Nation’s ICE Officers Detail How Marco Rubio Betrayed Them


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
On Eve of South Carolina Vote, Nation’s ICE Officers Detail How Marco Rubio Betrayed Them

ICE Council President, Crane represents the nation’s approximately 5,800 frontline ICE officers, agents and personnel who are responsible for enforcing America’s immigration laws in all 50 states and U.S. territories. For the first time ever, Crane details his behind-the-scenes interactions with Florida as Crane sought to protect the nation’s ICE officers and national security.

In his responses, Crane addresses an incident—first detailed by Breitbart News— in which Marco Rubio stood idly by as Crane was ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference for trying to ask a question on behalf of law enforcement.

Crane, an active duty ICE officer, has served as an officer for approximately 13 years and has been elected by his peers as the president of their union, as thus their voice on the national stage. Prior to joining ICE, Crane was a United States Marine.

What follows below are the complete, unedited responses of National ICE Council President Chris Crane.

BREITBART NEWS: It is well known that the Gang of Eight reached out to big business groups and amnesty groups in the process of writing the bill. When Sen. Rubio started writing his bill, did he reach out to you and other ICE officers for your ideas and input?

CRANE: Sen. Rubio never reached out to us. He surrounded himself with big business and amnesty groups, most of which were more interested in cheap labor and their own political agendas, and had no real concern for the welfare of immigrants, public safety, or the security of our nation. This while he ignored boots on the ground law enforcement officers who work within our broken immigration system every day and know better than any what’s needed to fix it. Common sense dictates that law enforcement be at the table when creating a bill like this. I think Sen. Rubio knew that, but actively chose to exclude us because of his own personal agenda.

BBN: Did Sen. Rubio meet with you voluntarily or did he have to be pressured into doing so at the last minute? Do you remember how you were ultimately able to secure the meeting? Did it take a long time?

CHRIS CRANE: It was definitely last minute as we met in the evening and they introduced the bill a few hours later that same night. It doesn’t get much more last minute than that. Was he pressured? I definitely think so. Not just by the public, but by some in the media as well. I think appearances on the Greta Van Susteren and Gov. Mike Huckabee shows are what tipped the balance and got us in.

BBN: What happened in the meeting? Did Sen. Rubio make any promises to you? Did he keep them?

CRANE: To start, even though I had requested to bring someone with me, Sen. Rubio denied the request and demanded that I come alone, which I still believe was highly peculiar and inappropriate.

He, of course, had what appeared to be his entire staff in his office with me. Most of his staff stood behind me as there was no place for them to sit. I raised a series of strong concerns with the bill, and as I raised each issue, Sen. Rubio would look to his staff and ask if that was what the bill said. Each time his staff agreed with my interpretation, and Sen. Rubio would shake his head in disbelief and indicate the bill had to be changed.

When I walked out of his office that night I definitely thought the bill would undergo significant changes, but of course absolutely no changes were made.

BBN: Almost immediately after you met with Sen. Rubio, he introduced bill. Did it include any of the changes you asked for?

CRANE: Not one of the changes we suggested was made to the bill before Sen. Rubio introduced it.

All of his strong statements during our meeting about making the changes we suggested were apparently all just a dodge to get rid of me. It quickly became obvious why he didn’t permit me to take anyone with me to the meeting— he didn’t want any witnesses.

BBN: What happened during the press conference when you tried to ask Sen. Rubio and Chuck Schumer to take a question?

CRANE: I was polite, professional and respectful at all times. I didn’t interrupt anyone or cause a scene. The press was there, but Sen. Rubio and the rest of the Gang of Eight had also filled the large room with amnesty supporters and open borders people to cheer and applaud the Gang of Eight every time they said something.
When the floor was opened to reporters to ask questions, I too politely raised my hand and asked, “Will you take a question from law enforcement?”

The amnesty folks immediately started making hateful comments like: you’re not welcome here, you need to leave, you have no right to speak here. A commotion took place on the stage with the Gang of Eight Senators. Sen. Rubio did look directly at me, and it appeared that he told Sen. Flake who I was.

