for profit. And you call me and Frank disgusting? Fuck off moron.

So to justify your own disgusting behavior, you point out the behavior of others. Nice way to show responsibility there CG. :thup:
So wait, Frank's source is Infowars, a 9/11 conspiracy/New World Order conspiracy theory website. :rofl:

I agree with you about Infowars, but how would you account for a Soros? Truth is, he hates Jews, that has been obvious. Also true that he seems more than a tad without ethics in general. See 1990's.
That man has destroyed the economies of whole fucking countries for profit. And you call me and Frank disgusting? Fuck off moron.

So to justify your own disgusting behavior, you point out the behavior of others. Nice way to show responsibility there CG. :thup:

Oh, fuck off, you stupid little airhead. Soros is scum. But... hey... he didn't do it to our country.... no Americans were hurt in the building of the Soros empire so that's ok, right? Drooler. I could not care less what anyone accuses him of. The man is a bastard. He wants his own fucking country.... and he's buying ours.... and fucking assholes like you don't give a shit.
I agree with you about Infowars, but how would you account for a Soros? Truth is, he hates Jews, that has been obvious. Also true that he seems more than a tad without ethics in general. See 1990's.

1.) He's not a Nazi Collaborator.

2.) I find it impossible to take any article seriously on a website that has put forth that the U.S Government is behind the attacks of 9/11 and that there is a New World Order, secret kind of group that you'd find in a Dan Brown novel.
Oh, fuck off, you stupid little airhead. Soros is scum. But... hey... he didn't do it to our country.... no Americans were hurt in the building of the Soros empire so that's ok, right? Drooler. I could not care less what anyone accuses him of. The man is a bastard. He wants his own fucking country.... and he's buying ours.... and fucking assholes like you don't give a shit.

You seem to not get the fact I simply found a article from a 9/11 truther and NWO theory proponent to be a crap source. I didn't comment on what Soros is doing here at all. I also find it wrong to be calling him a Nazi Collaborator when he was 13 in 1944 when he joined the Jewish Council to avoid his own Jewish heritage from being found out.

I understand that you hate Soros so much that you don't care what others accuse him of, whether it be truthful or not. However, for the sake of the truth, I like to keep facts and myths separate.
Oh, fuck off, you stupid little airhead. Soros is scum. But... hey... he didn't do it to our country.... no Americans were hurt in the building of the Soros empire so that's ok, right? Drooler. I could not care less what anyone accuses him of. The man is a bastard. He wants his own fucking country.... and he's buying ours.... and fucking assholes like you don't give a shit.

You seem to not get the fact I simply found a article from a 9/11 truther and NWO theory proponent to be a crap source. I didn't comment on what Soros is doing here at all. I also find it wrong to be calling him a Nazi Collaborator when he was 13 in 1944 when he joined the Jewish Council to avoid his own Jewish heritage from being found out.

I understand that you hate Soros so much that you don't care what others accuse him of, whether it be truthful or not. However, for the sake of the truth, I like to keep facts and myths separate.

I could not give a rats ass what he did or did not do as a child. If Frank does that is Franks business.... But Soros is an evil man who cost thousands and ordinary people their livelihoods, homes, pensions and more across Britain. I appreciate that, being a first world country, the British deserve no sympathy but, personally, I find it really interesting that the left have no problem whatsoever with Soros.... and yet will go after someone like Beck with the enthusiasm of a pack of rabid dogs. And I wonder.... who is it that is pulling the strings behind the left? And what is in it for them?
I agree with you about Infowars, but how would you account for a Soros? Truth is, he hates Jews, that has been obvious. Also true that he seems more than a tad without ethics in general. See 1990's.

1.) He's not a Nazi Collaborator.

2.) I find it impossible to take any article seriously on a website that has put forth that the U.S Government is behind the attacks of 9/11 and that there is a New World Order, secret kind of group that you'd find in a Dan Brown novel.

Wow, expected better. I already agreed with #2, then you use the same to try and dismiss.

You are Soros JR. congrats.
Oh, fuck off, you stupid little airhead. Soros is scum. But... hey... he didn't do it to our country.... no Americans were hurt in the building of the Soros empire so that's ok, right? Drooler. I could not care less what anyone accuses him of. The man is a bastard. He wants his own fucking country.... and he's buying ours.... and fucking assholes like you don't give a shit.

You seem to not get the fact I simply found a article from a 9/11 truther and NWO theory proponent to be a crap source. I didn't comment on what Soros is doing here at all. I also find it wrong to be calling him a Nazi Collaborator when he was 13 in 1944 when he joined the Jewish Council to avoid his own Jewish heritage from being found out.

I understand that you hate Soros so much that you don't care what others accuse him of, whether it be truthful or not. However, for the sake of the truth, I like to keep facts and myths separate.

The left lost the moral highground to rant about false accusations years ago Mod. Screw 'em.
Wow, expected better. I already agreed with #2, then you use the same to try and dismiss.

You are Soros JR. congrats.

So you think he is a Nazi Collaborator? Also, once again, take note that I didn't comment on what he has done yet so I'm not sure why you're flipping out. If people want to have a serious discussion about this, then they should not act like immature children flinging mud.

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