my my how two faced liberals are

Facebook Data Scandal: When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

lets look back at 2012 and the BO campaign in regards to facebook. Sound familiar???? None of the left wing political sluts whined about that.

Get this:

"The only difference, as far as we can discern, between the two campaigns' use of Facebook, is that in the case of Obama the users themselves agreed to share their data with the Obama campaign, as well as that of their friends."

The ONLY difference here is that the people Obama took the information from, AGREED to have the info taken from them.

Yeah, no difference at all, especially if you're a blind Trump supporter. In fact if you're a blind Trump supporter, you probably think it's BETTER to not ask first now.
Prove it liar.
Proof is that we never heard about obama doing any of this until March 2018, which is 5 years after. The keyword is consent.

Obama was known for using Ukrainian whores for political reasons, right?
Facebook Data Scandal: When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

lets look back at 2012 and the BO campaign in regards to facebook. Sound familiar???? None of the left wing political sluts whined about that.

Get this:

"The only difference, as far as we can discern, between the two campaigns' use of Facebook, is that in the case of Obama the users themselves agreed to share their data with the Obama campaign, as well as that of their friends."

The ONLY difference here is that the people Obama took the information from, AGREED to have the info taken from them.

Yeah, no difference at all, especially if you're a blind Trump supporter. In fact if you're a blind Trump supporter, you probably think it's BETTER to not ask first now.
Prove it liar.
Proof is that we never heard about obama doing any of this until March 2018, which is 5 years after. The keyword is consent.

Obama was known for using Ukrainian whores for political reasons, right?
Proves nothing like all of you "proof".
Facebook Data Scandal: When Obama Harvested Facebook Data On Millions To Win In 2012, Everyone Cheered

lets look back at 2012 and the BO campaign in regards to facebook. Sound familiar???? None of the left wing political sluts whined about that.

Get this:

"The only difference, as far as we can discern, between the two campaigns' use of Facebook, is that in the case of Obama the users themselves agreed to share their data with the Obama campaign, as well as that of their friends."

The ONLY difference here is that the people Obama took the information from, AGREED to have the info taken from them.

Yeah, no difference at all, especially if you're a blind Trump supporter. In fact if you're a blind Trump supporter, you probably think it's BETTER to not ask first now.
Prove it liar.
Proof is that we never heard about obama doing any of this until March 2018, which is 5 years after. The keyword is consent.

Obama was known for using Ukrainian whores for political reasons, right?
Utter bull crap!

Learn to read and comprehend what you read!!

For goodness sake!!!!

What is wrong with you people?
Poor Trumpanzees, all they can do when another of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's crimes are discovered is holler 'Obama, Obama, Clinton, Clinton!' Never any defense of the bastard because they know there is no defense of the asshole.

So far all you have is hot air, the usual.
Facebook is for 12 year old girls...give me a break...

That is a faulty assumption. Kids that age would not touch facebook, it is what their parents use. Facebook is for 25 to 35 year old women that use it to talk about how amazing their life is and have all their friends tell them how amazing they are. Or it is to talk about how much they suffer so their friends can tell them how amazing they are.

If an alien used my FB feed to gather information about the world they would think that my nephew's wife was the first woman to ever have two children under the age of 5. :21:
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin
11:35 AM, MAR 09, 2012 | By DANIEL HALPER
Pres. Obama phoning congratulations from Air Force 1 to Pres-elect Vladimir Putin of Russia.
Yet with President Obama reportedly calling to congratulate Putin, apparently the White House isn't too concerned with the fraudulent election--or even its worrisome outcome.
Obama Calls to Congratulate Putin

Can you imagine for a second if President Trump was caught on a hot mic promising leniency with Russia?
The media would go haywire!
But, because the MSM was in Obama’s pocket and they show an open distain for President Trump the tables have turned. Nearly the entirety of the mainstream media, and the predictably moronic John McCain, has lashed out at President Trump for a relatively standard diplomatic move. Was Trump supposed to call Putin and say, “F*** you and your rigged elections” – would that have made the MSM happy?
You don’t need to look any further than these side-by-side news searches to spot how disgusting and biased the “American” MSM is against the Trump Administration:
FLASHBACK: Remember When Obama Called Putin To Congratulate Him On Phony Election Win & Promised Him 'Flexibility'?

Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'
Slamming Putin call, McCain goes after Trump for 'congratulating dictators on winning sham elections'

So why again was it OK for Obama to congratulate Putin and even tell Putin through his second in command..

In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.
As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.

This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election
I’ve got a conspiracy theory (sometimes they turn out to be true). Obama is the one who colluded with Russia so that Hillary would not win.
Holy shit! Hypocrisy in politics! What the hell is the world coming to?

In other breaking news, the sun came up in the east this morning...:290968001256257790-final:
Holy shit! Hypocrisy in politics! What the hell is the world coming to?

