Jewish Nazi collaborators, and Zionist Nazi collaborators.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Why do they pick on Polish victims, pick on Catholic victims, pick on Ukrainians, and everybody else but won't dare say that they are a Nazi problem too?

Jewish Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to help create Israel.
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and ZionistGerman Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank(under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.[1]

Jews laid the foundations of the Nazi camp Auschwitz.
March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations. From 1940 to 1941, 17,000 Polish and Jewish residents of the western districts of Oświęcim were expelled from places adjacent to the camp.

Jewish Judenrat councils documented the Jewish community to the Nazis / told the Nazis where the Jews were.
Judenrat - Wikipedia

The role of the Judenräte in the Holocaust[edit]
Hannah Arendt wrote in her 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem, that without the assistance of the Judenräte, the registration of the Jews, their concentration in ghettos and, later, their active assistance in the Jews' deportation to extermination camps, fewer Jews would have perished because the Germans would have encountered considerable difficulties in drawing up lists of Jews. In occupied Europe, the Nazis entrusted Jewish officials with the task of making such lists of Jews along with information about the property they owned. The Judenräte also directed the Jewish Ghetto Police to assist the Germans in seizing Jews and loading them onto transport trains leaving for concentration camps.

In her book, Arendt wrote:

To a Jew, this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. [...] In the matter of cooperation, there was no distinction between the highly assimilated Jewish communities of Central and Western Europe and the Yiddish-speaking masses of the East. In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property, to secure money from the deportees to defray the expenses of their deportation and extermination, to keep track of vacated apartments, to supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation...[5]

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators.
Jewish Ghetto Police - Wikipedia

The Polish-Jewish historian and Warsaw Ghetto archivist Emanuel Ringelblum has described the cruelty of the ghetto Jewish police as "at times greater than that of the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Latvians."[6] The Jewish ghetto police ultimately shared the same fate with all their fellow ghetto inmates. On the ghettos' liquidation (1942-1943) they were either killed on–site or sent to extermination camps. However, some of the more active collaborators, especially those associated with the Żagiewnetwork, are known to have survived the war.[citation needed]

It looks like the Jewish Ghetto Police were delivering 10,000 Jews to the Nazi Germans a day for deportations to the Nazi German camps, and the average Jewish Ghetto Police man sent 2,000 Jews to their death.
Arthur Leonard, eds.,Jewish Community Book: Suwalk and Vicinity(Tel Aviv: The Yair–Abraham Stern–PublishingHouse, 1989), 50. During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them ata minimum daily rate of 10,000. The average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw ghetto sent two thousand Jews to theirdeath, in order to save his own life.” See Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,Jews in Poland: A Documentary History(NewYork: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115. The Jewish police, whose numbers had swollen from 1,600 inDecember 1941 to nearly 2,200, made itself notorious by its cooperation with the Germans in rounding up Jews.Emanuel Ringelblum wrote (in December 1942): “The Jewish police had a bad reputation even before the deportation.Unlike the Polish police, which did not take part in the abduction for the labour camps [from spring 1941], the Jewishpolice did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and demoralization.”See Abraham Lewin,A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto(Oxford and New York: Basil Black inassociation with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.8 Yehuda Bauer has recently acknowledged that in the larger ghettos, it was the Judenräte who provided the Germanswith lists and cooperated in the handing over of victims. According to that historian, the Jewish police played a “majorrole” in the deportation of the Warsaw Jews to Treblinka in the summer of 1942, with similar roles being played by theJewish police forces in Łódź, Kraków, and elsewhere. See Yehuda Bauer,…

Adolf Eichmann the architect of the Holocaust was a Zionist.
Adolf Eichmann: “If I Were a Jew, I’d Be a Fanatical Zionist”

As if to prove this anecdote is not an aberration, there is an even more explosive story told of Eichmann’s self-identification with Zionism,. It was published in Life Magazine in 1960 under the title, I Transported Them to the Butcher: Eichmann’s Story:

‘In the years that followed (after 1937) I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine anything else. In fact, I would have been the most ardent Zionist imaginable.’

