Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
Questions. How many of these supposed instances of "fraud" have resulted in a court case being heard by a judge? In a court of law? With witnesses under oath? How many court victories at the lower level and SC are there? How many arrests have been made in this widespread voter fraud plot? Wanna know what I hear? Crickets. Cause there was no voter fraud. Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. Move on.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
How many of these supposed instances of ‘fraud’ are supported by objective, documented evidence.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
I read the Ware county post. There is no news source that reports the supposed incident.

The Ramsland group has already been debunked. The entity he represents apparently doesn't have a street address. They also have zero track record doing audits and both he and the law firm that supposedly hired him have ties to the Trump campaign.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
One question I'd like to ask is this:

Name one of the poll workers who allegedly committed all of this fraud in GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI, NV. Do any of the affidavits say, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 10,000 times!" ?

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up Jan. 20 when Trump is dragged feet first in nothing but his gold laced boxer and a mega hat from the white house!!

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
Lies, all lies!

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
How many of these supposed instances of ‘fraud’ are supported by objective, documented evidence.
Not a single one!
Questions. How many of these supposed instances of "fraud" have resulted in a court case being heard by a judge? In a court of law? With witnesses under oath? How many court victories at the lower level and SC are there? How many arrests have been made in this widespread voter fraud plot? Wanna know what I hear? Crickets. Cause there was no voter fraud. Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. Move on.

That should tell you how corrupt the judicial system is shouldn't it? But hey! No big elephant in the room here. :D

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
One question I'd like to ask is this:

Name one of the poll workers who allegedly committed all of this fraud in GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI, NV. Do any of the affidavits say, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 10,000 times!" ?

Ruby Freeman is one of them found out:


Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
One question I'd like to ask is this:

Name one of the poll workers who allegedly committed all of this fraud in GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI, NV. Do any of the affidavits say, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 10,000 times!" ?

Ruby Freeman is one of them found out:

Okay...have they been arrested? Has anyone filed a complaint about these individuals? All that your link says is that people are sending them nasty notes on facebook.

I don't think thats going to do the trick.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
One question I'd like to ask is this:

Name one of the poll workers who allegedly committed all of this fraud in GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI, NV. Do any of the affidavits say, "Jane Doe ran a ballot through 10,000 times!" ?

Ruby Freeman is one of them found out:

Okay...have they been arrested? Has anyone filed a complaint about these individuals? All that your link says is that people are sending them nasty notes on facebook.

I don't think thats going to do the trick.

Why would they arrest the people that were in on it? They did for the Cabal what was wanted.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
There is zero evidence. Silly, unevidenced fantasies do not need to be debunked. Not sure in what universe you were taught logic.
Not a single bit of proof. Literally everything here is junk. Here is an example:

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

The “audit” is a phone survey which doesn’t actually say what the blog/story claims.

Here is the survey. DocumentCloud

Here is PJ media story linking to the survey as an audit.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
There is zero evidence. Silly, unevidenced fantasies do not need to be debunked. Not sure in what universe you were taught logic.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election

"Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog" is not a "credible source.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked

December 25, 2020

The mainstream media continues to insist that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

They are lying.

Here are many examples of voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that, as far as I’m aware, have not been debunked.

Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Source: Russell James Ramsland, Jr. says his audit of 22 Dominion voting machines that were used in Antrim County, Michigan, is proof that Democrats cheated. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Michigan Judge Kevin Elsenheimer tried to prevent the public from seeing the report. They failed. Here’s a link to the report, and my summary of it. Neither Dominion Voting Systems, nor any of its employees, have sued Ramsland for defamation. The mainstream media has not debunked Ramsland’s claims. But they do continue to insist that there is “no evidence” of fraud.

Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Source: Some people tested a Dominion voting machine that was used in Ware County, Georgia. They claim that it switched 13% of Trump’s votes to Biden.

Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

Source: Mainstream media reports that Fulton County, Georgia, “stopped” counting ballots for the night because “a water pipe has broken,” and “sent the ballot counters home.” Video shows Republican poll watchers leaving the building. The same video shows a few people remain, and continue counting votes without Republican poll watchers. Video shows election worker scanning the same ballots three times. There is no visible water leak in these videos. Mainstream media still claims there is no evidence of fraud.

