Holding your peace

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Sometimes the most powerful response is not words but silence. Jesus Christ did not scourge his accusers with a whip of cords. He held his peace. It is not easy to hold your peace when people are maligning you (for your faith) or maligning the name of Jesus Christ and trying to extract a reaction out of us but those who belong to Jesus must walk as he did. What would Jesus do? He answered nothing (Mark 15:3). We need to be led by the Holy Spirit in our responses to others and that requires staying connected to the vine because apart from Him we can do nothing. Mrs. Cowman's March 18th devotion:

Streams in the Desert - March 18

He answered nothing
(Mark 15:3)

There is no spectacle in all the Bible so sublime as the silent Savior answering not a word to the men who were maligning Him, and whom He could have laid prostrate at His feet by one look of Divine power, or one word of fiery rebuke. But He let them say and do their worst, and He stood in THE POWER OF STILLNESS--God's holy silent Lamb.

There is a stillness that lets God work for us, and holds our peace; the stillness that ceases from its contriving and its self-vindication, and its expedients of wisdom and forethought, and lets God provide and answer the cruel blow, in His own unfailing, faithful love.

How often we lose God's interposition by taking up our own cause, and striking for our defense. God give to us this silent power, this conquered spirit! And after the heat and strife of earth are over, men will remember us as we remember the morning dew, the gentle light and sunshine, the evening breeze, the Lamb of Calvary, and the gentle, holy heavenly Dove.
--A. B. Simpson

The day when Jesus stood alone
And felt the hearts of men like stone,
And knew He came but to atone
That day "He held His peace."
They witnessed falsely to His word,
They bound Him with a cruel cord,
And mockingly proclaimed Him Lord;
"But Jesus held His peace."
They spat upon Him in the face,
They dragged Him on from place to place,
They heaped upon Him all disgrace;
"But Jesus held His peace."
My friend, have you for far much less,
With rage, which you called righteousness,
Resented slights with great distress?

Your Saviour "held His peace."

--L. S. P.

I remember once hearing Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, so well known as "The Apostle of the Indians," utter these beautiful words: "For thirty years I have tried to see the face of Christ in those with whom I differed."

When this spirit actuates us we shall be preserved at once from a narrow bigotry and an easy-going tolerance, from passionate vindictiveness and everything that would mar or injure our testimony for Him who came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them.
--W. H. Griffith Thomas
Now we are not allowed to malign the morning star- Lucifer simply because you chose him as your false Prophet? Isn't that the same as the left not allowing the public to malign Radical Islam?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (using resemblances).
If every WORD (LOGOS your Jesus) is a LIE then by being Silent you are confirming that you LIE and so Does Your WORD or LOGUS every time a word is spoken or written in either defence of him or in what is claimed for him...This is simple logic as you cannot get around Isaiah 44:6 or Isaiah 43:10 to name a few.. The Jesus as taught by the New Testament has been changed, reworked added to deleted , copied, second hand information etc etc etc that even if said person had exsisted and came back today he would have been Silent too because he would have been befuddled by what was claimed for him except of course that he was bringing the wrong type of light to the world ...Light being truth and knowledge and he had none to give...
Now we are not allowed to malign the morning star- Lucifer simply because you chose him as your false Prophet? Isn't that the same as the left not allowing the public to malign Radical Islam?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (using resemblances).

This is a message for the children of God. If they hated Jesus Christ (who is God) they will hate his followers. The children of God are not to return evil for evil. If someone is not a child of God they will undoubtedly be returning evil for evil. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord. The battle is not mine but the Lord's. He is the judge. Not me. As a Believer I am required to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with my God. What those who reject God choose to do is not my business. Let them do their worst. What is that to me? I follow Jesus Christ.
Sometimes the most powerful response is not words but silence. Jesus Christ did not scourge his accusers with a whip of cords. He held his peace. It is not easy to hold your peace when people are maligning you (for your faith) or maligning the name of Jesus Christ and trying to extract a reaction out of us but those who belong to Jesus must walk as he did. What would Jesus do? He answered nothing (Mark 15:3). We need to be led by the Holy Spirit in our responses to others and that requires staying connected to the vine because apart from Him we can do nothing. Mrs. Cowman's March 18th devotion:

Streams in the Desert - March 18

He answered nothing
(Mark 15:3)

There is no spectacle in all the Bible so sublime as the silent Savior answering not a word to the men who were maligning Him, and whom He could have laid prostrate at His feet by one look of Divine power, or one word of fiery rebuke. But He let them say and do their worst, and He stood in THE POWER OF STILLNESS--God's holy silent Lamb.

There is a stillness that lets God work for us, and holds our peace; the stillness that ceases from its contriving and its self-vindication, and its expedients of wisdom and forethought, and lets God provide and answer the cruel blow, in His own unfailing, faithful love.

How often we lose God's interposition by taking up our own cause, and striking for our defense. God give to us this silent power, this conquered spirit! And after the heat and strife of earth are over, men will remember us as we remember the morning dew, the gentle light and sunshine, the evening breeze, the Lamb of Calvary, and the gentle, holy heavenly Dove.
--A. B. Simpson

The day when Jesus stood alone
And felt the hearts of men like stone,
And knew He came but to atone
That day "He held His peace."
They witnessed falsely to His word,
They bound Him with a cruel cord,
And mockingly proclaimed Him Lord;
"But Jesus held His peace."
They spat upon Him in the face,
They dragged Him on from place to place,
They heaped upon Him all disgrace;
"But Jesus held His peace."
My friend, have you for far much less,
With rage, which you called righteousness,
Resented slights with great distress?

Your Saviour "held His peace."

--L. S. P.

I remember once hearing Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, so well known as "The Apostle of the Indians," utter these beautiful words: "For thirty years I have tried to see the face of Christ in those with whom I differed."

When this spirit actuates us we shall be preserved at once from a narrow bigotry and an easy-going tolerance, from passionate vindictiveness and everything that would mar or injure our testimony for Him who came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them.
--W. H. Griffith Thomas
Jesus died nailed to wood in a diaper. That's who you worship?
The exact image of a sickly man on a cross (Pope John Paul II used to carry) was found in Ireland, said to be Mithraic & predated the characters era. Temples with the sun cross existed predated were that of Baal which is the unamed father of the Jesus character who left diaper boy on the cross like a nice abusive father would do.
Not one Christian will ever answer who this unamed mystery father is, because they are never told the mystery (hence my post on Mystery Babylon).
Well the theme here on this thread is " Holding your Peace" and Christianity is forever holding up the peace of Israel by holding up their Jesus/ Idol/ Icon ( notice I CON ..lol) in Israels place that way they can keep the wars and fighting and division going on forever after all didn't Jeremiahs idol say he had brought division to the earth even among families and whole peoples and he was tending a FIRE to keep it burning forever if need be...Some Peace holder... As they say actions are much louder then mere words and since Jesus was mere words written on paper it is the actions of his followers that tell the true tale...

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