Adolf Eichmann met with Jewish Zionists.
Why Adolf Eichmann’s final message remains so profoundly unsettling | Giles Fraser: Loose canon

For example, in 1937, Eichmann met with the Jewish Zionist and Haganah agent Feivel Polkes in Berlin to discuss the possibility that the Nazis might supply weapons for the Zionist fight against the British Mandate in Palestine, and that Eichmann might arrange for Germany’s Jews to be deported to Israel. Later in 1937, Eichmann travelled on a steamer to Haifa to assess the possibility – a possibility he eventually realised was impractical.

Jewish Sonderkommandos aided the Nazis in the Crematorium.
The Sonderkommando - History Learning Site

The Sonderkommando were Jews who were forced to work in the death camps found at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Belzec. The Sonderkommando were made to do tasks that can only repulse – yet they had no choice. By simply being in the Sonderkommado, they were doomed to death.


The jobs of the Sonderkommado were simple – to clear out the gas chambers once those inside had been murdered. They then had to dispose of the bodies – usually supervised by just a handful of SS guards or guards from the Ukraine who worked for the SS. The Sonderkommando had to remove gold teeth from the victims, work in the crematoriums, burn the bodies – basically anything the SS told them to do.The death camps set up in Poland were extermination factories the like of which the world had never seen. The Wannsee Conference had made it plain just what the Nazis wanted to do with the Jews of Europe – introduce a programme of mass extermination. The Jews would be murdered, along with other racial/religious groups, on a scale that beggared belief. However, the SS guards in the various death camps simply could not have coped with the sheer volume of work. They therefore used Jews sent to the camp. They were known as the Sonderkommando – ‘Special Commandos’.

Dr Mengele's Jewish Asssistant.
MiklĂłs Nyiszli - Wikipedia

Miklós Nyiszli (17 June 1901, Szilágysomlyó, Austria-Hungary – 5 May 1956, Oradea, Romania) was a Jewish prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Nyiszli, his wife, and young daughter, were transported to Auschwitz in June 1944. Upon his arrival, Nyiszli volunteered himself as a doctor and was sent to work at number 12 barracks where he operated on and tried to help the ill with only the most basic medical supplies and tools. He was under the supervision of Josef Mengele, an SS officer and physician.

Mengele decided after observing Nyiszli’s skills to move him to a specially built autopsy and operating theatre. The room had been built inside Crematorium II (Crematorium I being in Auschwitz Town camp), and Nyiszli, along with members of the 12th Sonderkommando, was housed there.

During Nyiszli’s time in the camp, he witnessed many atrocities to which he refers in his book, Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account.[1]

Photo from Josef Mengele's Argentine identification document (1956)
Historian Gideon Greif characterized Nyiszli’s writings as among the “myths and other wrong and defamatory accounts” of the Sonderkommando that flourished in the absence of first-hand testimony by surviving Sonderkommando members.[2]

Accounts of life in the camp[edit]
While imprisoned, Nyiszli was forced to carry out medical experiments and perform autopsies on dozens of bodies, particularly on dwarfs and twins. Mengele had done research into the causes of dwarfism and twinning, and used Nyiszli to gather more information for him. Nyiszli also carried out the autopsies of prisoners, specifically those suspected to have died from infectious diseases. Mengele was also searching for evidence supporting the "inferiority of the Jewish race". At one point Nyiszli was forced to carry out physical exams on a father-son pair and, after their deaths, to prepare their skeletons for study at the Anthropological Museum in Berlin.[citation needed]

“ had to examine them with exact clinical methods before they died, and then perform the dissection on their still warm bodies.

Jewish Kapos
What Did Kapos Do in the Nazi Concentration Camps?
Role of Kapos in Nazi Concentration Camps
Cruel Prisoner Supervisors in the Nazi Concentration Camps

Jewish police detain a former Kapo who was recognized in the street at the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Alice Lev

History & Culture
by Jennifer L. Goss, Contributing Writer
Updated October 21, 2017

Kapos, called Funktionshäftling by the SS, were prisoners who collaborated with the Nazis in order to serve in leadership or administrative roles over others interned in the same Nazi concentration camp.

How Nazis Used Kapos
The vast system of Nazi concentration camps in occupied Europe were under the control of the SS (Schutzstaffel). While there were many SS who staffed the camps, their ranks were supplemented with local auxiliary troops and prisoners.

Prisoners that were chosen to be in these higher positions served in the role of Kapos.

The origin of the term “Kapo” is not definitive. Some historians believe it was directly transferred from the Italian word “capo” for “boss,” while others point to more indirect roots in both German and French. In the Nazi concentration camps, the term Kapo was first used at Dachau from which it spread to the other camps.

