Mystery Babylon(babel on)


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Following is From: Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved.

Revelation 17:6,9,18

"And I saw the woman (Vatican) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration ... And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth ... And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

[Note that scholars place the era of this Revelation at approximately 95 A.D. The city which then ruled the world was Rome, literally built on seven hills. We also know this woman seduced many kingdoms as the harlot which had many offspring (sects) and they did actually reign over the kings of the earth.]

'Scarlet Beast' (Revelation 17:4 ) wearing red and purple (color rich men used)and covered in gold and riches holding a gold cup filled with its iniquities and social injustices sits in the Vatican as the continuation of the ruler of the SEA (Rome).
This all describes the Vatican.
All the Kingdoms of the earth, especially the ten mentioned in Dan, have slept with this Harlot who lifted high the harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu (father was Roman soldier Pantheras).

Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

Rev 18:12 the Beast of Babylonian Mysteries is described in what is found in the Vatican, the articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, and the scarlet and purple cloth and silk.

Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?

Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?

The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.

A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.

Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are of fron the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*

The 5 Joyful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Annunciation

� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)

� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (dEC25TH BEING bAAL'S bIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)

� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)

The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)

� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)

� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)

� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)

The 5 Glorious Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)

� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (son of perdition Ezekiel 28)

� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (the mother harlot)

� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Mother Ishtar-Isis Babylonian mythology)

Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?

One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.

*source for Bel Tablet:
You know I often think about that story where Solomon had to choose between the two women claiming the live child for themselves...On the surface it is a straightforward notion but on the deeper sense the baby could not be split or it would die...People today are "split" between two Babies..The Baby that emerged from BABYlon and continued to be kept ALIVE by the romans in its hidden state of Christianity even though it died a long time ago if it ever really lived..( that is up for a long debate) and the reemerged Baby of Israel and Judiasm which some are still trying to this day Solomonlike to split in two knowing it would kill the baby( wink)...I wonder how many reading these posts are smart enough to see the LIVE baby and accept it and how many are still willing to CODDLE the Dead one who never ROSE back from Death like the LIVE one did....Hmmmmm...Course there are many that like to flog dead horses thinking if I just whip it one more time it will Rise and I will be proven right...
They are 17 years and counting past their
"let's give it till year 2000 before calling it a no show"
I remember that they tried to scare everyone that their computers would fail and society would collapse in 2000 and yet here we are seventeen years later suffering no ill effects... Do you think they will come up with another con to keep their con game going or are they getting ready to throw in the proverbial towel and cry uncle...One thing is for sure they will have a tough time converting the coming robots to buy their malarky .. Maybe they will be the ones to finally TERMINATE it after all if ARNOLD could RETURN time and time again isnt he more fulfilled then their Jesus who could not RETURN even once unless we are counting the falliscious accounts of the gospels which contradict each other and poor Paul who alone saw that LUCIFEROUS light...But then again the Terminator was a fantasy story just like the gospels so they have much in common to say the least.....I ll be
� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin-

People should note that Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on =Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity (as found in ancient texts)was actually
father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
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� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin-

People should note that Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on =Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity (as found in ancient texts)was actually
father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
The queen of heaven is referencing to those with that spirit who choose drugs-fertility-etc. as their god-goddess. If you search this through you should find it. Genesis Chapter 1 (KJV)

BTW, Zerubbabel 'sown-scattered-born in/at/from Babylon'
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You know I often think about that story where Solomon had to choose between the two women claiming the live child for themselves...On the surface it is a straightforward notion but on the deeper sense the baby could not be split or it would die...People today are "split" between two Babies..The Baby that emerged from BABYlon and continued to be kept ALIVE by the romans in its hidden state of Christianity even though it died a long time ago if it ever really lived..( that is up for a long debate) and the reemerged Baby of Israel and Judiasm which some are still trying to this day Solomonlike to split in two knowing it would kill the baby( wink)...I wonder how many reading these posts are smart enough to see the LIVE baby and accept it and how many are still willing to CODDLE the Dead one who never ROSE back from Death like the LIVE one did....Hmmmmm...Course there are many that like to flog dead horses thinking if I just whip it one more time it will Rise and I will be proven right...
Maybe you aren't going about it correctly.
� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin-

