Nashville Bombing... CCP responsible... Reset.. Global Domination 2020

Charles Guzinya

Gold Member
Dec 24, 2020
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Mind your business, Loon

Oh, and take your meds.
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Mind your business, Loon

Oh, and take your meds.
You could have just said you needed some too.
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Nah...not gonna happen.
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Please "shoot holes" in my theory.

Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Please "shoot holes" in my theory.


That's not a theory! That's a mash-up~

Have you tried reading your post forensically? Might give ya some insight. could almost be poetry...a right wing freeform verse...a stream of conscience babbling in tongues!
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Nah...not gonna happen.
Forget Q. Think Boogaloo Boys. Fits pattern. RW anarchist group, hates cops or any authority figures. Police drawn into area by shots fired. Cop investigating on foot walked up on RV, with it playing tape or transmitted voice that there was going to be explosion in area in 15 minutes. Bomb squad called, fire department alerted. At that time of morning on 2nd Ave, Nashville, nobody there, almost nothing opened. No critical infrastructure at site. Job meant not to hurt civilians, knowing few would be in the area at that time of Christmas morning. I think the cops and first responders were only possible target. Undoubtedly domestic and probably not left wing, as those nut ball A-holes would have made it high noon on a Wednesday, 2 block over on Broad for maximum shock effect. Remember LA county sheriff deputy, nobody killed by the Boogs except the deputy. Same with the Federal security guards same night or night after at Federal Building in LA, only Fed Security guard shot and killed and I think another there shot and wounded. Boogs charged in both cases.
Like I said in another thread, I'm not sure that it was a terrorist attack. Why? Because the bomb went off when there were very few people in the streets, and a loudspeaker on the RV announced that a bomb was about to go off and that people should evacuate.

Then, there is the fact that it went off at a communications hub for the city, knocking out communications of all sorts in a lot of areas, and the airport was shut down for several hours because of that.

Me? If I'm gonna go conspiracy theory, I'd be willing to say that it was a smokescreen and a means to knock out communications while another crime was being committed. Police should be looking into other crimes that happened around that time, and if they required communications to be knocked out, that would be your most likely suspects.
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Lot to unpack there, but excellent post!
Like I said in another thread, I'm not sure that it was a terrorist attack. Why? Because the bomb went off when there were very few people in the streets, and a loudspeaker on the RV announced that a bomb was about to go off and that people should evacuate.

Then, there is the fact that it went off at a communications hub for the city, knocking out communications of all sorts in a lot of areas, and the airport was shut down for several hours because of that.

Me? If I'm gonna go conspiracy theory, I'd be willing to say that it was a smokescreen and a means to knock out communications while another crime was being committed. Police should be looking into other crimes that happened around that time, and if they required communications to be knocked out, that would be your most likely suspects.

Good analysis.

I think it was someone with an axe to grind against whatever was damaged...the explosion to cover up another crime may be appropriate. Especially given it's Christmas Day and businesses are closed. Some may not open until Monday. Thats when the jewelery store comes in and finds it's been cleaned out....and the alarm didn't go off to alert anyone because of the blast.

But I think it will end up being someone who had a personal beef with whatever was damaged myself.

Your theory is more interesting.

Happy Holidays.
Like I said in another thread, I'm not sure that it was a terrorist attack. Why? Because the bomb went off when there were very few people in the streets, and a loudspeaker on the RV announced that a bomb was about to go off and that people should evacuate.

Then, there is the fact that it went off at a communications hub for the city, knocking out communications of all sorts in a lot of areas, and the airport was shut down for several hours because of that.

Me? If I'm gonna go conspiracy theory, I'd be willing to say that it was a smokescreen and a means to knock out communications while another crime was being committed. Police should be looking into other crimes that happened around that time, and if they required communications to be knocked out, that would be your most likely suspects.

Good analysis.

I think it was someone with an axe to grind against whatever was damaged...the explosion to cover up another crime may be appropriate. Especially given it's Christmas Day and businesses are closed. Some may not open until Monday. Thats when the jewelery store comes in and finds it's been cleaned out....and the alarm didn't go off to alert anyone because of the blast.

But I think it will end up being someone who had a personal beef with whatever was damaged myself.

Your theory is more interesting.

Happy Holidays.
This folks is why I only do one show a day....
Merry Christmas
Q has been telling us this is coming. First they are going after telecommunications. China said China#1 2035 then 2020 and China last week said China#1 2020.
Prepare for the GREAT RESET... it is here. You all had better pray to God that Trump stays President. He won't put up with this. Biden is in bed with China.
Either way it is going to happen. With Joe, it will happen all over the USA, and the news will not report it. If it happens with Trump in office, Trump will step up and put China in its place..
You Democrats better wise up, and quick. You picked the wrong Horse. Biden is here to sell out America.

