My wife says she’d welcome legislation that would forbid women from voting.

It wasn't the best economy, that is just some bullshit hyperbole Trump fronts and you parrot as some sort of fact.

When Obama was posting 2.x% GDP growth you Republicans and Trump were calling it stagnation. But as soon as Trump gets into office suddenly that's "greatest economy ever", even as we started posting trillion dollar deficits.

Ignorance of basic economics, double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts among Trumpsters, you fools will eat up just about any bullshit and ask for seconds.

How was it not the best economy in 50 years? I'm 60 years old, and I don't recall at anytime in my life where we had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. New housing was up, employment records broken for women and every minority group since we started keeping records, more people leaving the dole, our border getting better every week. Trump did a fabulous job as President.

Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to destroy suburbs. He and Whorris both said they are going to get rid of fracking which made us the worlds largest energy exporter. He's going to cause inflation and more jobs leaving the country with his national $15.00 minimum wage; at the very least, influence more businesses to invest in automation and replace their human workers. Biden stated the day he takes seat in the White House is the day the border wall stops, and I'm sure he's going to reverse all the great policies that Trump put in place.

Now......if Biden does keep this win, and that's sketchy now, you and your ilk will be here for the next four years blaming Trump for Biden screwing up this country as bad as he says he would.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

I'll bet she doesn't object to being chained to the stove either. Right wing fascists like you are the ones pulling this country down.
It wasn't the best economy, that is just some bullshit hyperbole Trump fronts and you parrot as some sort of fact.

When Obama was posting 2.x% GDP growth you Republicans and Trump were calling it stagnation. But as soon as Trump gets into office suddenly that's "greatest economy ever", even as we started posting trillion dollar deficits.

Ignorance of basic economics, double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts among Trumpsters, you fools will eat up just about any bullshit and ask for seconds.

How was it not the best economy in 50 years? I'm 60 years old, and I don't recall at anytime in my life where we had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. New housing was up, employment records broken for women and every minority group since we started keeping records, more people leaving the dole, our border getting better every week. Trump did a fabulous job as President.

Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to destroy suburbs. He and Whorris both said they are going to get rid of fracking which made us the worlds largest energy exporter. He's going to cause inflation and more jobs leaving the country with his national $15.00 minimum wage; at the very least, influence more businesses to invest in automation and replace their human workers. Biden stated the day he takes seat in the White House is the day the border wall stops, and I'm sure he's going to reverse all the great policies that Trump put in place.

Now......if Biden does keep this win, and that's sketchy now, you and your ilk will be here for the next four years blaming Trump for Biden screwing up this country as bad as he says he would.

Blah blah blah, Trump economy greatness is not hinged on your musings about future Biden economy.

You want to ignore the foremost economic yardstick that is the GDP growth? You want to ignore huge deficits? You want to ignore all of this and concentrate on jobs?

Sure, let's do that - Trump in his first 3 years saw slower job growth than 3 years before he got there.

Under Obama unemployment fell from 10% to 4.7%, so he handed off a healthy, full employment economy to Trump and from there, with big increases in deficits, it kept up the growth trajectory to 3.7% unemployment with LFPR still stuck at ~63% right before recession in 2020.

So that's the difference between Obama stagnation and Trump's supposed historic splendor? Seriously?
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My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Any woman stupid enough to marry a bigoted fool such as yourself, is in no position to give up the right to vote on behalf of the women of the world. She has already proven that she's dumb enough to marry you, and to stay married to you.
Blah blah blah, Trump economy greatness is not hinged on your musings about future Biden economy.

You want to ignore the foremost economic yardstick that is the GDP growth? You want to ignore huge deficits? You want to ignore all of this and concentrate on jobs?

Sure, let's do that - Trump in his first 3 years saw slower job growth than 3 years before he got there.

Under Obama unemployment fell from 10% to 4.7%, so he handed off a healthy, full employment economy to Trump and from there, with big increases in deficits, it kept up the growth trajectory to 3.7% unemployment with LFPR still stuck at ~63% right before recession in 2020.

So that's the difference between Obama stagnation and Trump's supposed historic splendor? Seriously?

Yes, seriously. I also pointed out to you who ran the House; the people responsible for spending for two years. Riddle me this: why is the stimulus bill been sitting idle the last couple of months? That's right, because Piglosi wants to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans gave in on several negotiations and the Democrats won't budge an inch. They insist all their pork unrelated to the virus stays in the bill.

Yes, job growth slows down when you near or surpass perfect employment in this country. Why would you want to see more job growth when we didn't have enough people to do the jobs we had? The economy went to 10% unemployment under Obama so more job creation was much easier. Unemployment in April was 14.7% now down to 6.9%. That's less than half of the unemployment we had, and numbers are expected to improve with shopping season right around the corner.
Blah blah blah, Trump economy greatness is not hinged on your musings about future Biden economy.

You want to ignore the foremost economic yardstick that is the GDP growth? You want to ignore huge deficits? You want to ignore all of this and concentrate on jobs?

Sure, let's do that - Trump in his first 3 years saw slower job growth than 3 years before he got there.

