my my how two faced liberals are

Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

The difference is skin color. Non whites get a free pass to riot and commit murder. They get special laws meant to benefit them and any white person who says "hey wait a minute this isnt fair" gets labeled as a Nazi by multi billion dollar international media corporations.
We were having a good conversation but now you’re coming off the rails. Get back on track and stop with hyperbole and we can continue
If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

The difference is skin color. Non whites get a free pass to riot and commit murder. They get special laws meant to benefit them and any white person who says "hey wait a minute this isnt fair" gets labeled as a Nazi by multi billion dollar international media corporations.
We were having a good conversation but now you’re coming off the rails. Get back on track and stop with hyperbole and we can continue

White people, especially men ARE being racially discriminated against by the media, portrayed as villains who need to be knocked down from their pedestals...even white men living in poverty...especially them. Corporate diversity hiring, in practice, is discrimination against white men. I was born in 1978, not 1778 yet for some reason (the color of my skin) I am expected to bear the burden for things that happened before I was even born. I can't even imagine what it's like for white guys born in the 90s to grow up constantly hearing about how evil they are.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

The difference is skin color. Non whites get a free pass to riot and commit murder. They get special laws meant to benefit them and any white person who says "hey wait a minute this isnt fair" gets labeled as a Nazi by multi billion dollar international media corporations.
We were having a good conversation but now you’re coming off the rails. Get back on track and stop with hyperbole and we can continue

White people, especially men ARE being racially discriminated against by the media, portrayed as villains who need to be knocked down from their pedestals...even white men living in poverty...especially them. Corporate diversity hiring, in practice, is discrimination against white men. I was born in 1978, not 1778 yet for some reason (the color of my skin) I am expected to bear the burden for things that happened before I was even born. I can't even imagine what it's like for white guys born in the 90s to grow up constantly hearing about how evil they are.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.

Nobody alive hasn't heard all about the struggles of poor minorities in malevolent white America. Take a second to reflect on it? I've been hearing about it all my life but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't change the past. How does discrimination in the name of anti-discrimination make any logical sense? There's no justification for setting someone on fire like what happened during the Ferguson riots which the media has completely forgotten about. Imagine if the Charlottesville guys did that. Holy shit.

And yes, the media does portray white men as evil. Just google the phrase white men.
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



White Men are the Real Threat
Well it's not as if there's a shortage of white guys being killed by cops and getting away with it.

Death of Kelly Thomas - Wikipedia
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

When has Balkanization multi-culturalism ever lead to diminished racial strife, ethnic, or religious strife?

It's foolish to think that Balkanization multi-culturalism is the solution to racism, instead much the opposite is truth, that is to Balkanize is to create prejudices, and tensions.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.

Nobody alive hasn't heard all about the struggles of poor minorities in malevolent white America. Take a second to reflect on it? I've been hearing about it all my life but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't change the past. How does discrimination in the name of anti-discrimination make any logical sense? There's no justification for setting someone on fire like what happened during the Ferguson riots which the media has completely forgotten about. Imagine if the Charlottesville guys did that. Holy shit.

And yes, the media does portray white men as evil. Just google the phrase white men.
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



White Men are the Real Threat
I don’t care that you’ve heard about the plight of minorities. Hearing about it doesn’t mean anything. Understanding it and recognizing an ethical duty to do something about it are what’s important. If a homeless child is given a hot meal and a blanket and you complain that it’s discrimination because we aren’t giving free food and blankets to rich people then you are going to get laughed out of the room. That is an extreme example of what you are doing. It’s not a smart argument to make as the spirit of your complaints are antiamerican in my opinion.

As for those articles, yes I absolutely agree that they are inflammatory and inappropriate. I don’t think they reflect the mainstream at all.
Last edited:
Let’s stay on topic... what’s the WS message and what’s the BLM message?

If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

When has Balkanization multi-culturalism ever lead to diminished racial strife, ethnic, or religious strife?

It's foolish to think that Balkanization multi-culturalism is the solution to racism, instead much the opposite is truth, that is to Balkanize is to create prejudices, and tensions.
Prejudices and tensions have always existed and they are being responded to through efforts to support equality and inclusion. You are the last person who should be lecturing about prejudice btw.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.

Nobody alive hasn't heard all about the struggles of poor minorities in malevolent white America. Take a second to reflect on it? I've been hearing about it all my life but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't change the past. How does discrimination in the name of anti-discrimination make any logical sense? There's no justification for setting someone on fire like what happened during the Ferguson riots which the media has completely forgotten about. Imagine if the Charlottesville guys did that. Holy shit.

And yes, the media does portray white men as evil. Just google the phrase white men.
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



White Men are the Real Threat

The only thing your link proves is that there are bay shit crazy bloggers on the left too. They’re not the MSM, they’re not even a fringe group. They’re just batshit crazy bloggers

The only people I hear talking about plots to get rid of white men, are militant racist groups like Aryan Nation, the Nazi Party and Breitbart, and Info Wars. Right wing groups looking to plant fear.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.

