Zone1 natural sex?

Mormons have magic underwear? I don’t travel in the “I hate people who follow a religion” circles, so I’m clueless.

is that like a magic carpet? Can I sit on a pair and it will take me somewhere?
Mormons do not regard garments as “magical,” or as having special power in and of themselves. The garment serves rather as a symbol of their beliefs and promises; the garment is an outward manifestation of an inner desire to follow the Savior Jesus Christ.

Do Mormons wear "magic underwear"? - FAIR
God struck Onan dead for withdrawal. Spilling his seed on the ground. I assume no man on this forum has done that because you are still alive. So sex is only to get a girl pregnant? Maybe back then but what about now with the population today?
If homosexuality is unnatural then what about straight couples who do oral sex? how many straight girls have done anal. is that unnatural? What is your idea of natural sex?
As long as she should be good.
God struck Onan dead for withdrawal. Spilling his seed on the ground. I assume no man on this forum has done that because you are still alive. So sex is only to get a girl pregnant? Maybe back then but what about now with the population today?
If homosexuality is unnatural then what about straight couples who do oral sex? how many straight girls have done anal. is that unnatural? What is your idea of natural sex?

Onan was specifically commanded to have sex with his dead brother's widow, to create an heir for his dead brother. His offense wasn't, as it is often as it's been made out to be, enjoying sexual pleasure without procreation; it was specifically his disobedience to the command to create an heir for his brother.

It's a principle that was refined and developed further among the Israelites as the Old Testament progresses, in which the brother of a dead man is obligated to marry the widow, with the firstborn son of that union being designated as an heir to the deceased brother. Levirate marriage, it's called.
God struck Onan dead for withdrawal. Spilling his seed on the ground. I assume no man on this forum has done that because you are still alive. So sex is only to get a girl pregnant? Maybe back then but what about now with the population today?
If homosexuality is unnatural then what about straight couples who do oral sex? how many straight girls have done anal. is that unnatural? What is your idea of natural sex?

the desert religions are based on accounts written by liars, murderers and crucifiers - their intent is self preservation and done so by the persecution and victimization of the innocent.

sex is no different than how they use other similar necessities for their own pleasure not to be shared by others as through their claim of a heavenly mandate so directs and enables them in their persuasion.

- as the false 10 commandments they insist for others to obey as they wittingly interpret them by their own inscrutable standards. from heavenly tablets that never existed.
Onan was specifically commanded to have sex with his dead brother's widow, to create an heir for his dead brother. His offense wasn't, as it is often as it's been made out to be, enjoying sexual pleasure without procreation; it was specifically his disobedience to the command to create an heir for his brother.

It's a principle that was refined and developed further among the Israelites as the Old Testament progresses, in which the brother of a dead man is obligated to marry the widow, with the firstborn son of that union being designated as an heir to the deceased brother. Levirate marriage, it's called.
It's a principle that was refined and developed further among the Israelites as the Old Testament progresses, in which the brother of a dead man is obligated to marry the widow, with the firstborn son of that union being designated as an heir to the deceased brother. Levirate marriage, it's called.

they, the desert religions, persist in absolute corruption.
God struck Onan dead for withdrawal. Spilling his seed on the ground. I assume no man on this forum has done that because you are still alive. So sex is only to get a girl pregnant? Maybe back then but what about now with the population today?
If homosexuality is unnatural then what about straight couples who do oral sex? how many straight girls have done anal. is that unnatural? What is your idea of natural sex?
The Sin was not spilling his seed on the ground.......but refusing to impregnate his sexual partner as commanded.
So sex is only for procreation?
When I first learned about the existence of sex, I thought it was such a gross thing that I assumed my parents did it only three times - when they wanted kids.
So sex is only for procreation?

Are you going to tell God what He can and cannot do when someone directly disobeys? In those times it was a tooth for a tooth.......stonning those who committed certain sexual sins....etc.,

Of course is reserved for marriage under the terms outlined in the N.T., sometimes sex is a release of one's lust to stop he/she from sinninig in immorality. One must remember you are quoting from an antiquated law reserved expressly for those under another covenant. God no longer speaks directly to man, nor does the law from which you quoted still exist.

Why design something in the human body and then say........don't use it or I will kill you? :abgg2q.jpg: was not the crime of spilling his was the disobedience, as explained when you read from the entire text and subjective content.

God designed sex for both reproduction and relase of lust....i.e, sexual release. God specifically designed the union of marriage to be the primary method for the release of sexual desire that is designed into both men and women, "Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife......." -- 1 Cor. 7:2

Sex outside marriage is sinful under the N.T. of Christ Jesus (Hebrews 13:4)....its considered fornication.

A wife is to submit to the husand in sexual relations and the husband to the wife. (1 Cor. 7:3-4).

God no longer speaks to anyone by the prophets or personally, He...... in these last days speaks through the words of His Son Christ Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-2) The old laws were nailed to the cross of the Christ (Col. 2:14)

Even the prophets of old declared there would come a time when the Law of Moses would be replaced by a New Law written on the hearts of those who believed (Jer. 31:31-34)
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God was not married to Mary when he impregnated her...Nor was the baby's daddy ever around.
An ( God ) was actually married and had a Wife when he created Adam and Lilith, but over time humanity had to rid God wife because then Women would think they are also divine.

I don't know the story but as long as sex is inside a marriage then it is blessed by God. Now what actually constitutes as a marriage whether it's the actual ceremony or just commitment has caused quite a bit of controversy with me as I believe that it's the latter with eventual marriage. Especially if you plan on having children.
You have to be married or you are living in sun according to Christianity.
If oral and anal sex is unnatural then is it wrong for straight couples to do it?

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