NASA launching huge bacteria filled balloons during solar eclipse on Monday


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
During the much-anticipated solar eclipse on Monday, NASA in collaboration with Montana State University, is launching giant balloons filled with bacteria into the stratosphere.
NASA Launching Huge Bacteria-Filled Balloons During Solar Eclipse on Monday

You can almost bet the moron who came up with this non brainiac idea is a leftist liberal I would bet any money on it. Because stupid can't be fixed and only they would be dumb enough to risk the lives of millions by saying " Lets see if this works" , oh yaaaay let's see what this might do to the population. OMFG!
During the much-anticipated solar eclipse on Monday, NASA in collaboration with Montana State University, is launching giant balloons filled with bacteria into the stratosphere.
NASA Launching Huge Bacteria-Filled Balloons During Solar Eclipse on Monday

You can almost bet the moron who came up with this non brainiac idea is a leftist liberal I would bet any money on it. Because stupid can't be fixed and only they would be dumb enough to risk the lives of millions by saying " Lets see if this works" , oh yaaaay let's see what this might do to the population. OMFG!

How is this risking the lives of millions? I hope you are aware that there are bacteria all over the place, all the time. It is estimated that there are trillions of bacteria in your body right now. That's trillions. Should you panic? How Much Bacteria Does The Human Body Really Contain?

It seems that saying the balloons will be "filled with bacteria" is a bit of hyperbole. The bacteria are to be placed on aluminum strips which are "about the size of three postage stamps." The bacteria is also described by one the microbiologists involved as being "harmless to the environment and to humans."
NASA Astrobiology

Do you know something about this particular bacteria, or the amount which will be on the balloons, which would indicate people should be afraid? Or did you just see "bacteria" and decide it was some sort of deadly threat?
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Okay, this is where it gets wackadoodley.

This is why I don't read Infowars, that, and the supplement snake oil crap.

I do like Paul Joseph Watson.
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During the much-anticipated solar eclipse on Monday, NASA in collaboration with Montana State University, is launching giant balloons filled with bacteria into the stratosphere.
NASA Launching Huge Bacteria-Filled Balloons During Solar Eclipse on Monday

You can almost bet the moron who came up with this non brainiac idea is a leftist liberal I would bet any money on it. Because stupid can't be fixed and only they would be dumb enough to risk the lives of millions by saying " Lets see if this works" , oh yaaaay let's see what this might do to the population. OMFG!

How is this risking the lives of millions? I hope you are aware that there are bacteria all over the place, all the time. It is estimated that there are trillions of bacteria in your body right now. That's trillions. Should you panic? How Much Bacteria Does The Human Body Really Contain?

It seems that saying the balloons will be "filled with bacteria" is a bit of hyperbole. The bacteria are to be placed on aluminum strips which are "about the size of three postage stamps." The bacteria is also described by one the microbiologists involved as being "harmless to the environment and to humans."
NASA Astrobiology

Do you know something about this particular bacteria, or the amount which will be on the balloons, which would indicate people should be afraid? Or did you just see "bacteria" and decide it was some sort of deadly threat?
Well if Alex Jones says so......... :eusa_whistle:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You can almost bet the moron who came up with this non brainiac idea is a leftist liberal I would bet any money on it. Because stupid can't be fixed and only they would be dumb enough to risk the lives of millions by saying " Lets see if this works" , oh yaaaay let's see what this might do to the population. OMFG!
It's the intellectuals version of "Hold my beer and watch this!"
Okay, this is where it gets wackadoodley.

This is why I don't read Infowars, that, and the supplement snake oil crap.

I do like Paul Joseph Watson.
Agree but I still have no idea who Paul Joseph Watson, is he related to John H Watson? :eusa_whistle:

Wouldn't be interested, just another pundit not to watch/listen to.

Maybe it's a pesonal preference, I like his style.
Okay, this is where it gets wackadoodley.

This is why I don't read Infowars, that, and the supplement snake oil crap.

I do like Paul Joseph Watson.
Agree but I still have no idea who Paul Joseph Watson, is he related to John H Watson? :eusa_whistle:


Okay, this is where it gets wackadoodley.

This is why I don't read Infowars, that, and the supplement snake oil crap.

I do like Paul Joseph Watson.
Agree but I still have no idea who Paul Joseph Watson, is he related to John H Watson? :eusa_whistle:

Wouldn't be interested, just another pundit not to watch/listen to.

Maybe it's a pesonal preference, I like his style.

No I find pundits are always biased and I don't need confirmation bias blocking my objectivity so I don't listen to any of them.
During the much-anticipated solar eclipse on Monday, NASA in collaboration with Montana State University, is launching giant balloons filled with bacteria into the stratosphere.
NASA Launching Huge Bacteria-Filled Balloons During Solar Eclipse on Monday

You can almost bet the moron who came up with this non brainiac idea is a leftist liberal I would bet any money on it. Because stupid can't be fixed and only they would be dumb enough to risk the lives of millions by saying " Lets see if this works" , oh yaaaay let's see what this might do to the population. OMFG!

How is this risking the lives of millions? I hope you are aware that there are bacteria all over the place, all the time. It is estimated that there are trillions of bacteria in your body right now. That's trillions. Should you panic? How Much Bacteria Does The Human Body Really Contain?

It seems that saying the balloons will be "filled with bacteria" is a bit of hyperbole. The bacteria are to be placed on aluminum strips which are "about the size of three postage stamps." The bacteria is also described by one the microbiologists involved as being "harmless to the environment and to humans."
NASA Astrobiology

Do you know something about this particular bacteria, or the amount which will be on the balloons, which would indicate people should be afraid? Or did you just see "bacteria" and decide it was some sort of deadly threat?
Well if Alex Jones says so......... :eusa_whistle:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It's not even from alex dumbass.

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