Let me give you all a little info... There is no "Russian Collusion".. Trump is soft on China because Putin was offered in on the deal to destroy the USA. CCP and Iran (backed by China $$), Venezuela (backed by China $$ and see how the embargo oil just started flowing again) and a host of other countries are going to try to destroy the USA.

China offered Putin "in on the deal" but Putin didn't bite. The rules were not in Russia's favor. So what did Putin do? He took back the Crimea. He could have had all of Ukraine, bet he didn't want anything to escalate and a "full blown out war". Remember, Crimea was once part of Russia. Who shot down the airliner over the Ukraine..

You have to step back and remember what the USA promised the USSR when it broke up. The USA said "NO MORE NATO EXPANSION" FLAT OUT LIE!
Russia is no surrounded by NATO, and it was time to take back the Crimea. The crimea is on the Black Sea and hosts Sevastopol and other ports where Russian war ships are harbored.


Trump is easy on Russia because he knows that Putin said NO to China. Simple as that. We are looking at a DEEP STATE COUP of the USA.



The GLOBAL ELITE has been trying for a reset based on Climate Change. Remember Global Warming and then that was debunked and then they finally tried "CLIMATE CHANGE"
Let me fill you in on an inconvenient FACT. The EARTH is roughly 4.5 or so billion years old. Let's not get into how it formed.. At one time the Earth was covered in ICE, at one time Dinosaur's walked on Earth.. Real easy to see the "Climate has been changing" for 4.5 billion years. Most of us know that and that has forced the GLOBAL BANKERS AND ELITE to use COVID-19 as the new tool..

Like the vaccine? Great... Africa... new strain of Covid-19... ooops who released that? CCP of course. New strain in England or whatever? NOPE... CCP released that..
And here is the real kicker... EBOLA

GOOGLE "EBOLA" wait? Jun 1, 2020 NO NO NO NO!
Full blown EBOLA OUTBREAK RIGHT NOW in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Where did it come from... You guessed it CCP

Al little known fact... China stopped all imports from Africa 6 months ago...

Do you know why? Because it was bringing Covid-19 back to China!

China has been vaccinating its citizens for the last 5 years!!!

Who shot down flight 752 shortly after takeoff from the Iranian capital, Tehran, killing all 176 people on board

HINT THREE LETTERS.. You guessed it! CCP. Giving Iran missles and "testing the technology".
For several days, no one took responsibility, but signs pointed toward it being struck by a missile. Eventually, Iran admitted it had targeted the plane after mistakenly believing it was a U.S. missile.

SO WHAT! Nothing is going to happen, and the CCP is sending a friendly "remember what I offered you?" to Vlad and team..

Human error (LOL), a misaligned missile guidance system and a decision to fire without authorization contributed to Iran's downing of a civilian passenger plane in January, according to a new report from Iran's Civil Aviation Organization. FALSE... It was an attack orchestrated by the Democrat loving CCP!

It is coming. It is DOMINOS and they are in motion.

View attachment 433397
Somebody get this kid some Prozac, stat!
Please "shoot holes" in my theory.

The people who have been attacking state capitols of late have been right wing extremists.

Like with the 3 Percenter who was busted for the courthouse fire in Nashville earlier in the year.
Like I said in another thread, I'm not sure that it was a terrorist attack. Why? Because the bomb went off when there were very few people in the streets, and a loudspeaker on the RV announced that a bomb was about to go off and that people should evacuate.

Then, there is the fact that it went off at a communications hub for the city, knocking out communications of all sorts in a lot of areas, and the airport was shut down for several hours because of that.

Me? If I'm gonna go conspiracy theory, I'd be willing to say that it was a smokescreen and a means to knock out communications while another crime was being committed. Police should be looking into other crimes that happened around that time, and if they required communications to be knocked out, that would be your most likely suspects.

Good analysis.

I think it was someone with an axe to grind against whatever was damaged...the explosion to cover up another crime may be appropriate. Especially given it's Christmas Day and businesses are closed. Some may not open until Monday. Thats when the jewelery store comes in and finds it's been cleaned out....and the alarm didn't go off to alert anyone because of the blast.

But I think it will end up being someone who had a personal beef with whatever was damaged myself.

Your theory is more interesting.

Happy Holidays.
This folks is why I only do one show a day....
Merry Christmas

Your show should be canceled...

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