More at:
On Eve of South Carolina Vote, Nation's ICE Officers Detail How Marco Rubio Betrayed Them - Breitbart
On Eve of South Carolina Vote, Nation’s ICE Officers Detail How Marco Rubio Betrayed Them

ICE Council President, Crane represents the nation’s approximately 5,800 frontline ICE officers, agents and personnel who are responsible for enforcing America’s immigration laws in all 50 states and U.S. territories. For the first time ever, Crane details his behind-the-scenes interactions with Florida as Crane sought to protect the nation’s ICE officers and national security.

In his responses, Crane addresses an incident—first detailed by Breitbart News— in which Marco Rubio stood idly by as Crane was ejected from a Gang of Eight press conference for trying to ask a question on behalf of law enforcement.

Crane, an active duty ICE officer, has served as an officer for approximately 13 years and has been elected by his peers as the president of their union, as thus their voice on the national stage. Prior to joining ICE, Crane was a United States Marine.

What follows below are the complete, unedited responses of National ICE Council President Chris Crane.

BREITBART NEWS: It is well known that the Gang of Eight reached out to big business groups and amnesty groups in the process of writing the bill. When Sen. Rubio started writing his bill, did he reach out to you and other ICE officers for your ideas and input?

CRANE: Sen. Rubio never reached out to us. He surrounded himself with big business and amnesty groups, most of which were more interested in cheap labor and their own political agendas, and had no real concern for the welfare of immigrants, public safety, or the security of our nation. This while he ignored boots on the ground law enforcement officers who work within our broken immigration system every day and know better than any what’s needed to fix it. Common sense dictates that law enforcement be at the table when creating a bill like this. I think Sen. Rubio knew that, but actively chose to exclude us because of his own personal agenda.

BBN: Did Sen. Rubio meet with you voluntarily or did he have to be pressured into doing so at the last minute? Do you remember how you were ultimately able to secure the meeting? Did it take a long time?

CHRIS CRANE: It was definitely last minute as we met in the evening and they introduced the bill a few hours later that same night. It doesn’t get much more last minute than that. Was he pressured? I definitely think so. Not just by the public, but by some in the media as well. I think appearances on the Greta Van Susteren and Gov. Mike Huckabee shows are what tipped the balance and got us in.

BBN: What happened in the meeting? Did Sen. Rubio make any promises to you? Did he keep them?

CRANE: To start, even though I had requested to bring someone with me, Sen. Rubio denied the request and demanded that I come alone, which I still believe was highly peculiar and inappropriate.

He, of course, had what appeared to be his entire staff in his office with me. Most of his staff stood behind me as there was no place for them to sit. I raised a series of strong concerns with the bill, and as I raised each issue, Sen. Rubio would look to his staff and ask if that was what the bill said. Each time his staff agreed with my interpretation, and Sen. Rubio would shake his head in disbelief and indicate the bill had to be changed.

When I walked out of his office that night I definitely thought the bill would undergo significant changes, but of course absolutely no changes were made.

BBN: Almost immediately after you met with Sen. Rubio, he introduced bill. Did it include any of the changes you asked for?

CRANE: Not one of the changes we suggested was made to the bill before Sen. Rubio introduced it.

All of his strong statements during our meeting about making the changes we suggested were apparently all just a dodge to get rid of me. It quickly became obvious why he didn’t permit me to take anyone with me to the meeting— he didn’t want any witnesses.

BBN: What happened during the press conference when you tried to ask Sen. Rubio and Chuck Schumer to take a question?

CRANE: I was polite, professional and respectful at all times. I didn’t interrupt anyone or cause a scene. The press was there, but Sen. Rubio and the rest of the Gang of Eight had also filled the large room with amnesty supporters and open borders people to cheer and applaud the Gang of Eight every time they said something.
When the floor was opened to reporters to ask questions, I too politely raised my hand and asked, “Will you take a question from law enforcement?”

The amnesty folks immediately started making hateful comments like: you’re not welcome here, you need to leave, you have no right to speak here. A commotion took place on the stage with the Gang of Eight Senators. Sen. Rubio did look directly at me, and it appeared that he told Sen. Flake who I was.