People should note that Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on =Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity (as found in ancient texts)was actually
father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Yes, Christians want Jews to teach them about Christianity. You must be swamped with requests. Just curious but is the reason you preach to Christians because no Jews will listen to your bullshit?
You know I often think about that story where Solomon had to choose between the two women claiming the live child for themselves...On the surface it is a straightforward notion but on the deeper sense the baby could not be split or it would die...People today are "split" between two Babies..The Baby that emerged from BABYlon and continued to be kept ALIVE by the romans in its hidden state of Christianity even though it died a long time ago if it ever really lived..( that is up for a long debate) and the reemerged Baby of Israel and Judiasm which some are still trying to this day Solomonlike to split in two knowing it would kill the baby( wink)...I wonder how many reading these posts are smart enough to see the LIVE baby and accept it and how many are still willing to CODDLE the Dead one who never ROSE back from Death like the LIVE one did....Hmmmmm...Course there are many that like to flog dead horses thinking if I just whip it one more time it will Rise and I will be proven right...
Maybe you aren't going about it correctly.
Lol...Coming from you Ding the mad poster of inane ramblings... Are you looking for me to post back to you so you can make another post about nothing..Okay go ahead give it a shot...Or a Ding in your case....
� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin-

People should note that Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on =Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity (as found in ancient texts)was actually
father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Yes, Christians want Jews to teach them about Christianity. You must be swamped with requests. Just curious but is the reason you preach to Christians because no Jews will listen to your bullshit?

Thought you guys claim John of Patmos a Jew?
And what does the church borrowing from Babylon have to do with one's ethnicity?
Your comment is racist, what happened to your boasting Christian virtues?
Even the church elect admit these things hence sources of Cardinal Newmans book on the subject.
You know I often think about that story where Solomon had to choose between the two women claiming the live child for themselves...On the surface it is a straightforward notion but on the deeper sense the baby could not be split or it would die...People today are "split" between two Babies..The Baby that emerged from BABYlon and continued to be kept ALIVE by the romans in its hidden state of Christianity even though it died a long time ago if it ever really lived..( that is up for a long debate) and the reemerged Baby of Israel and Judiasm which some are still trying to this day Solomonlike to split in two knowing it would kill the baby( wink)...I wonder how many reading these posts are smart enough to see the LIVE baby and accept it and how many are still willing to CODDLE the Dead one who never ROSE back from Death like the LIVE one did....Hmmmmm...Course there are many that like to flog dead horses thinking if I just whip it one more time it will Rise and I will be proven right...
Maybe you aren't going about it correctly.
Lol...Coming from you Ding the mad poster of inane ramblings... Are you looking for me to post back to you so you can make another post about nothing..Okay go ahead give it a shot...Or a Ding in your case....

He's trying for the monthly leader board, I think they give him a pin that says "I got no life, I just spent the whole weekend arguing FOR all my opponents points."
You know I often think about that story where Solomon had to choose between the two women claiming the live child for themselves...On the surface it is a straightforward notion but on the deeper sense the baby could not be split or it would die...People today are "split" between two Babies..The Baby that emerged from BABYlon and continued to be kept ALIVE by the romans in its hidden state of Christianity even though it died a long time ago if it ever really lived..( that is up for a long debate) and the reemerged Baby of Israel and Judiasm which some are still trying to this day Solomonlike to split in two knowing it would kill the baby( wink)...I wonder how many reading these posts are smart enough to see the LIVE baby and accept it and how many are still willing to CODDLE the Dead one who never ROSE back from Death like the LIVE one did....Hmmmmm...Course there are many that like to flog dead horses thinking if I just whip it one more time it will Rise and I will be proven right...
Maybe you aren't going about it correctly.
Lol...Coming from you Ding the mad poster of inane ramblings... Are you looking for me to post back to you so you can make another post about nothing..Okay go ahead give it a shot...Or a Ding in your case....

