My wife says she’d welcome legislation that would forbid women from voting.

My wife doesn't go that far but we have two young daughters and she fears that if we continue down this mantra of men are equal to women and women are equal to men that if one of our kids is attacked by a man, other men will just shrug as men and women are equal and when you put into the stew the defund the police rhetoric she feels that our girls are in graver danger.

She believes that safety should come first. Thank you for your candid post.

That's been happening for some time now. I was over my sisters house when her daughter came home upset and crying because the boys down the street said they were going to beat her up. She was 16 at the time. I just scratched my head. When I was a kid, if a boy ever said he was going to beat up a girl, the other boys would have kicked his ass sideways for being a sissy.

I didn't lose any sleep over it, just wondered what I missed where this kind of change went about. One day I'm channel surfing and I came across television shows where women detectives were beating up male aggressors, where female victims turned the tables on a guy and beat him unconscious.
Sounds good to me!:)
Except its not the real world.
In the real world women take care of themselves. Girls learn to handle bullies
It wasn't the best economy, that is just some bullshit hyperbole Trump fronts and you parrot as some sort of fact.

When Obama was posting 2.x% GDP growth you Republicans and Trump were calling it stagnation. But as soon as Trump gets into office suddenly that's "greatest economy ever", even as we started posting trillion dollar deficits.

Ignorance of basic economics, double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts among Trumpsters, you fools will eat up just about any bullshit and ask for seconds.

How was it not the best economy in 50 years? I'm 60 years old, and I don't recall at anytime in my life where we had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. New housing was up, employment records broken for women and every minority group since we started keeping records, more people leaving the dole, our border getting better every week. Trump did a fabulous job as President.

Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to destroy suburbs. He and Whorris both said they are going to get rid of fracking which made us the worlds largest energy exporter. He's going to cause inflation and more jobs leaving the country with his national $15.00 minimum wage; at the very least, influence more businesses to invest in automation and replace their human workers. Biden stated the day he takes seat in the White House is the day the border wall stops, and I'm sure he's going to reverse all the great policies that Trump put in place.

Now......if Biden does keep this win, and that's sketchy now, you and your ilk will be here for the next four years blaming Trump for Biden screwing up this country as bad as he says he would.

Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.
Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.

There is nothing more a President could do than what Trump did. If Biden was in, or Hillary was in, we'd have the same results. This is the Untied States of America. We are not like North Korea where a dictator can order everybody to their homes and not leave for a few months.

Obama didn't pull us out of anything. He was the most anti-business President in our life. Business creates jobs, not the President. All the President can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to create those jobs. If you are going to credit a President for job creation, you have to show the dynamics of what he did to see those jobs were created.
Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.

There is nothing more a President could do than what Trump did. If Biden was in, or Hillary was in, we'd have the same results. This is the Untied States of America. We are not like North Korea where a dictator can order everybody to their homes and not leave for a few months.

Obama didn't pull us out of anything. He was the most anti-business President in our life. Business creates jobs, not the President. All the President can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to create those jobs. If you are going to credit a President for job creation, you have to show the dynamics of what he did to see those jobs were created.
In right wing fantasy, any Hoax you can come up with is Right and the "gospel Truth".
Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.

There is nothing more a President could do than what Trump did. If Biden was in, or Hillary was in, we'd have the same results.

Yea thats bs.

Neither Biden nor Clinton would be out there spreading Trump's magical thinking and telling America how this virus is no worse than flu, how it will disapear any day now, how we should go pack churches on Easter and how unproven drugs like HCQ are the solution and how Covid-19 now has a cure (yea he actually said that after his stint at Walter Reed)

They would be supporting mask wearing instead of politicizing it. They would support CDC guidelines. They would formulate and fund a coherent national plan for shutting down severe hotspots and then RESPONSIBLY re-open so that we can STAY open through the well predicted second wave.
Yea thats bs.

Neither Biden nor Clinton would be out there spreading Trump's magical thinking and telling America how this virus is no worse than flu, how it will disapear any day now, how we should go pack churches on Easter and how unproven drugs like HCQ are the solution and how Covid-19 now has a cure (yea he actually said that after his stint at Walter Reed)

They would be supporting mask wearing instead of politicizing it. They would support CDC guidelines. They would formulate and fund a coherent national plan for shutting down severe hotspots and then RESPONSIBLY re-open so that we can STAY open through the well predicted second wave.

When did Trump ever say HCQ was the solution? Do you really think we would have one less case or one less death if Trump didn't try to give us hope and reassurance? Republicans and Independents are not like Democrats. We don't all think alike and believe everything we hear or read. If somebody wants to go to church, they will. My 86 year old mother does it today. Our state has had mask mandates for a couple of months, promotion of social distancing, washing and sanitizing hands, and guess what? We are having more problems today since this thing started.

