Nancy Pelosis massive overreach and abuse of power

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

She is just on a mission to damage Trump and ANYONE remotely linked to him while masquerading this as an investigation of the 6th.

News flash, the FBI already stated that the 6th was not organized at any level. This is just Pelosi doing the work that should be done by superpacs and the like, not an elected public official.

She is just on a mission to damage Trump and ANYONE remotely linked to him while masquerading this as an investigation of the 6th.

News flash, the FBI already stated that the 6th was not organized at any level. This is just Pelosi doing the work that should be done by superpacs and the like, not an elected public official.

Tim Poole is mentally ill. You should know better than this.
Pelosi is the Stalin of our House of Representatives. We should have never given a woman of her caliber any idea that she could get away with becoming the total tyrant that she became. She's too old and power hungry to trust any more.
The Right is sure afraid of something being found out.

There is Dan Crenshaw tearing into pelosi because she admitted she withheld covid relief from all American citizens so she could make trump look bad. She delayed relief to millions of Americans out of spite for Trump.

There pelosi invested 1 million in Tesla stock just before Biden announced his support for electric vehicles. Anyone else would be investigated for inside trading but her excuse was "my husband did it, not me" and she got away with it.

Pelsoi is a spiteful, self serving, selfish, person that cares nothing about the people or the country. She shouldn't be in charge of anything.

And what exactly is it that the right has to hide? You're welcome to provide evidence beyond "because I said so".

She is just on a mission to damage Trump and ANYONE remotely linked to him while masquerading this as an investigation of the 6th.

News flash, the FBI already stated that the 6th was not organized at any level. This is just Pelosi doing the work that should be done by superpacs and the like, not an elected public official.

ALL investigations do that
She is just on a mission to damage Trump and ANYONE remotely linked to him

Sound like SOP in politics. Look at how the GOP led House used the Benghazi investigations to damage Sec. Clinton politically.

Put on your big boy pants and take it like an American.
Sound like SOP in politics. Look at how the GOP led House used the Benghazi investigations to damage Sec. Clinton politically.

Put on your big boy pants and take it like an American.
In the real world, if Pelosi's family owned a restauraunt, she would be a waitress serving Italian meals, pizzas and desserts. She has had the chance to be great. Only massive tax increases for agendas makes her look good.
The difference being that the gop investigated A POLITICIAN. Pelosi is seeking records of PRIVATE CITIZENS

MAGAMOB criminals and their associations need to be investigated. Plenty of time for grandstanding, like the GOP did, before 2022.
This unhinged desire to spend this country into oblivion in order to buy votes has clouded every Democrats judgement to the point they won't even back their own people, allies and troops. All they can think about is one party control and that's exactly the reason we must remove them from office. Their seats and their party are the only things that matter to them. Democrats can't be trusted any more.

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