Nobody alive hasn't heard all about the struggles of poor minorities in malevolent white America. Take a second to reflect on it? I've been hearing about it all my life but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't change the past. How does discrimination in the name of anti-discrimination make any logical sense? There's no justification for setting someone on fire like what happened during the Ferguson riots which the media has completely forgotten about. Imagine if the Charlottesville guys did that. Holy shit.

And yes, the media does portray white men as evil. Just google the phrase white men.
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



White Men are the Real Threat

The only thing your link proves is that there are bay shit crazy bloggers on the left too. They’re not the MSM, they’re not even a fringe group. They’re just batshit crazy bloggers.

Those articles represent the current train of thought all too common on college campuses. Undertones of the same sort of hostility towards white men are represented in big media outlets like CNN. The social justice movement is all about putting white men in their place, let's not try and pretend otherwise. I wish people could just be honest about it but I won't hold my breath waiting for you or Slade to admit that I'm right.
Again with the hyperbole. You’re the only one I’ve heard say that white men are evil. Stop being a drama queen and blowing things out of proportion. You don’t seem to have an understanding of why efforts were made after the civil rights act to help support a group of people who were discriminated against for generations. Maybe you should take a second to reflect on that. Show that you understand the plight of minorities and the purpose of support efforts that help them. Then perhaps we can have an honest debate about the effectiveness and details of those those efforts.

Nobody alive hasn't heard all about the struggles of poor minorities in malevolent white America. Take a second to reflect on it? I've been hearing about it all my life but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't change the past. How does discrimination in the name of anti-discrimination make any logical sense? There's no justification for setting someone on fire like what happened during the Ferguson riots which the media has completely forgotten about. Imagine if the Charlottesville guys did that. Holy shit.

And yes, the media does portray white men as evil. Just google the phrase white men.
White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



White Men are the Real Threat

The only thing your link proves is that there are bay shit crazy bloggers on the left too. They’re not the MSM, they’re not even a fringe group. They’re just batshit crazy bloggers.

Those articles represent the current train of thought all too common on college campuses. Undertones of the same sort of hostility towards white men are represented in big media outlets like CNN. The social justice movement is all about putting white men in their place, let's not try and pretend otherwise. I wish people could just be honest about it but I won't hold my breath waiting for you or Slade to admit that I'm right.
But you aren’t right. It’s human nature to express a desire to put the cocky, aggressive, powerful, greedy types in their place. It isn’t about skin color. People have much more distain for the Trump types over the Gates types. Just as they expressed distain for Sadaam, Kim Jung...

You don’t speak for college students nor do you reflect an objective understanding of the groups you appear to oppose. That makes you biased and not an honest actor. If you displayed an objective understanding then it would be much easier to take your points seriously, but you present yourself as a wingnut with a vendetta so unfortunately your not going to get much respect from those you engage with.

True that the younger generation expresses and immature and often emotional reaction to racial issues by standing with minorities and raising the middle finger to those who are supporting division and oppression, most often white conservatives, but not exclusively. True CNN and other news networks have pundits who point out racial and equality issues, not to take down whitey, but to promote success for minorities. You don’t seem able to recognize the difference.
That is a faulty assumption. Kids that age would not touch facebook, it is what their parents use. Facebook is for 25 to 35 year old women that use it to talk about how amazing their life is and have all their friends tell them how amazing they are. Or it is to talk about how much they suffer so their friends can tell them how amazing they are.
There are a lot of 30 and 40 year old's running around these days that are really 12 year old you!
If white people decided to protest against the death of a white man at the hands of the police, they would have plenty of victims to choose from but their protests would not have the unequivocal support from the media that black activists enjoy.
That’s a big leap. Plus a group protesting against police brutality and against targeting a specific race, is much different than white suprematists. WS causes support segregation and isolation of people because of their race. You are not comparing apples to apples

People standing up on behalf of white people's interests will always labeled by the media as white supremacist no matter what they actually believe. Case in point, Trump supporters. If you think there's not a strong undercurrent of extremism within the ranks of BLM, then you should do more research.
Do you understand the difference though? You are comparing a group that has undergone generations of oppression including slavery and written laws that restricted their rights in this country. You don’t just rewrite the laws and think all’s good. There is a process of cultural change that needs to happen and that occurs by standing up in support of those oppressed groups. It’s pretty weak when the “majority group” that has benefitted for generations at the expense of these minorities, start claiming that they are being oppressed because they are not receiving the same support and benefits of the minorities that are still in a process of “catch up”. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain?

When has Balkanization multi-culturalism ever lead to diminished racial strife, ethnic, or religious strife?

It's foolish to think that Balkanization multi-culturalism is the solution to racism, instead much the opposite is truth, that is to Balkanize is to create prejudices, and tensions.
Prejudices and tensions have always existed and they are being responded to through efforts to support equality and inclusion. You are the last person who should be lecturing about prejudice btw.

More like prejudices, and tensions are responded correctly by separating the races, ethnics, or religious groups.
That is a faulty assumption. Kids that age would not touch facebook, it is what their parents use. Facebook is for 25 to 35 year old women that use it to talk about how amazing their life is and have all their friends tell them how amazing they are. Or it is to talk about how much they suffer so their friends can tell them how amazing they are.
There are a lot of 30 and 40 year old's running around these days that are really 12 year old you!

Ahhh, how sweet! :11_2_1043:

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