What happened in Europe? They did what you just suggested. They showdown and reopened when things started to look up. When you open up, it starts spreading again, and you can't stay locked down forever. You might as well be dead.

A US President has limited power, just like our Congress, just like our local governments. We live according to the US Constitution, not under royalty rule.

Juicin in post #37 Your statement "woman have never lead Any major human civilization ever" Is 100% wrong. "
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Stop playing dress up and believing the words are coming from your "wife's" mouth. We know they are yours. :auiqs.jpg:
I choose not to comment on the OP despite it's mulitple low hanging fruit options. LOL
Consider your statement that more deaths occurred in Democratic states with this Statement, that more deaths occurred in places with the largest populations & the least ability to separate & have open air personal space.
If you get your information about woman from make believe TV programs, I now understand my confusion regarding some of your past posts.
If you get your information about woman from make believe TV programs, I now understand my confusion regarding some of your past posts.
Leave it to Beaver, or the. Old Preacher Duck Dynasty. Marry ‘em young so you can train them!
Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.

There is nothing more a President could do than what Trump did. If Biden was in, or Hillary was in, we'd have the same results. This is the Untied States of America. We are not like North Korea where a dictator can order everybody to their homes and not leave for a few months.

Obama didn't pull us out of anything. He was the most anti-business President in our life. Business creates jobs, not the President. All the President can do is make it easier or harder for the private sector to create those jobs. If you are going to credit a President for job creation, you have to show the dynamics of what he did to see those jobs were created.

Yes, we all know Trump is an accomplished businessman. Just ask his creditors or the ones cheated in his 6 bankruptcies.:laugh2:
I have seen shows where 110 pound woman picked up a guy appearing about 300 pounds and threw him into a wall. This is not portrayed as a fantasy but a twisted reality. Women really believe this claptrap and get beaten into a hospital gown.

The problem is the guys believe it too. I mean television and this push to physically equalize the genders leads guys to believe that having a fight with a woman is the same as having a fight with a guy.

Smart women do not hang around with fighting men.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.
Why does she believe what she does? Women allege to be equal, at least for pay purposes in some venues.

Probably because she loves her country and understands what a huge and detrimental surge to the left we made when we let women vote.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Stop playing dress up and believing the words are coming from your "wife's" mouth. We know they are yours. :auiqs.jpg:

Look fool
She's playing a numbers game she trades her vote for several votes that are going to be against her.
Only a fucking retard would not do that.
It wasn't the best economy, that is just some bullshit hyperbole Trump fronts and you parrot as some sort of fact.

When Obama was posting 2.x% GDP growth you Republicans and Trump were calling it stagnation. But as soon as Trump gets into office suddenly that's "greatest economy ever", even as we started posting trillion dollar deficits.

Ignorance of basic economics, double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts among Trumpsters, you fools will eat up just about any bullshit and ask for seconds.

How was it not the best economy in 50 years? I'm 60 years old, and I don't recall at anytime in my life where we had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them. New housing was up, employment records broken for women and every minority group since we started keeping records, more people leaving the dole, our border getting better every week. Trump did a fabulous job as President.

Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to destroy suburbs. He and Whorris both said they are going to get rid of fracking which made us the worlds largest energy exporter. He's going to cause inflation and more jobs leaving the country with his national $15.00 minimum wage; at the very least, influence more businesses to invest in automation and replace their human workers. Biden stated the day he takes seat in the White House is the day the border wall stops, and I'm sure he's going to reverse all the great policies that Trump put in place.

Now......if Biden does keep this win, and that's sketchy now, you and your ilk will be here for the next four years blaming Trump for Biden screwing up this country as bad as he says he would.

Yes, President Obama left Trump a booming economy after pulling us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I also give George Bush some credit for realizing what Cheney and his goons did while he was playing President. At least he tried to help Obama.

But I will always blame him for lying us into war. And Trump failed on the COVID-19 virus By being more concerned about himself than those sick and dying.

Yea thats bs.

Neither Biden nor Clinton would be out there spreading Trump's magical thinking and telling America how this virus is no worse than flu, how it will disapear any day now, how we should go pack churches on Easter and how unproven drugs like HCQ are the solution and how Covid-19 now has a cure (yea he actually said that after his stint at Walter Reed)

They would be supporting mask wearing instead of politicizing it. They would support CDC guidelines. They would formulate and fund a coherent national plan for shutting down severe hotspots and then RESPONSIBLY re-open so that we can STAY open through the well predicted second wave.

When did Trump ever say HCQ was the solution?


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