NASA: Planet Vesta mountan larger than any on Earth...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
A NASA [Dawn] spacecraft orbiting the asteroid Vesta is revealing new details about the huge space rock's surface, including a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt. Everest on Earth.

NASA's Dawn probe has been circling Vesta since mid-July, when it arrived in the asteroid belt that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter. So far, Dawn has beamed back surprising views of Vesta that revealed an enormous mountain in the asteroid's southern hemisphere and show that its crater surface is incredibly diverse place. [Latest Photos of Asteroid Vesta]
[ame=""]Dawn Journey Above Vesta Asteroid 2011 NASA JPL 2min 720HD - YouTube[/ame]

^Vesta video from NASA Spacecraft Dawn

Link to Vesta Mountain image at : NASA - Impressive Mountain Tops on Vesta

Link to NASA Dawn Mission at : NASA - Dawn
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[ame=""]Dawn, Mission to the Asteroids Vesta & Ceres 2007 NASA JPL Leonard Nimoy 720 HD - YouTube[/ame]​

Dawn, which launched in September 2007, is on track to become the first spacecraft to orbit two solar system destinations beyond Earth. The mission to Vesta and Ceres is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, which is managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

NASA's Dawn spacecraft on Saturday July 16th, 2011, became the first probe ever to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Dawn will study the asteroid, named Vesta, for a year before departing for a second destination, a dwarf planet named Ceres, in July 2012. Observations will provide unprecedented data to help scientists understand the earliest chapter of our solar system. The data also will help pave the way for future human space missions.

In addition to the framing camera, Dawn's instruments include the gamma ray and neutron detector and the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer. The gamma ray and neutron detector uses 21 sensors with a very wide field of view to measure the energy of subatomic particles emitted by the elements in the upper yard (meter) of the asteroid's surface. The visible and infrared mapping spectrometer will measure the surface mineralogy of both Vesta and Dawn's next target, the dwarf planet Ceres. The spectrometer is a modification of a similar one flying on the European Space Agency's Rosetta and Venus Express missions.

[ame=""]Animation of Dawn's Visit to Vesta Asteroid 2011 NASA JPL 4min - YouTube[/ame]

^ Dawn is currently @ roughly 2:14 in this video.
It will soon refire it's ion engine to move to a tighter orbit of planet Vesta.
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[ame=]ScienceCasts: Dawn's Smooth Move - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ion Propulsion Engine Drive - YouTube[/ame]

Further to Ion Propulsion Page @ : NASA - Ion Propulsion

Cool. We need more of this and less bull crap like what's going on in the middle east and sending the money into the worthless banks and wall street.

I hope before I die to see a manned space base on the moon, mars, and more. Could be the chinese doing it...I don't care who does it, but as long as it is done.
A NASA [Dawn] spacecraft orbiting the asteroid Vesta is revealing new details about the huge space rock's surface, including a massive mountain that rises taller than Mt. Everest on Earth.

NASA's Dawn probe has been circling Vesta since mid-July, when it arrived in the asteroid belt that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter. So far, Dawn has beamed back surprising views of Vesta that revealed an enormous mountain in the asteroid's southern hemisphere and show that its crater surface is incredibly diverse place. [Latest Photos of Asteroid Vesta]
Dawn Journey Above Vesta Asteroid 2011 NASA JPL 2min 720HD - YouTube

^Vesta video from NASA Spacecraft Dawn

Link to Vesta Mountain image at : NASA - Impressive Mountain Tops on Vesta

Link to NASA Dawn Mission at : NASA - Dawn

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