Regardless of the origin, Kapos played a vital role in the Nazi camp system as the large amount of prisoners within the system required constant oversight. Most Kapos were put in charge of a prisoner work gang, called Kommando. It was the Kapos job to brutally force prisoners to do forced labor, despite the prisoners being sick and starving.

Facing prisoner against prisoner served two goals for the SS: it allowed them to meet a labor need while simultaneously furthering tensions between various groups of prisoners.

Kapos were, in many instances, even crueler than the SS themselves. Because their tenuous position depended on the satisfaction of the SS, many Kapos took extreme measures against their fellow prisoners to maintain their privileged positions.

Pulling most Kapos from the pool of prisoners interned for violent criminal behavior also allowed this cruelty to flourish.

While there were Kapos whose original internment was for asocial, political, or racial purposes (such as Jews), the vast majority of Kapos were criminal internees.

Survivor memoirs and recollections relate varying experiences with Kapos. A select few, such as Primo Levi and Victor Frankl, credit a certain Kapo with ensuring their survival or helping them get slightly better treatment; while others, such as Elie Wiesel, share a far more common experience of cruelty.

Early in Wiesel’s camp experience at Auschwitz, he encounters, Idek, a cruel Kapo. Wiesel relates in Night,

One day when Idek was venting his fury, I happened to cross his path. He threw himself on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, crushing me with ever more violent blows, until I was covered in blood. As I bit my lips in order not to howl with pain, he must have mistaken my silence for defiance and so he continued to hit me harder and harder. Abruptly, he calmed down and sent me back to work as if nothing had happened.*

In his book, Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl also tells of a Kapo known simply as "The Murderous Capo."

Kapos Had Privileges
The privileges of being a Kapo varied from camp to camp but almost always resulted in better living conditions and a reduction in physical labor.

In the larger camps, such as Auschwitz, Kapos received separate rooms within the communal barracks, which they would often share with a self-selected assistant.

Kapos also received better clothing, better rations, and the ability to supervise labor rather than actively participate in it. Kapos were sometimes able to use their positions to also procure special items within the camp system such as cigarettes, special foods, and alcohol.

Jewish heritage Nazi soldiers.
When Hitler honored Jewish soldiers

When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers

The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine

Nazi - Israeli coins.,7340,L-5072424,00.html

A Nazi travels to Palestine’: A swastika and Star of David on one coin
The unique, juxtaposing coin, sold in a recent Israeli auction, contains the remarkable story about an unlikely friendship between two Germans—a Jew and a Nazi—and about the forgotten moment in history when it might have still been possible to save the Jews of Europe from extermination.
Itay Ilnai|Published: 01.21.18 , 23:38
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They included an oil painting created at the Theresienstadt concentration camp, a prayer for the Jews of Europe composed by then-Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog, and documents related to the murder of Rudolf Israel Kastner.

The most unique item, however, was a small brass coin—just 3.5 centimeters in diameter. One side of the coin features a Star of David surrounded by a caption in German. The other side is engraved with a swastika, the Nazi party’s symbol.

Lehi Jewish Nazi collaborator terrorists.

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2

The Warburg Jewish Banker who funded Hitler.

