Nancy Pelosi Declares NO Presidential Debates

Fear and Smear is all the GOP ever come up with. Well now that the Donnie's corrupt "Ukraine Shakedown Scheme" was exposed.
The shakedown in which Joe Biden threatened to cut off Ukraine aid unless a prosecutor looking into
Burisma corruption (like giving Joe's kid a do nothing job) was fired?

Ukrainian officials on Saturday said they were offered $5 million in bribes to end a probe into energy company Burisma’s founder, but said there was no connection to former board member Hunter Biden whose father is running for the U.S. presidency.

You know the corruption they were investigation happened when the Ukraine was aligned with Russia, right? Long before they offered a job to Hunter.

Furthermore Joe's demand was backed by the POTUS as well as the EU and the IMF, who both were offering the Ukraine exponentially more in the way of monetary aid the the US was.
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Like running Hillary?? All repubs have is bullshit Starting from the top down
Biden backing out of the debates is nothing but a Trumpbot wet dream.
It's a Nazi Pelousy wet dream. Read the OP, Moron.

I, for one, want that blithering idiot to make a fool of himself in front of the world during a debate.
That's what Nancy is afraid of
How do you think the media figures at the Debate and the MSM as a whole would handle it if Senile Joe had a complete meltdown on stage in front of all the cameras?
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Like running Hillary?? All repubs have is bullshit Starting from the top down
Always fun to get lectured on bullshit from the party that manufactures it daily
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Like running Hillary?? All repubs have is bullshit Starting from the top down
Always fun to get lectured on bullshit from the party that manufactures it daily
Everyone in the Communist Democratic bubble thinks that's the God's truth. :icon_rolleyes:
Pseudo Emperor Trumpybear makes declarations. The Speaker is voicing her opinion about why the VP should cancel the 3 scheduled debates.
Great catch! :icon_rolleyes:
We know what Pelosi is doing. She's laying down the groundwork to get Biden out of those three debates he has agreed to, for some inexplicable reason.
He simply isn't remotely up to the task...just like running for president.

If Trump is reelected you can thank the faceless decision makers in the DNC who pushed Joe Biden
into running for the office of president. It was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
Like running Hillary?? All repubs have is bullshit Starting from the top down
Always fun to get lectured on bullshit from the party that manufactures it daily
Trump FOX and folks like you manufacture BS It's all you have
When asked about Pelosi’s plea, Biden said, “No. I am—as long as the commission continues down the street narrow as they have, I will debate him. I know for certain I will try—I will be a fact-checker on the floor while I am debating him.”

Then: Joe cant give a convention speech
Now: Joe gave a good speech

Now: Joe cant debate
Future: Joe does good in debates

Guys Donald Trump cant even answer what he will do in his second term. He is dead. Toast. His record is full of holes.

The last thing the Democrats want is for feeble minded Joe having to go one on one unscripted with Trump
i'll debate Trump on behalf of Joe. how about that? deal?
How does that help Slow Joe
i'm handsome, i'm smart, and the girls (and some boys) just can't get enough
How does that help Slow Joe? Do you want the Democrats to nominate you? It's a little late for that.
The last thing the Democrats want is for feeble minded Joe having to go one on one unscripted with Trump
VP Harris stuck it to the moron Trump today Maybe have her take Bidens place? How many republicans do you need to want Biden over the complete ah trump before you stop bashing Joe? And btw it's hard debating an ah whose every other word out of his mouth is a lie
Then: Joe cant give a convention speech
Now: Joe gave a good speech

Now: Joe cant debate
Future: Joe does good in debates

Guys Donald Trump cant even answer what he will do in his second term. He is dead. Toast. His record is full of holes.

So why are you so panicked
First it was Hillary that was no good Then Obama ,now Biden Trump could shit in a hat and republicans would be happy putting it on
The last thing the Democrats want is for feeble minded Joe having to go one on one unscripted with Trump
VP Harris stuck it to the moron Trump today Maybe have her take Bidens place? How many republicans do you need to want Biden over the complete ah trump before you stop bashing Joe? And btw it's hard debating an ah whose every other word out of his mouth is a lie
Wow! Biden is so far gone you clowns want the Mattress Queen to take over even before the election.
The last thing the Democrats want is for feeble minded Joe having to go one on one unscripted with Trump
VP Harris stuck it to the moron Trump today Maybe have her take Bidens place? How many republicans do you need to want Biden over the complete ah trump before you stop bashing Joe? And btw it's hard debating an ah whose every other word out of his mouth is a lie
Wow! Biden is so far gone you clowns want the Mattress Queen to take over even before the election.
Biden will make Trump cry Will beat him like a drum

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