He's trying for the monthly leader board, I think they give him a pin that says "I got no life, I just spent the whole weekend arguing FOR all my opponents points."
I took 2nd in a golf tournament over the weekend. What did you do?
I kept kicking some guys golf ball in the hole to make him think he was doing better then he was. Why do you ask?
Ding lost his balls down the rabbit hole a long time ago and the queen of hearts has been looking for him ever since.. Course Ding finished second using his 9 iron( nine is no in German) He would have finished first if he had used his 7 ( Sheva)
Ding lost his balls down the rabbit hole a long time ago and the queen of hearts has been looking for him ever since.. Course Ding finished second using his 9 iron( nine is no in German) He would have finished first if he had used his 7 ( Sheva)
No. We would have finished first if my partner and I didn't butcher the third hole both days of the tournament. The thing is.... I wouldn't have had it any other way. Laughing leads to crying and crying leads to laughing. When you meet God, ask Him to explain that to you.
I kept kicking some guys golf ball in the hole to make him think he was doing better then he was. Why do you ask?
Because I suspect you were not living life to its fullest.

*L* So now you are down on unselfish acts that help others out.
Guess you just busted on your own Christian charity virtue post. *BOOM* You blew yourself up again there Wile E.
I kept kicking some guys golf ball in the hole to make him think he was doing better then he was. Why do you ask?
Because I suspect you were not living life to its fullest.

*L* So now you are down on unselfish acts that help others out.
Guess you just busted on your own Christian charity virtue post. *BOOM* You blew yourself up again there Wile E.
I have no idea what you were doing. Whatever it was I doubt it was an unselfish act. You could not be more full of yourself or unaware of your actions or consequences.
Following is From: Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved.

Revelation 17:6,9,18

"And I saw the woman (Vatican) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration ... And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth ... And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

[Note that scholars place the era of this Revelation at approximately 95 A.D. The city which then ruled the world was Rome, literally built on seven hills. We also know this woman seduced many kingdoms as the harlot which had many offspring (sects) and they did actually reign over the kings of the earth.]

'Scarlet Beast' (Revelation 17:4 ) wearing red and purple (color rich men used)and covered in gold and riches holding a gold cup filled with its iniquities and social injustices sits in the Vatican as the continuation of the ruler of the SEA (Rome).
This all describes the Vatican.
All the Kingdoms of the earth, especially the ten mentioned in Dan, have slept with this Harlot who lifted high the harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu (father was Roman soldier Pantheras).

Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

Rev 18:12 the Beast of Babylonian Mysteries is described in what is found in the Vatican, the articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, and the scarlet and purple cloth and silk.

Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?

Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?

The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.

A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.

Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are of fron the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*

The 5 Joyful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Annunciation

� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)

� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (dEC25TH BEING bAAL'S bIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)

� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)

The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)

� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)

� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)

� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)

The 5 Glorious Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)

� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (son of perdition Ezekiel 28)

� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (the mother harlot)

� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Mother Ishtar-Isis Babylonian mythology)

Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?

One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.

*source for Bel Tablet:

Martin Luther began calling Rome the whore of Babylon after he fell out with the Catholic church. In Revelation the whore of Babylon is Israel.

Rome never had any contact with Babylon.
Rome never had any contact with Babylon.
That is not true Trajan himself went out of his way and entered the ruins of Babylon showing that Babylon was held in high regard by the Roman elites and since Rome liked to steal or plagerize other cultures ideas and take them for their own it is rather obvious they did the same by emulating what they wanted from past Babylonianhistory.. Much of this knowledge was cataloged and found in some of the major libraries that Roman scholars and scribes had access too

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