After reporting back to Wall Street, Warburg learned that $24 million was too much for the American bankers; they offered $10 million. Warburg contacted von Heydt and a further meeting was arranged, this time with an "undistinguished looking man, introduced to me under the name Frey." Instructions were given to make $10 million available at the Mendelsohn & Co. Bank in Amsterdam, Holland. Warburg was to ask the Mendelsohn Bank to make out checks in marks payable to named Nazis in ten German cities. Subsequently, Warburg travelled to Amsterdam, completed his mission with Mendelsohn & Co., then went to Southampton, England and took the Olympia back to New York where he reported to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company. Two days later Warburg gave his report to the entire Wall Street group, but "this time an English representative was there sitting next to Glean from Royal Dutch, a man named Angell, one of the heads of the Asiatic Petroleum Co." Warburg was questioned about Hitler, and "Rockefeller showed unusual interest in Hitler's statements about the Communists." A few weeks after Warburg's return from Europe the Hearst newspapers showed "unusual interest" in the new German Nazi Party and even the New York Times carried regular short reports of Hitler's speeches. Previously these newspapers had not shown too much interest, but that now changed.6 Also, in December 1929 a long study of the German National Socialist movement appeared "in a monthly publication at Harvard University." Part II of the suppressed "Financial Sources of National Socialism" is entitled "1931" and opens with a discussion of French influence on international politics. It avers that Herbert Hoover promised Pierre Laval of France not to resolve the debt question without first consulting the French government and [writes Shoup]: When Wall Street found out about this Hoover lost the respect of this circle at one blow. Even the subsequent elections were affected — many believed that Hoover's failure to get reelected can be traced back to the issue.7 In October 1931, Warburg received a letter from Hitler which he passed on to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company, and subsequently another bankers' meeting was called at the Guaranty Trust Company of-rices. Opinions at this meeting were divided. "Sidney Warburg" reported that Rockefeller, Carter, and McBean were for Hitler, while the other financiers were uncertain. Montague Norman of the Bank of England and Glean of Royal Dutch Shell argued that the $10 million already spent on Hitler was too much, that Hitler would never act. The meeting finally agreed in principle to assist Hitler further, and Warburg again undertook a courier assignment and went back to Germany. On this trip Warburg reportedly discussed German affairs with "a Jewish banker" in Hamburg, with an industrial magnate, and other Hitler supporters. One meeting was with banker von Heydt and a "Luetgebrunn." The latter stated that the Nazi storm troopers were incompletely equipped and the S.S. badly needed machine guns, revolvers, and carbines. In the next Warburg-Hitler meeting, Hitler argued that "the Soviets cannot miss our industrial products yet. We will give credit, and if I am not able to deflate France myself, then the Soviets will help me." Hitler said he had two plans for takeover in Germany: (a) the revolution plan, and (b), the legal takeover plan. The first plan would be a matter of three months, the second plan a matter of three years. Hitler was quoted as saying, "revolution costs five hundred million marks, legal takeover costs two hundred million marks — what will your bankers decide?" After five days a cable from Guaranty Trust arrived for Warburg and is cited in the book as follows:

Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary. In addition to Max Warburg and Hermann Schmitz, the guiding hand in the creation of the Farben empire, the early Farben Vorstand included Carl Bosch, Fritz ter Meer, Kurt Oppenheim and George von Schnitzler.2 All except Max Warburg were charged as "war criminals" after World War II. In 1928 the American holdings of I. G. Farben (i.e., the Bayer Company, General Aniline Works, Agfa Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical Company) were organized into a Swiss holding company, i. G. Chemic (Inter-nationale Gesellschaft fur Chemisehe Unternehmungen A. G.), controlled by I. G. Farben in Germany. In the following year these American firms merged to become American I. G. Chemical Corporation, later renamed General Aniline & Film. Hermann Schmitz, the organizer of I. G. Farben in 1925, became a prominent early Nazi and supporter of Hitler, as well as chairman of the Swiss I. G. Chemic and president of American I. G. The Farben complex both in Germany and the United States then developed into an integral part of the formation and operation of the Nazi state machine, the Wehrmacht and the S.S. I. G. Farben is of peculiar interest in the formation of the Nazi state because Farben directors materially helped. Hitler and the Nazis to power in 1933. We have photographic evidence (see page 60) that I.G. Farben contributed 400,000 RM to Hitler's political "slush fund." It was this secret fund which financed the Nazi seizure of control in March 1933. Many years earlier Farben had obtained Wall Street funds for the 1925 cartelization and expansion in Germany and $30 million for American I. G. in 1929, and had Wall Street directors on the Farben board. It has to be noted that these funds were raised and directors appointed years before Hitler was promoted as the German dictator. The Economic Power of I. G. Farben Qualified observers have argued that Germany could not have gone to war in 1939 without I. G. Farben. Between 1927 and the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben doubled in size, an expansion made possible in great part by American technical assistance and by American bond issues, such as the one for $30 million offered by National City Bank. By 1939 I. G. acquired a participation and managerial influence in some 380 other German firms and over 500 foreign firms. The Farben empire owned its own coal mines, its own electric power plants, iron and steel units, banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises. There were over 2,000 cartel agreements between I. G. and foreign firms — including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States, The full story of I,G, Farben and its world-wide ae-tivities before World War II can never be known, as key German records were destroyed in 1945 in anticipation of Allied victory. However, one post-war investigation by the U.S, War Department concluded that: Without I. G.'s immense productive facilities, its intense re. search, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, but concentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barreled attempt to expand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the world was not conceived and executed "in the normal course of business." The proof is overwhelming that I. G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany's plan for world conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken ..
Why do they pick on Polish victims, pick on Catholic victims, pick on Ukrainians, and everybody else but won't dare say that they are a Nazi problem too?

