My Memorial Day

No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.
You are dismissed. You are a disgrace to the nation.
"Dismissed"???...I wouldn't allow you into my presence.
We don't want to be in your presence, idiot.

Still waiting on the line unit you served in...
USAF Security Police
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.

A real soldier does not ask his commander in chief what he will be fighting about before going into battle. A real soldier obeys the orders of those in authority over him and does not ask questions. As a soldier in the army of God I can assure you that I do not demand an explanation from my Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ before He leads me into the battle. What you have is a failure to understand the definition of the word "submit" and "authority". You missed two very important lessons from your experience.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

Vindication is a sign of weakness. I've heard enough now. Today is about honoring the soldiers who laid down their lives for America. Let's get back to the topic at hand in the OP. Thank you, Mark.
That's the problem with stupid veterans...they believed in mom and apple pie and were too stupid to look around them.
I served with the stupid as well as the intelligent and it made no difference what our views were when we were in each other's company.

Idiots like housefly was the type of guy that brought dissension into a unit if you did not agree with him, usually casualties went up right after his type arrived in a unit.

However I thank all the Men and Women who served Honorably AND to those who believed that there was an alternative solution to war.
Idiots like you is why we have problems in this country.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.
Nevertheless your reasons. Thank you for the service.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.
Nevertheless your reasons. Thank you for the service.
And Thank You...
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.
Idiot don't even qualify to have an opinion but I guess you can be allowed your stupid one.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
No one opposes war more than any combat veteran, but any combat veteran would do it all over again if necessary. It's called - Duty - Honor - Country. There is a day of celebration for war opponents who desecrate the veterans. It's called Judgement Day.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.

A real soldier does not ask his commander in chief what he will be fighting about before going into battle. A real soldier obeys the orders of those in authority over him and does not ask questions. As a soldier in the army of God I can assure you that I do not demand an explanation from my Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ before He leads me into the battle. What you have is a failure to understand the definition of the word "submit" and "authority". You missed two very important lessons from your experience.
Well, no. That's not true. A military person will always ask, if not their commander then themselves, if what they are about to go into is the right thing to do. However, asking or not, they do what they are asked....

The questions about morality are usually answered prior to joining. Because men and women of integrity know what it is they are signing up for.

Yes, it is. I can find no account of King David demanding God to explain himself before a battle. Nor can I recall any from Joshua, from Caleb, from Gideon, and others who were called by God. They may have questioned their "calling" but once they knew they were called? Obedience and submission was the response. Not backtalk and criticism over the decisions and outcome.
Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
German, Japanese, Russian or all of the above. If you don't know what you were fighting about, thats a pitiful shame.

Are you really that stupid??? Russia and Germany attacked America???
Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.
At 20, you could have been forgiven your youth and ignorance. Today, not so much...

Regardless -- Thank you for the service you rendered, even if it was rendered reluctantly.
Actually I made a very informed decision. money for college, a chance to see the world and the camaraderie of my fellow Marines.

Your assumption that my choice was made in ignorance because I didn't join due to propaganda is to be expected.

Mu choice was never reluctant, simply made without rose colored glasses.
Idiot don't even qualify to have an opinion but I guess you can be allowed your stupid one.
You are so stupid and wrong. You are a poster child for the idiot brigade. Retard.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.

BullKurtz - thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. Thank you so much.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Recon mark is a pussy
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Do you really think I would even try to make your rant more infantile then it is...

The investigation speaks for itself if you enjoyed yourself, so be it.
I'm a combat veteran and you are full of shit...
Those of us 17 and 18 year olds joined up for money to become college educated, see the world and challenge ourselves, we never thought of any stupid assed glory about fighting and dyeing so that rich bitched could get richer from our blood and naivety.

The only honor was covering your squads back so that they were safe and that code came from the necessity of survival and friendship.

When the smoke cleared, most of us wish we were home. We only stayed because of our friends and comrades.

I truly appreciate anyone who seeks a resolution to conflict other than war so on this Memorial Day I also salute those who decry war.

Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.

A real soldier does not ask his commander in chief what he will be fighting about before going into battle. A real soldier obeys the orders of those in authority over him and does not ask questions. As a soldier in the army of God I can assure you that I do not demand an explanation from my Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ before He leads me into the battle. What you have is a failure to understand the definition of the word "submit" and "authority". You missed two very important lessons from your experience.
Well, no. That's not true. A military person will always ask, if not their commander then themselves, if what they are about to go into is the right thing to do. However, asking or not, they do what they are asked....

The questions about morality are usually answered prior to joining. Because men and women of integrity know what it is they are signing up for.

Yes, it is. I can find no account of King David demanding God to explain himself before a battle. Nor can I recall any from Joshua, from Caleb, from Gideon, and others who were called by God. They may have questioned their "calling" but once they knew they were called? Obedience and submission was the response. Not backtalk and criticism over the decisions and outcome.
We're not talking about God's chosen. We're talking about US men and women who volunteered to give service to their country, and the maturity it takes to take on that kind of responsibility.