Under Obama unemployment fell from 10% to 4.7%, so he handed off a healthy, full employment economy to Trump and from there, with big increases in deficits, it kept up the growth trajectory to 3.7% unemployment with LFPR still stuck at ~63% right before recession in 2020.

So that's the difference between Obama stagnation and Trump's supposed historic splendor? Seriously?

Yes, seriously. I also pointed out to you who ran the House; the people responsible for spending for two years. Riddle me this: why is the stimulus bill been sitting idle the last couple of months? That's right, because Piglosi wants to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans gave in on several negotiations and the Democrats won't budge an inch. They insist all their pork unrelated to the virus stays in the bill.

Yes, job growth slows down when you near or surpass perfect employment in this country. Why would you want to see more job growth when we didn't have enough people to do the jobs we had? The economy went to 10% unemployment under Obama so more job creation was much easier. Unemployment in April was 14.7% now down to 6.9%. That's less than half of the unemployment we had, and numbers are expected to improve with shopping season right around the corner.

Wtf??? Republicans had full Congressional majority and Presidency untill they lost in 2018 and gave up control of the House in 2019.

They increased millitary spending and reduced revenues with tax-cutting.

Any other half baked history revisions you want to share?
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.
As a woman I’ve got to agree with her. Nothing worse than a ‘woke’ white woman voting.
Wtf??? Republicans had full Congressional majority and Presidency untill they lost in 2018 and gave up control of the House in 2019.

Any other excuses?

No, but they only had the House half of Trump's presidency. Plus remember Trump had to rebuild the military that Obama allowed to dwindle. This is the worst pandemic in over 100 years. You don't think additional spending is justified?
Maybe you would have better numbers with women voters if you weren’t interested in taking away their right to vote.

Just a thought.
Wtf??? Republicans had full Congressional majority and Presidency untill they lost in 2018 and gave up control of the House in 2019.

Any other excuses?

No, but they only had the House half of Trump's presidency. Plus remember Trump had to rebuild the military that Obama allowed to dwindle. This is the worst pandemic in over 100 years. You don't think additional spending is justified?

What part of Republicans gave up control of the House in 2019 do you not understand?

Republicans had full control for 2 of 3 pre-covid years.

And regardless of who you want blame for Trump economy being simply pretty good (just as Obama economy was pretty good) fact remains that it was far from greatest-evah Trump&Co keep falsely claiming.
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What part of Republicans gave up control of the House in 2019 do you not understand?

Republicans had full control for 2 of 3 pre-covid years.

And regardless of who you want blame for Trump economy being simply pretty good (just as Obama economy was pretty good) fact remains that it was far from greatest-evah Trump&Co keep falsely claiming.

He said it but I didn't. I said it's the best it's been in a half-century. DumBama had nothing to do with an improving economy because he didn't take any steps to make it that way. You can't say that about Trump. Even today, the market is still doing well, the unemployment rate dropping, and in many states right or left the problem is only getting worse, just like Europe. How does this happen? It happens when people are confident of our leader. That confidence will be long gone if Biden does take the White House. Watch and see.
Maybe you would have better numbers with women voters if you weren’t interested in taking away their right to vote.

Just a thought.

Right. Real men do like you and verbally destroy any woman who votes against you, Archie Bunker

I destroyed women who vote against me?

You try to, yes. Some dumb bimbo voting Republican isn't acceptable. Women are free to ... agree with you ... Archie Bunker ...
Maybe you would have better numbers with women voters if you weren’t interested in taking away their right to vote.

Just a thought.

Right. Real men do like you and verbally destroy any woman who votes against you, Archie Bunker

I destroyed women who vote against me?

You try to, yes. Some dumb bimbo voting Republican isn't acceptable. Women are free to ... agree with you ... Archie Bunker ...

Ok. What exactly did I do against women voters that you disapprove of?
What part of Republicans gave up control of the House in 2019 do you not understand?

Republicans had full control for 2 of 3 pre-covid years.

And regardless of who you want blame for Trump economy being simply pretty good (just as Obama economy was pretty good) fact remains that it was far from greatest-evah Trump&Co keep falsely claiming.

He said it but I didn't. I said it's the best it's been in a half-century. DumBama had nothing to do with an improving economy because he didn't take any steps to make it that way. You can't say that about Trump. Even today, the market is still doing well, the unemployment rate dropping, and in many states right or left the problem is only getting worse, just like Europe. How does this happen? It happens when people are confident of our leader. That confidence will be long gone if Biden does take the White House. Watch and see.

Holyy shit it was not the best in half century, 90's EASILY had better economy, with higher GDP growth, more job growth, more income growth, way less deficits, and much higher labor force participation rates.

Economic growth under Obama, again regardless of who you want to credit or not, was no worse than under Trump, who oversaw but an extension of those 7 year growth trends. There were no outstanding jumps in economic activity or employment growth after Trump got elected.


Obama's administration oversaw financial bailouts and related reforms, passed 870b stimulus which among other things kept General Motors and much of American auto supply chain from croaking while his Fed was priming the economy with QE on monetary side to fight off deflation.

To say that Obama somehow did nothing and everything just fixed itself out of Great Recession is just more ignorant nonsense.
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