Jewish Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to help create Israel.
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and ZionistGerman Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank(under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.[1]

Jews laid the foundations of the Nazi camp Auschwitz.
March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations. From 1940 to 1941, 17,000 Polish and Jewish residents of the western districts of Oświęcim were expelled from places adjacent to the camp.

Jewish Judenrat councils documented the Jewish community to the Nazis / told the Nazis where the Jews were.
Judenrat - Wikipedia

The role of the Judenräte in the Holocaust[edit]
Hannah Arendt wrote in her 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem, that without the assistance of the Judenräte, the registration of the Jews, their concentration in ghettos and, later, their active assistance in the Jews' deportation to extermination camps, fewer Jews would have perished because the Germans would have encountered considerable difficulties in drawing up lists of Jews. In occupied Europe, the Nazis entrusted Jewish officials with the task of making such lists of Jews along with information about the property they owned. The Judenräte also directed the Jewish Ghetto Police to assist the Germans in seizing Jews and loading them onto transport trains leaving for concentration camps.

In her book, Arendt wrote:

To a Jew, this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. [...] In the matter of cooperation, there was no distinction between the highly assimilated Jewish communities of Central and Western Europe and the Yiddish-speaking masses of the East. In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property, to secure money from the deportees to defray the expenses of their deportation and extermination, to keep track of vacated apartments, to supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation...[5]

Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators.
Jewish Ghetto Police - Wikipedia

The Polish-Jewish historian and Warsaw Ghetto archivist Emanuel Ringelblum has described the cruelty of the ghetto Jewish police as "at times greater than that of the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Latvians."[6] The Jewish ghetto police ultimately shared the same fate with all their fellow ghetto inmates. On the ghettos' liquidation (1942-1943) they were either killed on–site or sent to extermination camps. However, some of the more active collaborators, especially those associated with the Żagiewnetwork, are known to have survived the war.[citation needed]

It looks like the Jewish Ghetto Police were delivering 10,000 Jews to the Nazi Germans a day for deportations to the Nazi German camps, and the average Jewish Ghetto Police man sent 2,000 Jews to their death.
Arthur Leonard, eds.,Jewish Community Book: Suwalk and Vicinity(Tel Aviv: The Yair–Abraham Stern–PublishingHouse, 1989), 50. During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them ata minimum daily rate of 10,000. The average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw ghetto sent two thousand Jews to theirdeath, in order to save his own life.” See Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,Jews in Poland: A Documentary History(NewYork: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115. The Jewish police, whose numbers had swollen from 1,600 inDecember 1941 to nearly 2,200, made itself notorious by its cooperation with the Germans in rounding up Jews.Emanuel Ringelblum wrote (in December 1942): “The Jewish police had a bad reputation even before the deportation.Unlike the Polish police, which did not take part in the abduction for the labour camps [from spring 1941], the Jewishpolice did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and demoralization.”See Abraham Lewin,A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto(Oxford and New York: Basil Black inassociation with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.8 Yehuda Bauer has recently acknowledged that in the larger ghettos, it was the Judenräte who provided the Germanswith lists and cooperated in the handing over of victims. According to that historian, the Jewish police played a “majorrole” in the deportation of the Warsaw Jews to Treblinka in the summer of 1942, with similar roles being played by theJewish police forces in Łódź, Kraków, and elsewhere. See Yehuda Bauer,…

Adolf Eichmann the architect of the Holocaust was a Zionist.
Adolf Eichmann: “If I Were a Jew, I’d Be a Fanatical Zionist”

As if to prove this anecdote is not an aberration, there is an even more explosive story told of Eichmann’s self-identification with Zionism,. It was published in Life Magazine in 1960 under the title, I Transported Them to the Butcher: Eichmann’s Story:

‘In the years that followed (after 1937) I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine anything else. In fact, I would have been the most ardent Zionist imaginable.’

