Nashville shooter identified .

IF this was a female presenting as a male, why was it reported it was a female. THAT is dead naming and the NPD needs to be censored, doxed and fired for that. ( :stir:)

the name on the social media account mentions almost looks like Aiden is the original name and Aubrey is the mtf trans name, THAT would make more sense...because males are more inclined to this type of thing than females.

I'm still waiting for the media or someone to report the truth.. Still...looks like a number of us were on the right track.
Very important always to "dead name," IMO. If you don't call it what it actually is, by sex and by name, you are letting them win.

They don't win by their merits --------- they are winning, yes, but it's because WE ARE GIVING UP AND GIVING IN.
Very important always to "dead name," IMO. If you don't call it what it actually is, by sex and by name, you are letting them win.

They don't win by their merits --------- they are winning, yes, but it's because WE ARE GIVING UP AND GIVING IN.
can't do that. Punch the left in the face with Truth at every opportunity. If they hear sanity enough they're gonna have to grudgingly accept it at some point.
It’s proof of the danger of this mental and emotional danger of the trans bullshit.
Probably 6/7 such school shootings in history and now a emotional and mental defective so about 15%,of the shootings yet <1# of the population
Disorders generally come with other disorders. Patting these delusional people on the head and telling the “meanies” to accept them is very bad public policy, it makes the head cases feel empowered.
Famous transgender mass-murderer…

Sure it is. People cut off a chunk of their nose quite often. But then again I've asked many times with no one answering. How is any of it any of your business?

People with nose jobs don’t ask for special treatment
I'm arguing to end the hate. I'm arguing to end the ostracization.

I don't need a study for that.

Nobody 'hates' them, that's just a bullshit pejorative that the left has grasped onto to sling mud at their opponents. Being critical of something or questioning its value on society is not 'hate', no matter how many times you repeat it.

As a matter of fact, I could say that it's 'hate' by playing along with their mental illness and trying to affirm it rather than encouraging that they seek treatment for it. White washing everything with 'inclusivity' is not helping them, it's hurting them. They're simply being used as a weapon, there is no true care or concern for their mental health at all.

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