Nadler Plans House ANOTHER Beatup on President Trump Over Roger Stone's Commutation


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
"House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”​
"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures."​
“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”​

Statistics as of 7/8/2020, not including the 5 police officers shot in Houston that same evening
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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate. ALL of this garbage, the Stone conviction included, is spun off of the Russia FARCE, so every flippin' bit of it is illegitimate.

This is all for show, just to make sawed off little fatass short man syndrome Nads feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.
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Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.

I believe, as Roger stone said, and as he was indicted for, he lied to investigators and congress, about the President' s knowledge on the Wikileaks stolen emails..... for the President.....

The president swore under oath via deposition questions that he answered, that he did not get a heads up on whatever emails were going to be released that day....

Roger lied for him, saying he gave him no heads up.

And Trump commuted his sentence, for lying for him.

It was important for Stone to lie about it, because the President lied under oath about it.... committed perjury.... another, impeachable offense.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.

Nadler's hatred and jealousy of Donald Trump goes way back of course.

Back in the day, Trump proposed numerous tremendous real estate projects in Nadler's congressional district.

Nadler always opposed them, probably because he felt he was entitled to a kickback on them. Trump beat his ass on them every time
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.

I believe, as Roger stone said, and as he was indicted for, he lied to investigators and congress, about the President' s knowledge on the Wikileaks stolen emails..... for the President.....

The president swore under oath via deposition questions that he answered, that he did not get a heads up on whatever emails were going to be released that day....

Roger lied for him, saying he gave him no heads up.

And Trump commuted his sentence, for lying for him.

It was important for Stone to lie about it, because the President lied under oath about it.... committed perjury.... another, impeachable offense.

Stone never lied once, even though the democrat hack Mueller bunch pressured him to. That's what pissed them off.

However you're lying like a rug.
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Nadler is a traitor.

This dumb SOB led the Censuring of the top law enforcer in the nation - US AG Barr - for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW!

Obama's US AG became the 1st presidential Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be Censured...for crimes (perjury/obstruction during Fast & Furious to cover Barry's ass) ... a bipartisan Censure.

The PARTISAN Censure of Barr was a criminal attempted act of 'payback' and desperate move to try to illegally get records.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.

I believe, as Roger stone said, and as he was indicted for, he lied to investigators and congress, about the President' s knowledge on the Wikileaks stolen emails..... for the President.....

The president swore under oath via deposition questions that he answered, that he did not get a heads up on whatever emails were going to be released that day....

Roger lied for him, saying he gave him no heads up.

And Trump commuted his sentence, for lying for him.

It was important for Stone to lie about it, because the President lied under oath about it.... committed perjury.... another, impeachable offense.

Since you think you have all of the answers, there is no need to investigate, which was Nadler's excuse for this bullshit legislation.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.

Nadler's hatred and jealousy of Donald Trump goes way back of course.

Back in the day, Trump proposed numerous tremendous real estate projects in Nadler's congressional district.

Nadler always opposed them, probably because he felt he was entitled to a kickback on them. Trump beat his ass on them every time
If I was Trump, I'd sell everything I had in NY. I'd divest everything I had in that state. It's in the top taxed states in America, and ranked as one of the worst to do business in. If I was a billionaire, I'd live and base my operations out of SD.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
"House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”​
"House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures."​
“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”​

Failure is something Nadler enjoys.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
The House may pass it because Pelosi is aware of who's naughty and who's nice, in reverse, and she will withhold campaign benefits for any Democrat candidate who doesn't cadence to her lockstep authoritarian stranglehold on couping the President, ensuring that the vote-by-mail elects Democrats only by reviewing who's dead and extracting more votes for Democrats from their statewide unknown demise, ripe for harvesting votes from people 6 feet under. She will also be able to "help" immigrants who don't know a word of English and cannot read, to vote Democrat with communized college youths her party has brainwashed through communist professors of both Ivy League schools and many local community colleges. She thinks Republicans are screwed, and her that phony baloney "false narrative votes" will help her communize America by getting rid of Republican House and Senate majorities, the Presidency, and change the Constitution's First Amendment laws to favor Democrats and put a pox on the Republicans.

Dirty Nancy better wash her hands of the evil she is planning in conspiracy with people in office whom she can control with campaign money.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.

Nadler's hatred and jealousy of Donald Trump goes way back of course.

Back in the day, Trump proposed numerous tremendous real estate projects in Nadler's congressional district.

Nadler always opposed them, probably because he felt he was entitled to a kickback on them. Trump beat his ass on them every time
If I was Trump, I'd sell everything I had in NY. I'd divest everything I had in that state. It's in the top taxed states in America, and ranked as one of the worst to do business in. If I was a billionaire, I'd live and base my operations out of SD.
President Trump has strong ties in NYC, and he loves the great State of New York. He will not lift a finger to hurt any American citizen, and if I know President Trump, he will be able to save New York for America when the Democrats out west try to destroy the Union and bale like they did in 1860 by firing on Fort Sumpter.

The Democrats are presently using the leftist lockstep press for ammunition, and what they have done to America through false witness is beneath the pale.
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.

Nadler's hatred and jealousy of Donald Trump goes way back of course.

Back in the day, Trump proposed numerous tremendous real estate projects in Nadler's congressional district.