Adolf Eichmann met with Jewish Zionists.
Why Adolf Eichmann’s final message remains so profoundly unsettling | Giles Fraser: Loose canon

For example, in 1937, Eichmann met with the Jewish Zionist and Haganah agent Feivel Polkes in Berlin to discuss the possibility that the Nazis might supply weapons for the Zionist fight against the British Mandate in Palestine, and that Eichmann might arrange for Germany’s Jews to be deported to Israel. Later in 1937, Eichmann travelled on a steamer to Haifa to assess the possibility – a possibility he eventually realised was impractical.

Jewish Sonderkommandos aided the Nazis in the Crematorium.
The Sonderkommando - History Learning Site

The Sonderkommando were Jews who were forced to work in the death camps found at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Belzec. The Sonderkommando were made to do tasks that can only repulse – yet they had no choice. By simply being in the Sonderkommado, they were doomed to death.


The jobs of the Sonderkommado were simple – to clear out the gas chambers once those inside had been murdered. They then had to dispose of the bodies – usually supervised by just a handful of SS guards or guards from the Ukraine who worked for the SS. The Sonderkommando had to remove gold teeth from the victims, work in the crematoriums, burn the bodies – basically anything the SS told them to do.The death camps set up in Poland were extermination factories the like of which the world had never seen. The Wannsee Conference had made it plain just what the Nazis wanted to do with the Jews of Europe – introduce a programme of mass extermination. The Jews would be murdered, along with other racial/religious groups, on a scale that beggared belief. However, the SS guards in the various death camps simply could not have coped with the sheer volume of work. They therefore used Jews sent to the camp. They were known as the Sonderkommando – ‘Special Commandos’.

Dr Mengele's Jewish Asssistant.
MiklĂłs Nyiszli - Wikipedia

Miklós Nyiszli (17 June 1901, Szilágysomlyó, Austria-Hungary – 5 May 1956, Oradea, Romania) was a Jewish prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Nyiszli, his wife, and young daughter, were transported to Auschwitz in June 1944. Upon his arrival, Nyiszli volunteered himself as a doctor and was sent to work at number 12 barracks where he operated on and tried to help the ill with only the most basic medical supplies and tools. He was under the supervision of Josef Mengele, an SS officer and physician.

Mengele decided after observing Nyiszli’s skills to move him to a specially built autopsy and operating theatre. The room had been built inside Crematorium II (Crematorium I being in Auschwitz Town camp), and Nyiszli, along with members of the 12th Sonderkommando, was housed there.

During Nyiszli’s time in the camp, he witnessed many atrocities to which he refers in his book, Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account.[1]

Photo from Josef Mengele's Argentine identification document (1956)
Historian Gideon Greif characterized Nyiszli’s writings as among the “myths and other wrong and defamatory accounts” of the Sonderkommando that flourished in the absence of first-hand testimony by surviving Sonderkommando members.[2]

Accounts of life in the camp[edit]
While imprisoned, Nyiszli was forced to carry out medical experiments and perform autopsies on dozens of bodies, particularly on dwarfs and twins. Mengele had done research into the causes of dwarfism and twinning, and used Nyiszli to gather more information for him. Nyiszli also carried out the autopsies of prisoners, specifically those suspected to have died from infectious diseases. Mengele was also searching for evidence supporting the "inferiority of the Jewish race". At one point Nyiszli was forced to carry out physical exams on a father-son pair and, after their deaths, to prepare their skeletons for study at the Anthropological Museum in Berlin.[citation needed]

“ had to examine them with exact clinical methods before they died, and then perform the dissection on their still warm bodies.

Jewish Kapos
What Did Kapos Do in the Nazi Concentration Camps?
Role of Kapos in Nazi Concentration Camps
Cruel Prisoner Supervisors in the Nazi Concentration Camps

Jewish police detain a former Kapo who was recognized in the street at the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Alice Lev

History & Culture
by Jennifer L. Goss, Contributing Writer
Updated October 21, 2017

Kapos, called Funktionshäftling by the SS, were prisoners who collaborated with the Nazis in order to serve in leadership or administrative roles over others interned in the same Nazi concentration camp.

How Nazis Used Kapos
The vast system of Nazi concentration camps in occupied Europe were under the control of the SS (Schutzstaffel). While there were many SS who staffed the camps, their ranks were supplemented with local auxiliary troops and prisoners.

Prisoners that were chosen to be in these higher positions served in the role of Kapos.