No one ever follows orders blindly, but they do follow orders.

On THIS day, I will not argue over the type of service rendered to our country by those who served. I will only thank them for it.

Do not mistake that for accepting their rationalizations for poorly thought out responses.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Recon mark is a pussy
Not today. He served. Today, we honor that service, regardless of the manner in which it was offered.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Recon mark is a pussy
Not today. He served. Today, we honor that service, regardless of the manner in which it was offered.
Technically today we honor the memory of the fallen.
We can all call Mark a Pussy any day of the year untill 11/11
But to serve on the kind of unit he described and make it back alive, doesn't really deserve the title of Pussy.
Please respect this thread. Without having gone to war you could be speaking another language right now. Thank you for your service - even though you appear to have not understood what it was all about.
Pray tell...what language would that be???...please explain to me what I was fighting about before I was 20 years old.

A real soldier does not ask his commander in chief what he will be fighting about before going into battle. A real soldier obeys the orders of those in authority over him and does not ask questions. As a soldier in the army of God I can assure you that I do not demand an explanation from my Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ before He leads me into the battle. What you have is a failure to understand the definition of the word "submit" and "authority". You missed two very important lessons from your experience.
Well, no. That's not true. A military person will always ask, if not their commander then themselves, if what they are about to go into is the right thing to do. However, asking or not, they do what they are asked....

The questions about morality are usually answered prior to joining. Because men and women of integrity know what it is they are signing up for.

Yes, it is. I can find no account of King David demanding God to explain himself before a battle. Nor can I recall any from Joshua, from Caleb, from Gideon, and others who were called by God. They may have questioned their "calling" but once they knew they were called? Obedience and submission was the response. Not backtalk and criticism over the decisions and outcome.
We're not talking about God's chosen. We're talking about US men and women who volunteered to give service to their country, and the maturity it takes to take on that kind of responsibility.

No one ever follows orders blindly, but they do follow orders.

On THIS day, I will not argue over the type of service rendered to our country by those who served. I will only thank them for it.

Do not mistake that for accepting their rationalizations for poorly thought out responses.

The Vietnam war was about fighting the Communists. There was no mistake made. We did the right thing. I thank our military guys that served and gave their lives. Those who spit upon them and dishonored them - siding with the communists - will answer for it one day. Those in the military who dishonored their own uniform and are siding with communism today will answer for it as well. We have military leaders for a reason. They are called to lead. End of discussion. Happy Memorial Day to you.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Recon mark is a pussy
Not today. He served. Today, we honor that service, regardless of the manner in which it was offered.
Technically today we honor the memory of the fallen.
We can all call Mark a Pussy any day of the year untill 11/11
But to serve on the kind of unit he described and make it back alive, doesn't really deserve the title of Pussy.
Really...if the worst that can be said of me is by a pseudo-policeman calling me a pussy, it's still a beautiful day.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
Recon mark is a pussy
Not today. He served. Today, we honor that service, regardless of the manner in which it was offered.
Technically today we honor the memory of the fallen.
We can all call Mark a Pussy any day of the year untill 11/11
But to serve on the kind of unit he described and make it back alive, doesn't really deserve the title of Pussy.
Technically, yes. However, I choose to expand it to include anyone who has volunteered to serve. Because regardless of motive, to servie is to say that you will be willing to lay your life down for country if called upon.

Yes, those who gave the ultimate measure of their devotion to America are whom I honor on this day, but all service is acknowledged.
Reluctantly I would have to state that your post is one of the stupidiest post I have read on this board as well as one of the most blasphemous...
I don't elevate ANY MAN to the same status as Jesus theologically ignorant of you.
A real soldier resulted in the justice afforded to the survivors of My Lai;

In one of the most horrific incidents of violence against civilians during the Vietnam War, a company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai in March 1968. Though exact numbers remain unconfirmed, it is believed that as many as 500 people including women, children and the elderly were killed in the My Lai Massacre.. Higher-ranking U.S. Army officers managed to cover up the events of that day for a year before revelations by a soldier who had heard of the massacre sparked a wave of international outrage and led to a special investigation into the matter. In 1970, a U.S. Army board charged 14 officers of crimes related to the events at My Lai; only one was convicted.

A real soldier is always to ask questions...

I happened to have been in the vicinity of My Lai shortly before the Americal boys took matters into their own hands...that ville was a VC shithole full of bad actors. The cadre HID while their women and kids were sorted out as a lesson to other hamlets....we would do as their VC brethren had done hundreds of times and would continue to do in the future....massacre. No combat Vet would bring up My Lai you phony piece of shit.
I'm not sure how tight the rules are here but even if I'm banned temporairly it was worth it. You sir are a huge piece of shit. You and the other piece of shit (Hossfly) who thanked you for this post. Anyone who celebrates the massacres of women and children and those who cover up these attrocitties are worse than any Isis or Al Qaeda member. You have lowered the human race to the level of cockroaches with this kind of shit.

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