Nancy Pelosi wants to lower voting age to 16...

Just another idea from the left. If they had their way, it would be all non english illegal immigrants and 10 year olds.

Just my humble opinion.
It's a ridiculous idea.
I think 18 is fine. That's when you are welcome in the military. If you are old enough to fight, you should be old enough to vote.

And they should bring back the draft.

Fuk the bone spurs.

Everyone should participate in protecting this country.
holy shit i actually agree with dean.....except for the draft part....lottery like they had was better....
They would just vote the opposite of their parents just to piss them off, if they actually voted at all.

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Just another idea from the left. If they had their way, it would be all non english illegal immigrants and 10 year olds.

Just my humble opinion.
It's a ridiculous idea.
I think 18 is fine. That's when you are welcome in the military. If you are old enough to fight, you should be old enough to vote.

And they should bring back the draft.

Fuk the bone spurs.

Everyone should participate in protecting this country.
holy shit i actually agree with dean.....except for the draft part....lottery like they had was better....
I agreed with him too. Think that was a first! To Dean::beer:
Not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

While I’m against it myself…I think there is a valid argument that could be made to have the youth voting especially since we have a President who runs up trillion plus dollar yearly deficits that will have to be paid for by the youth…at some point.
Why the hell not? Have you read USMB? We have senior citizens calling people names like "Drumpf" and "Hitlery". Why not let school children join the debate while we're at it?
Not the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

While I’m against it myself…I think there is a valid argument that could be made to have the youth voting especially since we have a President who runs up trillion plus dollar yearly deficits that will have to be paid for by the youth…at some point.

LMAO. Until you can serve you cannot vote
So, what do you think about 16 year olds voting?

It would be like an army of AOC's voting....16yos in general are u educated and those who are have been indoctrinated in the liberal camps they call public schools....
Just another idea from the left. If they had their way, it would be all non english illegal immigrants and 10 year olds.

Just my humble opinion.

I am okay with it.

If you are old enough to drive a car - and you are in most states - you are old enough to vote.

It seems pretty silly to allow a 16 year old to legally drive a two ton vehicle at roughly 1/10'th the speed of sound on public roads...yet we don't allow them to vote?

And forget the notion they are too ignorant. With the internet - I bet you the average 16 year old knows 10 times more about the world then most people here over 50 did at 18.

Naaa...give 'em the vote.
It should be 21. 18 year olds don't know shit.

Hell, realistically it should be raised to 25 actually. Not that 18 - 25 year olds really vote anyway.
Just another idea from the left. If they had their way, it would be all non english illegal immigrants and 10 year olds.

Just my humble opinion.

Wild in the Streets. A 1968 film. That is what this idea reminds me of in way.
demrats are desperate

desperate for votes

It won't work you losers ....demrat scum
How many people here can honestly emphasis on honestly say at 16 you really paid any attention to politics or understood the issues being talked about? At 16 most of my friends and myself were more interested in dating getting our own car and going to concerts not politics.
Why not? In most progressive countries the age of consent is 16.

Conservatives are just afraid of more younger voters as they tend to vote democrat and for progressive laws.
Republicans are gonna have to learn how to be cool to attract the young voters now.:heehee:
No, we are going to raise the voting age to 30 and then youll have to learn how to convince bread winners to give up their hard earned money for all your dumbass social projects.
National Parks, roads and bridges, schools, clean water and breathable air, affordable healthcare, and veterans projects are stupid.
Haha, you think those are social programs! Haha, youre dumb! Your stupidity amuses me. :laugh:
Why don't take a minute out of your tricky day and enlighten me, oh holy one ?
Welfare! Thats the one that killed black culture and created tremendous poverty.

Yeah because all black people are on welfare.
Why don't take a minute out of your tricky day and enlighten me, oh holy one ?
Welfare! Thats the one that killed black culture and created tremendous poverty.
You said projects, not programs.
And is black culture dead ? I'd say over-imprisoned, generally lacking equal opportunity for upward mobility and collectively-speaking a bit confused, but not dead.
Plus all the murder and crime, but i guess youd rather pretend like they arent a complete mess.
No I just think 16 year olds are old enough to vote.
Youre dumb. No one cares about what you think, which is why 16 year olds will NEVER vote in the US.
But 18 year-olds can go to Somalia and the Congo and shoot people.

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