A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Source: A study of more than 3,000 U.S. counties shows that, all else being equal, counties that used Dominion voting machines gave Biden an extra 5.6% of the vote, compared to counties that did not use Dominion machines. Since all other factors were taken into account, this is almost certain proof that Democrats cheated.

Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube.

Source: Here’s the C-SPAN video of Trump’s lawyer’s opening statement on voter fraud from the Senate Committee Hearing that was banned by YouTube

Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines.

Source: Maricopa County, Arizona rejects subpoena to audit voting machines

Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law.

Source: Pennsylvania accepted mail in ballots for 69 hours later than what is allowed by law

In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

Source: In Arizona, Republicans requested an audit of 100 ballots that had been “fixed” by election workers. Democrats tried to block the audit. The audit happened. It showed that election workers had cheated by altering the votes to give Biden a net gain of 3 votes out of the 100.

In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

Source: In several states, vote counting was paused late at night. Later, when counting resumed, there were giant vote spikes with impossibly high percentages for Biden. These things only happened in the states where Democrats needed to flip the state from Trump to Biden. They did not happen in other states.

DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes.

Source: DeKalb County, Georgia is illegally refusing to honor an Open Records Request to show the documents for the chain of custody for the absentee ballots that were submitted in drop boxes

An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

Source: An audit of 1,400 mail-in ballots in Nevada found that 2% were cast by voters who never actually received a ballot in the mail, and 1% were cast by voters who say they didn’t even vote.

In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

Source: In Michigan, Federal Judge Linda Parker won’t let victims of voter fraud testify in court. Fraudsters used absentee ballots to vote under these people’s names. Why is Judge Parker afraid to let the public hear their testimony?

It has been claimed that out of the 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, Biden received 100% of the vote.

Source: Page 79 of this lawsuit from Georgia says, “all 900 military ballots in Fulton County that supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden”

What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan.

Source: What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan

Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania.

Source: Tens of thousands of ballots arrived before their sent date in Pennsylvania

In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden.

Source: In Antrim County, Michigan, human actions and/or a software “error” gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden

Wisconsin illegally refused to remove 234,000 names from the voting rolls even though they had moved out of the state or to a different city within the state. All of these people had ignored a written notification that had been mailed to their old address. Wisconsin made it very easy for all of these 234,000 names to be used for fraudulent voting, because the state allowed every single person in the state to declare themself as “indefinitely confined,” which allowed them to vote by absentee ballot, which allowed them to ignore the state’s voter ID law. In 2019, only 72,000 voters in the state were “indefinitely confined.” In 2020, this number more than tripled. The state illegally kept the Green Party candidate off the ballot. The city of Madison placed illegal drop boxes in the city’s 206 parks. These illegal drop boxes were not supervised. City employees “helped” voters to fill out their ballots before placing them into these illegal drop boxes. The city of Milwaukee withheld reporting its vote totals until after it knew how many votes Biden would need to win.

Source: How The Wisconsin Elections Commission Destroyed Fair Elections In Wisconsin

Dominion took over Georgia voting machines remotely during 2020 election

Source: Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
There is zero evidence. Silly, unevidenced fantasies do not need to be debunked. Not sure in what universe you were taught logic.
So that would be zero supposed instances of ‘fraud’ are supported by objective, documented evidence.
Questions. How many of these supposed instances of "fraud" have resulted in a court case being heard by a judge? In a court of law? With witnesses under oath? How many court victories at the lower level and SC are there? How many arrests have been made in this widespread voter fraud plot? Wanna know what I hear? Crickets. Cause there was no voter fraud. Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. Move on.
One thing you won’t hear trump or Rudy say again. They won’t say dominion voting machines were hacked. Because the owner of the company threatened to sue them for slander and liable. So if they can’t prove it, they better shut the fuck up.

My buddy is a partner of Dominion. He’s a Canadian. Why did we hire a Canadian company to be in charge of our elections? Probably because we don’t trust American corporations who usually are owned by republicans.
To all those saying NO FRAUD...

what would you consider evidence of fraud?

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