In other breaking news, the sun came up in the east this morning...:290968001256257790-final:

No you totally as uninformed people are wont to do, didn't read closely. It is not politics. It is and I'm going to shout since that maybe the only way to get some people's attention:
Holy shit! Hypocrisy in politics! What the hell is the world coming to?

In other breaking news, the sun came up in the east this morning...:290968001256257790-final:
The funny thing and the hypocrisy of partisan politics is that it goes both ways. The OP is going after the Left for having Russia fever for Trump but not doing the same for Obama... but If the Right has or is going to criticize the Left for Obama’s friendliness towards Russia then they are hypocrites for not holding Trump to the same standards. Do they not see that?! Especially given the escalation of illegal involvment with our most recent election. That’s a factor that wasn’t in place back in 2012
I’ve got a conspiracy theory (sometimes they turn out to be true). Obama is the one who colluded with Russia so that Hillary would not win.
I have said this before. Remember, it was Comey working for obama that reopened the investigation a week before the election and remember the kuuunt blamed Comey. So did the left electorate, until Trump fired him and then in one split second they regarded Comey as a hero. We have proof of all of that.
one was done through theft and lying, the other was with permission....AND facebook had changed their rules since the O campaign.

The effort was called a "game-changer" in the 2012 election, and the Obama campaign boasted that it was "the most groundbreaking piece of technology developed for the campaign."

The only difference, as far as we can discern, between the two campaigns' use of Facebook, is that in the case of Obama the users themselves agreed to share their data with the Obama campaign, as well as that of their friends.

The users that downloaded the Cambridge app, meanwhile, were only told that the information would be used for academic purposes. Nor was the data to be used for anything other than academic purposes.

It's an important distinction, to be sure
, and Facebook is right to be attacked for its inability to control how its user data were being gathered and shopped around. (Facebook tightened its privacy rules on data sharing apps in 2015.)

Where is the evidence that any users agreed to share their data with Obama?
It says the Obama application, had an agreement that they signed agreeing the O campaign would gather their and friends emails and info.

Also Facebook changed their terms of agreement AFTER that in 2013

Cambridge analitica info was gathered through deceit and lies.....

Was suppose to be an academic survey for academic use only.

The Russian professor at Cambridge university stole their profiles and that of friends without permission and then used them for profiling for POLITICAL use and not for just academics..

You and your ilk of trumpsters don't care anyway.....So why bother posting on this?
I didn't ask you if Obama or Facebook agreed to it. I asked you if the users agreed to it. Where did they do that? Please post the evidence that they did.
Holy shit! Hypocrisy in politics! What the hell is the world coming to?

In other breaking news, the sun came up in the east this morning...:290968001256257790-final:
The funny thing and the hypocrisy of partisan politics is that it goes both ways. The OP is going after the Left for having Russia fever for Trump but not doing the same for Obama... but If the Right has or is going to criticize the Left for Obama’s friendliness towards Russia then they are hypocrites for not holding Trump to the same standards. Do they not see that?! Especially given the escalation of illegal involvment with our most recent election. That’s a factor that wasn’t in place back in 2012

The problem is that the right sees no difference in the circumstances in 2012 and those today.

In 2012 when Obama called him, Putin hadn’t invaded the Crimea, hadn’t shut down all political opposition and held a sham election, hadn’t attacked the US election process, hadn’t poisoned a former Russian spy on British soil, nor attacked US power plants, nor had Russian mercenaries attacked US Troops in Syria.

Big difference.
I’ve got a conspiracy theory (sometimes they turn out to be true). Obama is the one who colluded with Russia so that Hillary would not win.
I have said this before. Remember, it was Comey working for obama that reopened the investigation a week before the election and remember the kuuunt blamed Comey. So did the left electorate, until Trump fired him and then in one split second they regarded Comey as a hero. We have proof of all of that.
What lens are you looking through? Hillary and the DNC are still dumping all over Comey for that little speech he gave prior to the election. Trump firing Comey is ammo against Trump so it is being politically and potentially legally used against him. It’s pretty straight forward... What are you confused about?
Holy shit! Hypocrisy in politics! What the hell is the world coming to?

In other breaking news, the sun came up in the east this morning...:290968001256257790-final:
The funny thing and the hypocrisy of partisan politics is that it goes both ways. The OP is going after the Left for having Russia fever for Trump but not doing the same for Obama... but If the Right has or is going to criticize the Left for Obama’s friendliness towards Russia then they are hypocrites for not holding Trump to the same standards. Do they not see that?! Especially given the escalation of illegal involvment with our most recent election. That’s a factor that wasn’t in place back in 2012

The problem is that the right sees no difference in the circumstances in 2012 and those today.

In 2012 when Obama called him, Putin hadn’t invaded the Crimea, hadn’t shut down all political opposition and held a sham election, hadn’t attacked the US election process, hadn’t poisoned a former Russian spy on British soil, nor attacked US power plants, nor had Russian mercenaries attacked US Troops in Syria.

Big difference.
Agreed, all good points that add to the absurdity of the OP
Why can't you guys just admit that partisan politics is stupid so we can move on as a nation?

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