My PhD. Just started.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
Excellent start.
There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors."

Don't agree with that statement. We have gone from an ~90% White Western European population in 1965, to ~60% White Wester European population in 2021. The bulwark of that percentage made up of groups with IQ's 1-1.5 standard deviations lower than White Western Europeans. OF COURSE our collective IQ has decreased.

However, it is a nice start.
No no no no

Its just another political temper tantrum. You're welcome to your opinion but you need to be a whole lot more neutral. State facts, not opinions.

If you doubt this, notice that its only RWNJs who love what you've written.

I cannot see your footnotes so you may have documented your opinions. If so, pardon me. If not, you need to write as though you're not on a grossly RWNJ message board.

I'm 74 and remember defending my own PhD as well as knowing friend's.The last thing you want is to sound like another grump old fart yelling at the kids on your lawn.
Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

Engaging style of writing, informative and personal. I look forward to reading your next submission!

BTW the first prize winner of all run-ons (which I display daily on USMB) I have to say you might be in the running for my crown lol I joke as I love full-on metal jacket type of run on sentences that cannot be reduced in any manner to avoid leaving out important links. Your story already contains insightful interpretations (like the one quoted above) to inspire readers to think:) Thanks for sharing.

EDIT-wanted to respond to Luddly's comment that only a particular political group will fully appreciate your writings. I'm outside of that box as are many others who read this board. When boxes and labels are no longer the first thing people attach to political insights, we'll be better off. Not saying that's going to happen any time soon, but there's always hope for improvement on that score.
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I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
The word "Ideocracy" in the first paragraph of your thesis should be spelled with a lowercase "i".
I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
Yeah, that will get you your PhD, from
I can tell the OP has a crush on Dr. Biden and yer writing format is missing any relevance to your thesis of being a man who is old and demands the world do as he says...

The word "Ideocracy" in the first paragraph of your thesis should be spelled with a lowercase "i".
You may want to move that lower case "i" to the middle of the word displacing the "o" where it belongs.
I've got the Mojo and that is all that really matters.
You may want to move that lower case "i" to the middle of the word displacing the "o" where it belongs.
Good point. Your attention to detail, thus recognizing my typo, is commendable.

However, that does not fix the capitalization issue.

Other than that, your thesis is very good. I give it a B.
My youngest son who is 19 manages to go to college on the merits of his high grades and advanced class position. So, I have no idea what you mean by low IQ. He doesn't pay for college the college pays him to attend.
I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
I'm not a good writer so I'm probably not the best judge. But having said that, I always enjoy your posts from both a content and style perspective. Follow your dream and good luck.

I'm not a good
I have decided to compose a dissertation for a doctoral thesis. Please review this sample and tell me what you think. I am going to spend a year on it so the research can be done properly. It is going to be about 40,000 words.



As I am on my way to eighty years old, it is time to revisit my education. Due to time constraints, I have decided to dispense with the usual formalities and go right to a PhD. I do this after reading portions of Dr. Jill Biden’s doctoral thesis which is written on such a pedestrian level that it barely qualifies it as a respectable grocery list. Obviously for western democracy to survive this cannot continue. Self-education among the plebian population using all available resources is important especially in consideration of a metastasizing educated Idiocracy that has already resulted in assaults on free speech, the abandonment of national sovereignty, the collapse of law and order in cities, the release of a human-engineered plague, a Holocaust-inspired marginalization of a racial group, a fraudulent, stolen presidential election, and the installation of a demented dunce-whispering national leader at the helm of the world’s most powerful capitalist economy.

A thesis of world events and an explanation of the regressive evolution of American education compulsory and higher with respect to a loss of critical thinking skills.

Right off the bat the writer apologizes for the high Flesch-Kincaid score of this document which will limit views since most Americans read on a 3rd to 7th grade level and many US college graduates understand the written word at an 8th grade ability. There has been no detectable biological retrogression of human intellect in modern America, so it is safe to say that contemporary citizens are not being born more stupid than their predecessors. What is far more likely is that they are being made that way by modern technology, corporate branding/advertising, propagandized media, and critically lowered bad education. As a baby boomer born in 1947 my recollections are as follows:

Higher education in America experienced a sea change beginning with the launch of the world’s first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, by the former Soviet Union in 1957. This historical episode generated consternation among US leadership bordering on mass hysteria. The fear that America was losing ground to the Russians introduced a clinical panic into US command and control giving rise to a system of student debt and corrupting American education to the extent that the national history IQ among domestic college graduates has plummeted.

......Much more to come......
I always enjoy your posts from both a style and content perspective. So you're already a Dr. in my book. But don't get too cocky just yet. College professors are pretty radical these days and could possibly reject a great thesis solely on the basis that you don't conform to their own rigid set of personal opinions. Follow your dream and good luck.
You may want to move that lower case "i" to the middle of the word displacing the "o" where it belongs.
Actually, the "i" should replace the "e". Both of you need a proof reader. I work for 5¢ per word.
I'm not a good writer so I'm probably not the best judge. But having said that, I always enjoy your posts from both a content and style perspective. Follow your dream and good luck.

I'm not a good

I always enjoy your posts from both a style and content perspective. So you're already a Dr. in my book. But don't get too cocky just yet. College professors are pretty radical these days and could possibly reject a great thesis solely on the basis that you don't conform to their own rigid set of personal opinions. Follow your dream and good luck.
You have to meet these people on their own turf. Fifty years ago I would never have even considered this, but considering the direction education has gone and is going, rank and file citizens need to step up and expose it for the fraud it has become.

I am not going to just sit back and hope for some miracle that goodness and human decency will enter the hearts of power hungry actors abusing the minds of children and young adults. This is not a new phenomenon. Actual authentic history is replete with this strategy.

Even if I fail, I can say I went down fighting.
I can't even begin to understand more modern music which is as much visual as it is audio. I come from Bob Dylan and Neil Young. But I love this song. It has a defiance that is not self-righteous. It inspires the soul to get up and keep going. Sometimes I play it while I write.

I just did some checking and "Idiocracy" may indeed be incorrectly spelled. My Office editor prefers ideocracy. I solved the problem by capitalizing the word but that capitalization may have bee seen as a reference to the movie. I apologize for the confusion and appreciate the notification.

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