NASA Claims it Has Discovered Building Blocks For Life on Mars...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
NASA Curiosity Rover unearths building blocks in 3-billion-year-old organic matter on Mars

"The "building blocks" for life have been discovered in 3-billion-year-old organic matter on Mars, NASA scientists announced Thursday.

Researchers cannot yet say whether their discovery stems from life or a more mundane geological process. However, “we’re in a really good position to move forward looking for signs of life"

While this is pretty interesting news, pardon me if I don't get excited and start jumping for joy. After all, this is the same NASA that was caught manipulating Global Warming data....

-- NASA Caught in Climate Data Manipulation; New Revelations Headlined on KUSI-TV Climate Special

And let's not forget that whole 'Flag Waving In Space / On The Moon' thing.... :p

Nothing finer than scientific illiterates bloviating on 'data manipulation'. Just about all data is 'manipulated'.
Nothing finer than scientific illiterates bloviating on 'data manipulation'. Just about all data is 'manipulated'.
Ummm, cnm....that was a JOKE. I wasn't really serious. I just know how the opposing sides of the Global Warming issue can sometimes be easily 'triggered' and decided to mix an announcement of some exciting news with poking some fun with them....

It’s bullshit as usual. They did not find anything organic, and certainly no proof of a life form.

NASA should stop wasting billions of dollars on these nonsensical missions to “find life” outside of Earth. They need to focus on practical things like finding resources and materials we can use for colonization in space.
Technically, anywhere in the universe you find the elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (three of the most common elements in the universe) you've found the "building blocks" of life. So you'll excuse me if I find this discovery incredibly boring.

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