More at:
On Eve of South Carolina Vote, Nation's ICE Officers Detail How Marco Rubio Betrayed Them - Breitbart

Whenever I've commented on Rubio in these forums I've included my opinion
that he is the biggest phony and the most dedicated panderer to special interests amongst the candidates, repub or dem. Considering the field that's saying something. I know it's been over-exaggerated a few times but his robotic responses in that debate for me best exemplify his lack of principles, they perfectly demonstrate his lack of conviction to any ideals. They reveal him as the empty suit he is, ready to be filled by his handlers with summaries of focus group
responses to positions, only constrained by the shopping lists of his billionaire financiers who are salivating over the idea of this power hungry malleable punk in the White House doling out the tax breaks, dismantling any regulations left that hinder their brand of carnivorous capitalism, re-invigoration of the military industrial spend-a-thon, The first day in office the sign will be on the WH door
"Candy store is now Open". To the rich and powerful only of course. If those folks want even more access to cheap immigrant labor they'll get it. If they want even more freedom to ship American jobs over seas to cheaper labor markets they'll get it. What should scare Americans the most though is the scenario of Rubio with a compliant Republican congress convincing enough fellow empty suits that privatising Social Security is a wonderful idea., What it really is is a scheme to transfer even more trillions of American dollars into the coffers of Wall Street, enriching the already richest of criminal cartels to new unheard of levels of obscene wealth.
I can imagine them giddy with anticipation at the opportunity to speculate with this windfall of newly injected cash in all sorts of imaginatively contrived financial instruments. Of course, following form, they will be oblivious to the danger of gambling 10's of millions of Americans into poverty.
I'm not at all ignorant of what Rubio has done with immigration. I'd be much more inclined to stand for him in the primary if he had stood strong on the issue. But we need to be focused on taking out Trump. If Rubio wins, we can still push forward constitutional conservatism though not with the ease we could with Cruz. With Trump, the constitution is dead for a generation.

We need to unite people and not be like Obama and Trump
I'm sorry, I read the whole article and this is a hit,piece made obvious by the blatantly leading questions. Would not be surprised if this was another Cruz dirty tricks incident.
Leading questions?

Are you out of your mind?
But we need to be focused on taking out Trump.
Yeah, good luck with that.


Anyone paying attention needs to be focused on this. Why should we elect someone as corrupt as bill Clinton?

I dont think it has been established that Trump is corrupt. He is certainly not nearly as corrupt as Rubio, for example..

Well, it has been obvious since this campaign started that if illegal immigration is a big issue for you, Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich were not your guys. Unless Trump or Cruz drop or are knocked out soon, the odds grow we are going to get 1 of those 3 as all establishment votes get behind 1 of them as the other 2 drop.

All GOPers in support of Trump/Cruz are soon going to have to face that reality, because it surely is coming. Both of them also will face it, because the numbers are just not there to defeat the establishment as long as both of them are getting the support they are.

I don't know what to say, besides as far as turning this country around, these are the 2 best candidates for totally different reasons of course. And yet, they may be the reason individually we end up with another squish.

I have no answers for the supporters of these 2 people, besides that maybe, the Illinois courts will solve our choice for us, (probably in error........a crooked liberal state is going to choose our candidate for us, yuck!) and we will push Trump together over the top. Short of that, I am not confident that the "squish" will not come out on top, as these 2 stellar candidates cut each others throats, as the "squish" and his political operatives, sit on the sidelines cheering them both on.
Rubio sat there as law enforcement, border enforcement was ejected from the room? As the pro-open border crown cheered with glee? So either Rubio is weak and unprincipled, or he favors amnesty
ICE Union Boss Urges GOP: Don't Ignore Immigration Officers, by Andrew Stiles, National Review......................................

IMAGINE 2050 | Chris Crane Represents Organized Bigotry, Not ICE Employees................