Nadler always opposed them, probably because he felt he was entitled to a kickback on them. Trump beat his ass on them every time
If I was Trump, I'd sell everything I had in NY. I'd divest everything I had in that state's American citizens. It's in the top taxed states in America, and ranked as one of the worst to do business in. If I was a billionaire, I'd live and base my operations out of SD.
President Trump has strong ties in NYC, and he loves the state. He will not lift a finger to hurt any American citizen, and if I know President Trump, he will be able to save New York for America when the Democrats out west try to destroy the Union and bale like they did in 1860 by firing on Fort Sumpter.
New York is gone it’s full of female revolutionaries that will never have a family, we are going to riot and burn down everything they see. They will get funded from Soros and other people..
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.

I believe, as Roger stone said, and as he was indicted for, he lied to investigators and congress, about the President' s knowledge on the Wikileaks stolen emails..... for the President.....

The president swore under oath via deposition questions that he answered, that he did not get a heads up on whatever emails were going to be released that day....

Roger lied for him, saying he gave him no heads up.

And Trump commuted his sentence, for lying for him.

It was important for Stone to lie about it, because the President lied under oath about it.... committed perjury.... another, impeachable offense.

Since you think you have all of the answers, there is no need to investigate, which was Nadler's excuse for this bullshit legislation.

Nadlers legislation is to prevent future President's abuse...
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee plans new law forbidding President Trump to commute Roger Stone's sentence.
House Democrats on Friday announced plans to move forward with measures in response to President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone's sentence last week, with one top Democrat saying, “In this country, no one is above the law.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said his committee planned to hold a markup on Thursday on two measures.

“The first, H.R. 1627, the Abuse of the Pardon Power Prevention Act, will allow us a measure of transparency into the President’s power to pardon federal crimes and commute federal sentences,” Nadler said. “If the president uses the powers of his office to shield himself and his family from federal investigations, then the investigators at the Department of Justice should provide us with the materials related to the underlying offense.”

How does the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence protect President Trump and his family at all? Nadler isn't making any sense.

Whether Roger Stone is locked away in a dungeon for the rest of his life or not, doesn't impact his committee or anyone else's ability to "investigate" any of the Trumps.

I believe, as Roger stone said, and as he was indicted for, he lied to investigators and congress, about the President' s knowledge on the Wikileaks stolen emails..... for the President.....

The president swore under oath via deposition questions that he answered, that he did not get a heads up on whatever emails were going to be released that day....

Roger lied for him, saying he gave him no heads up.

And Trump commuted his sentence, for lying for him.

It was important for Stone to lie about it, because the President lied under oath about it.... committed perjury.... another, impeachable offense.

Since you think you have all of the answers, there is no need to investigate, which was Nadler's excuse for this bullshit legislation.

Nadlers legislation is to prevent future President's abuse...

What did trump abuse?
Nadler needs a damn good bitch slap to knock a little of that TDS out of him. That pie face penguin cuck is half out of his fucking mind with Trump hate.

This is all for show, just to make him feel good, because his bill would have to go through the senate and then be signed by President Trump to be a law anyway, and none of that is ever going to happen.

The guy is a class A ass clown.

Even if President Trump were to sign such a bill, "ex post facto " laws are prohibited in the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't authorize Congress to limit the right of the President to pardon anyone. It might be interesting for the President to sign it and watch the next Democrat president try to weasel out of it.
Exactly, so I wonder how sawed off Nads would like it if President Trump decided to write an EO limiting the power of congress?

Nadler is an extreme IDIOT, and he is obsessed with the president. He has about as extreme of a case of TDS as there is.

Nadler's hatred and jealousy of Donald Trump goes way back of course.

Back in the day, Trump proposed numerous tremendous real estate projects in Nadler's congressional district.

Nadler always opposed them, probably because he felt he was entitled to a kickback on them. Trump beat his ass on them every time
If I was Trump, I'd sell everything I had in NY. I'd divest everything I had in that state's American citizens. It's in the top taxed states in America, and ranked as one of the worst to do business in. If I was a billionaire, I'd live and base my operations out of SD.
President Trump has strong ties in NYC, and he loves the state. He will not lift a finger to hurt any American citizen, and if I know President Trump, he will be able to save New York for America when the Democrats out west try to destroy the Union and bale like they did in 1860 by firing on Fort Sumpter.
I Know Trump likes NYC, although I can't figure out why. And why are you telling me he won't lift a finger to hurt any American citizen? Did I say he would?

Trump can't save NY, it's gone. He's only one man, and even though he's a billionaire, he doesn't have enough power to undo the BRAIN DEAD leftist America hating radicals head fuck that all live there, it just won't happen.

And the only way we're going to ever straighten out the democrats is a war. They're already at war. Conservatives just haven't started to fight back yet, and I mean with the same intensity and violence. When we do, democrats are going to finally realize that they woke the sleeping giant, and now there's hell to pay.
Trump needs to take these rats out ..
If he does, it will be with the truth and in accordance with the laws written in the Constitution, in accordance with good fiscal plans for the American people, and what is in conjunction with the powers he has as Commander in Chief of this nation, given him by the voters in 2016, and likely again in 2020.

Nancy Pelosi needs to be held accountable for the communization of America she is planning on executing in the near future.

I remind the Houses of Congress of a law that needs to refresh their memories of what America has gone through with following WWII:
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United Stateslegislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.​
Effective: August 24, 1954​
Enacted by: the 83rd United States Congress​

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