Nancy Pelosi Declares NO Presidential Debates


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2018
Just saw Pelosi on C Span. Started the Biden should not debate Trump spiel. Bad mouthing Trump about debates. Could possibly see Progs not wanting Biden to debate as they veer away from it. Said that maybe they should both be separate and asked questions. To me it means that Trump would grill Biden if both in same room. And Progs do not want to have that.
Just saw Pelosi on C Span. Started the Biden should not debate Trump spiel. Bad mouthing Trump about debates. Could possibly see Progs not wanting Biden to debate as they veer away from it. Said that maybe they should both be separate and asked questions. To me it means that Trump would grill Biden if both in same room. And Progs do not want to have that.

Of course she doesn't want Biden debating Trump cause she knows Trump will chew him up and spit him out all over the floor.

Biden won't have handlers at his side to tell him what he needs to do and say. Foot in mouth Biden will end up helping Trump by just being foot in mouth Biden.
Just breaking. Pelosi says the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES doesn't deserve to DEBATE---to have communication with the man who wants the American People to elect him instead.

WE THE PEOPLE knew they were going to have a run at keeping their Dementia Patient in his basement. And here we are!

It is the biggest attempted CON pulled on the American People since the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Coup d' Etat con they have perpetrated for the last 4 years.

These Democrats are dangerously insane. Can you imagine the FRAUD it takes to calculatedly elect a Dementia Patient to the highest office in the land? Can you imagine the DEPRAVITY?

They must be stopped and it is only the American People---the ones willing to look through the Horse Shit put out by CNN and the rest of the New York Media---all of which act in full partnership with the Democratic Party.


Just breaking. Pelosi says the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES doesn't deserve to DEBATE---to have communication with the man who wants the American People to elect him instead.

WE THE PEOPLE knew they were going to have a run at keeping their Dementia Patient in his basement. And here we are!

It is the biggest attempted CON pulled on the American People since the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Coup d' Etat con they have perpetrated for the last 4 years.

These Democrats are dangerously insane. Can you imagine the FRAUD it takes to calculatedly elect a Dementia Patient to the highest office in the land? Can you imagine the DEPRAVITY?

They must be stopped and it is only the American People---the ones willing to look through the Horse Shit put out by CNN and the rest of the New York Media---all of which act in full partnership with the Democratic Party.

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Democrats are worried. You Ain't Black Joe has virtually no appearances on his schedule
It is amazing that a large portion of our electorate is dumbed down enough to vote for a senile man who won't show his face nor debate his opponent. Pure idiocy and ignorance abounds in much of this country.
Just saw Pelosi on C Span. Started the Biden should not debate Trump spiel. Bad mouthing Trump about debates. Could possibly see Progs not wanting Biden to debate as they veer away from it. Said that maybe they should both be separate and asked questions. To me it means that Trump would grill Biden if both in same room. And Progs do not want to have that.
Just breaking. Pelosi says the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES doesn't deserve to DEBATE---to have communication with the man who wants the American People to elect him instead.

WE THE PEOPLE knew they were going to have a run at keeping their Dementia Patient in his basement. And here we are!

It is the biggest attempted CON pulled on the American People since the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Coup d' Etat con they have perpetrated for the last 4 years.

These Democrats are dangerously insane. Can you imagine the FRAUD it takes to calculatedly elect a Dementia Patient to the highest office in the land? Can you imagine the DEPRAVITY?

They must be stopped and it is only the American People---the ones willing to look through the Horse Shit put out by CNN and the rest of the New York Media---all of which act in full partnership with the Democratic Party.

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There will be no debates between Biden and Trump for a couple of simple reasons, Biden is incapable of remaining coherent for that period of time and without a teleprompter. Even if he could, the democrats don't want to detail their socialist agenda and scare off even more moderate and Independent voters. Remember what Pelosi said, "we have to pass it to see what's in it". The dems are relying on harvesting votes.
Joe will just lose even bigger if he doesn't debate and defend his policy proposals....
Make sure trump takes a drug test
For what?...Trump doesn't do drugs...but do you remember the long standing congressional page who recently retired...his name escapes me but something he said never will....he told of being responsible for the congressmen and women getting their mail daily....After 9-11 he was directed to open all packages before dropping them in office mail slots...many packages contained medicine for the congressional representatives and the number one medicine other than statin drugs were drugs for dementia and cognitive skills....I bet pelosi was on the list...what do you think?....
I remember I said that this was going to be the angle quite some time ago. Here it is, right in front of America. Just consider the last 3.5 years and why would anyone believe it wouldn't be anything but the same motivations.

My guess is they are deathly afraid of Trump confronting him on China in particular. It is such a slam dunk winning issue for him and there is little retort that can't be placated with a history lesson.

If I am Trump and Biden refuses to debate, I would offer to have a debate with Kanye West and have a 3rd, empty stand for which he can fill it if he likes. Who is going to elect someone who doesn't debate?

Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump: 'I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that former Vice President Joe Biden cancel his three scheduled debates with President Trump because the commander-in-chief would "belittle" the forum and engage in "skullduggery."

"I don't think that there should be any debates," Pelosi said out of the blue at a news conference at the Capitol, saying she doesn't want the debates to be "an exercise in skullduggery."

"I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this."

Pelosi is the latest high-profile Democrat to offer a major piece of advice to the former vice president. Earlier this week, former 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said Biden shouldn't concede the race under any circumstances.
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Biden should stand on a stage, eight feet away from Trump and debate him.
That said, there is a more important issue that needs to be addressed and needs an Amendment to the Constitution and that is that the Constitution limits the eligibility age for the presidency at 35, yet doesn't set an "upper" age limit. Due to the importance of the position of the leader of this nation, I think that there should be an eligibility limit as to how old a candidate can be by election day. I would limit it to sixty years of age. That way, even if the candidate wins and serves two terms, he/she will have only reached the age of sixty-eight by the time they end their run in office.
My other thought on eligibility, has been, for some time, that as the president is the designated "Commander-in-Chief" of our military forces, he/she should have a basic experience at it, to better understand its workings. He/she should have served at least "one" tour of "honorable" military service, regardless of the branch or rank attained.

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