ANGRY MARCO RUBIO UNLOADS On and ICE Union President "Conspiracy Theories!" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I don't put a lot of stock in these websites either but the point is that this crane guy is a bomb thrower and a loose cannon. I say again this is a hit piece. It intimidates that Rubio is,the leader of,the group and makes all the decisions and also credits Rubio with actions done by Shumer. Crane is a pawn of some other presidential campaign.

But on a more pertinent point I just don't understand the bigger point of dissing Marco Rubio. I live in Florida not Vancouver Canada. Rubio is my senator. He was the darling of the,tea,party. He was the youngest speaker of the house in Florida history. He is no empty suit. He has had the best cumulative debate performance of all the candidates. He has the best chance of beating Hilary Clinton. He is supported by trey gowdy who I would vote for anything in a heartbeat. He is young with a compelling story. He is Cuban and speaks fluent Spanish.

I am not in the tank for any candidate and Rubio has negatives. He is young and inexperienced in the mold of an Obama. He does have the gang of eight millstone around his neck. He does not have many accomplishments as senator. More than anything I think he is naive about the people he is dealing with, and that is what I think happened in the immigration thing. He wanted to try and get something done and he was flat out played by Shumer and company. I wish he would just come out and say that and move on.

But people like searcher need to point to more evidence about how Rubio is a,pawn,of special interests. Let's,see,some facts not just rhetoric. Saying,it,does not make it true. And just how different is anyone else's plan going to be? Especially on immigration. Once the border is secure or the wall is built the outcomes are going to be pretty much the same. Rubio is very strong on foreign affairs and he is very pro American and unabashedly pro life.

Like many of the others have said, the most important thing we have to do is get a republican elected to the,presidency. Any of our candidates would be far better,than any democrat. I will be voting in my primary for the one I think has the best,chance to win the general. Some of you all have to disengage from,the circular firing squad and concentrate on the big picture.
ICE Union Boss Urges GOP: Don't Ignore Immigration Officers, by Andrew Stiles, National Review......................................

IMAGINE 2050 | Chris Crane Represents Organized Bigotry, Not ICE Employees................

ANGRY MARCO RUBIO UNLOADS On and ICE Union President "Conspiracy Theories!" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

I don't put a lot of stock in these websites either but the point is that this crane guy is a bomb thrower and a loose cannon. I say again this is a hit piece. It intimidates that Rubio is,the leader of,the group and makes all the decisions and also credits Rubio with actions done by Shumer. Crane is a pawn of some other presidential campaign.

But on a more pertinent point I just don't understand the bigger point of dissing Marco Rubio. I live in Florida not Vancouver Canada. Rubio is my senator. He was the darling of the,tea,party. He was the youngest speaker of the house in Florida history. He is no empty suit. He has had the best cumulative debate performance of all the candidates. He has the best chance of beating Hilary Clinton. He is supported by trey gowdy who I would vote for anything in a heartbeat. He is young with a compelling story. He is Cuban and speaks fluent Spanish.

I am not in the tank for any candidate and Rubio has negatives. He is young and inexperienced in the mold of an Obama. He does have the gang of eight millstone around his neck. He does not have many accomplishments as senator. More than anything I think he is naive about the people he is dealing with, and that is what I think happened in the immigration thing. He wanted to try and get something done and he was flat out played by Shumer and company. I wish he would just come out and say that and move on.

But people like searcher need to point to more evidence about how Rubio is a,pawn,of special interests. Let's,see,some facts not just rhetoric. Saying,it,does not make it true. And just how different is anyone else's plan going to be? Especially on immigration. Once the border is secure or the wall is built the outcomes are going to be pretty much the same. Rubio is very strong on foreign affairs and he is very pro American and unabashedly pro life.

Like many of the others have said, the most important thing we have to do is get a republican elected to the,presidency. Any of our candidates would be far better,than any democrat. I will be voting in my primary for the one I think has the best,chance to win the general. Some of you all have to disengage from,the circular firing squad and concentrate on the big picture.

Rubio was a willing pawn, a leader of the group. He sold out to the leftist. And He continues to lie about this role. Thank guys like Cruz who helped to stop it. Yes of course we'd rather have him then either of the socialist Dems

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