My opinion why Elizabeth Warren refuses to leave the race right now:

Will Warren do everything to stop Sanders bid for the Nomination?

  • Yes, I believe you are correct

  • No way she love the Berning!

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Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
She has a score to settle with Bernie Sanders!

The article is from last month and it is for me to explain my comment and why I believe Warren will do everything to make sure she denies Sanders the nomination and it is his alleged words about a woman not being able to win the Oval Office.

I believe Warren with the silent backing of Hillary Clinton are aiming to derail Sanders bid because let me state if Warren dropped out it would benefit Sanders the most...

If Sanders was not in the race at this point I believe Warren would have exited after last night but again her dislike for Sanders supposed comments have her told up and his staying in past his time in 2016 make sense to me why Warren is going to be the spoiler to his bid for the DNC crown...

So leave a message after the beep and maybe if I am in the mood I might respond...
There is a video provided by The Hill which shows Bernie Sanders saying a woman COULD be elected president. Here is what the Hill reported:

“A clip emerged Tuesday of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) saying in 1988 that he believed a woman could be elected president, just a day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Sanders told her in 2018 that a woman couldn't win the presidency.

"'The real issue is not whether you're black or white, whether you're a woman or a man. In my view, a woman could be elected president of the United States,' Sanders, at the time a high-profile supporter of Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential bid, said in the clip. 'The real issue is whose side are you on? Are you on the side of workers and poor people, or are you on the side of big money and the corporations?'''

Video emerges of Sanders saying in 1988 a woman could be elected president

I trust Sanders more than Warren. I have never heard any evidence of Sanders being a sexist; however, there is a lot of evidence proving Warren is a liar. She lied about her American-Indian heritage and she lied about getting fired because she was pregnant (that was a huge whopper). Warren would lie about anything in order to gain political advantage.

I understand that Sander's comments were made in 1988 and people do change, especially over such a long period of time. However, other than the self-serving statement by Warren, there is no evidence that he has changed his position.

CONCLUSION: Warren is not staying in the race because of an ALLEGED comment Sanders made. She is staying in because she really thinks she can deceive enough people into nominating her and electing her.
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She has a score to settle with Bernie Sanders!

The article is from last month and it is for me to explain my comment and why I believe Warren will do everything to make sure she denies Sanders the nomination and it is his alleged words about a woman not being able to win the Oval Office.

I believe Warren with the silent backing of Hillary Clinton are aiming to derail Sanders bid because let me state if Warren dropped out it would benefit Sanders the most...

If Sanders was not in the race at this point I believe Warren would have exited after last night but again her dislike for Sanders supposed comments have her told up and his staying in past his time in 2016 make sense to me why Warren is going to be the spoiler to his bid for the DNC crown...

So leave a message after the beep and maybe if I am in the mood I might respond...
She will not leave until Massachusetts can vote for her on Super Tuesday.
Hillary Clinton health issues and the Clintons general attitude of being assholes to everyone around them for all those years when they thought they were royalty. They can't raise $$$..,nobody cares about them now.
Warren is finished.

she has no say in anything at all.

bye Felicia
I'm hoping for as many to stay in for as long as possible....they're the best vote Trump advertisement around

The lot of em
She has a score to settle with Bernie Sanders!

The article is from last month and it is for me to explain my comment and why I believe Warren will do everything to make sure she denies Sanders the nomination and it is his alleged words about a woman not being able to win the Oval Office.

I believe Warren with the silent backing of Hillary Clinton are aiming to derail Sanders bid because let me state if Warren dropped out it would benefit Sanders the most...

If Sanders was not in the race at this point I believe Warren would have exited after last night but again her dislike for Sanders supposed comments have her told up and his staying in past his time in 2016 make sense to me why Warren is going to be the spoiler to his bid for the DNC crown...

So leave a message after the beep and maybe if I am in the mood I might respond...
:cuckoo: :rofl:

Get a grip!!!

You sound like the Russian propagandists trying to spread discord among democrats.... And you're doing a fine job of it.

Then if the Bern doesn't win, you'll stay home.
She has a score to settle with Bernie Sanders!

The article is from last month and it is for me to explain my comment and why I believe Warren will do everything to make sure she denies Sanders the nomination and it is his alleged words about a woman not being able to win the Oval Office.

I believe Warren with the silent backing of Hillary Clinton are aiming to derail Sanders bid because let me state if Warren dropped out it would benefit Sanders the most...

If Sanders was not in the race at this point I believe Warren would have exited after last night but again her dislike for Sanders supposed comments have her told up and his staying in past his time in 2016 make sense to me why Warren is going to be the spoiler to his bid for the DNC crown...

So leave a message after the beep and maybe if I am in the mood I might respond...
/—-/ Either that or she’s just an entitled bitch on wheels
Pocahontas still has money in the bank in her campaign, so she might as well spend it. You never know, one of her chief opponents might be a victim of an arkancide or whatever and she'll be right back in the thick of the race. Crazy Bernie had a heart attack last year, Warren might luck out and he could have another one. Petey could end up in the hospital for a month if a gerbil gets caught in his caboose or he comes down with a case of the aids. Sleepy Joe could escape from the home and disappear.

As long as there is life, there is hope
Warren is finished.

she has no say in anything at all.

bye Felicia
I agree. She's like a grandma on crack out there on the campaign trail, all hyped-up and screeching.
CRY A TRAIL OF TEARS: Elizabeth Warren is fading fast.

And right on cue: Boo Hoo: Now That Liz Warren Is Losing, She’s Blaming the Media for Not Being Fair. As Jim Treacher writes, “For once, I kind of feel bad for the media. They deserve better than this. They sacrificed what was left of their own credibility to prop up Elizabeth Warren, and now she’s bashing them for her own failures. They should leave this abusive relationship.”
Actuarial tables say Nutty Old Uncle Bernie will pass his expiration date in short order.

The Democrat Party is grooming Fauxahontas to assume his role as senior asshole.

But why.....when they have so many obvious choices? Is it positive age discrimination?
I agree with miketx. I think the nutty woman is just too stupid to know when to bow out.
1. She's addicted to the attention.

2. She hopes her vagina qualifies her as VP nominee. (She can't be worse than Hillary.)

3. Expecting a Trump reelection, she stays in to bolster 2024 campaign.
She has a score to settle with Bernie Sanders!

The article is from last month and it is for me to explain my comment and why I believe Warren will do everything to make sure she denies Sanders the nomination and it is his alleged words about a woman not being able to win the Oval Office.

I believe Warren with the silent backing of Hillary Clinton are aiming to derail Sanders bid because let me state if Warren dropped out it would benefit Sanders the most...

If Sanders was not in the race at this point I believe Warren would have exited after last night but again her dislike for Sanders supposed comments have her told up and his staying in past his time in 2016 make sense to me why Warren is going to be the spoiler to his bid for the DNC crown...

So leave a message after the beep and maybe if I am in the mood I might respond...
:cuckoo: :rofl:

Get a grip!!!

You sound like the Russian propagandists trying to spread discord among democrats.... And you're doing a fine job of it.

Then if the Bern doesn't win, you'll stay home.

If you have any proof that I live in Russia please provide it to the moderation team so they can ban me from the board!

I am sick of posters like you that write that bullshit to me so you can claim anything that you disagree with is by Russian Trolls.

I live outside Houston, Texas in Austin County and have been her since August after living almost twenty years in Fort Bend and Harris County!

Now if you can kindly report your findings to the Moderation team that proves what I just wrote as a lie then do it!

Also let be clear your boy Bernie loved the Russians when they were communists, so which one of us is for the Russians seeing you will vote for Bernie?

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