The origin of the term “Kapo” is not definitive. Some historians believe it was directly transferred from the Italian word “capo” for “boss,” while others point to more indirect roots in both German and French. In the Nazi concentration camps, the term Kapo was first used at Dachau from which it spread to the other camps.

Regardless of the origin, Kapos played a vital role in the Nazi camp system as the large amount of prisoners within the system required constant oversight. Most Kapos were put in charge of a prisoner work gang, called Kommando. It was the Kapos job to brutally force prisoners to do forced labor, despite the prisoners being sick and starving.

Facing prisoner against prisoner served two goals for the SS: it allowed them to meet a labor need while simultaneously furthering tensions between various groups of prisoners.

Kapos were, in many instances, even crueler than the SS themselves. Because their tenuous position depended on the satisfaction of the SS, many Kapos took extreme measures against their fellow prisoners to maintain their privileged positions.

Pulling most Kapos from the pool of prisoners interned for violent criminal behavior also allowed this cruelty to flourish.

While there were Kapos whose original internment was for asocial, political, or racial purposes (such as Jews), the vast majority of Kapos were criminal internees.

Survivor memoirs and recollections relate varying experiences with Kapos. A select few, such as Primo Levi and Victor Frankl, credit a certain Kapo with ensuring their survival or helping them get slightly better treatment; while others, such as Elie Wiesel, share a far more common experience of cruelty.

Early in Wiesel’s camp experience at Auschwitz, he encounters, Idek, a cruel Kapo. Wiesel relates in Night,

One day when Idek was venting his fury, I happened to cross his path. He threw himself on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, crushing me with ever more violent blows, until I was covered in blood. As I bit my lips in order not to howl with pain, he must have mistaken my silence for defiance and so he continued to hit me harder and harder. Abruptly, he calmed down and sent me back to work as if nothing had happened.*

In his book, Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl also tells of a Kapo known simply as "The Murderous Capo."

Kapos Had Privileges
The privileges of being a Kapo varied from camp to camp but almost always resulted in better living conditions and a reduction in physical labor.

In the larger camps, such as Auschwitz, Kapos received separate rooms within the communal barracks, which they would often share with a self-selected assistant.

Kapos also received better clothing, better rations, and the ability to supervise labor rather than actively participate in it. Kapos were sometimes able to use their positions to also procure special items within the camp system such as cigarettes, special foods, and alcohol.

Jewish heritage Nazi soldiers.
When Hitler honored Jewish soldiers

When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers

The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine

Nazi - Israeli coins.
‘A Nazi travels to Palestine’: A swastika and Star of David on one coin

A Nazi travels to Palestine’: A swastika and Star of David on one coin
The unique, juxtaposing coin, sold in a recent Israeli auction, contains the remarkable story about an unlikely friendship between two Germans—a Jew and a Nazi—and about the forgotten moment in history when it might have still been possible to save the Jews of Europe from extermination.
Itay Ilnai|Published: 01.21.18 , 23:38
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They included an oil painting created at the Theresienstadt concentration camp, a prayer for the Jews of Europe composed by then-Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog, and documents related to the murder of Rudolf Israel Kastner.

The most unique item, however, was a small brass coin—just 3.5 centimeters in diameter. One side of the coin features a Star of David surrounded by a caption in German. The other side is engraved with a swastika, the Nazi party’s symbol.

Lehi Jewish Nazi collaborator terrorists.
Lehi (group)

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2

The Warburg Jewish Banker who funded Hitler.

After reporting back to Wall Street, Warburg learned that $24 million was too much for the American bankers; they offered $10 million. Warburg contacted von Heydt and a further meeting was arranged, this time with an "undistinguished looking man, introduced to me under the name Frey." Instructions were given to make $10 million available at the Mendelsohn & Co. Bank in Amsterdam, Holland. Warburg was to ask the Mendelsohn Bank to make out checks in marks payable to named Nazis in ten German cities. Subsequently, Warburg travelled to Amsterdam, completed his mission with Mendelsohn & Co., then went to Southampton, England and took the Olympia back to New York where he reported to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company. Two days later Warburg gave his report to the entire Wall Street group, but "this time an English representative was there sitting next to Glean from Royal Dutch, a man named Angell, one of the heads of the Asiatic Petroleum Co." Warburg was questioned about Hitler, and "Rockefeller showed unusual interest in Hitler's statements about the Communists." A few weeks after Warburg's return from Europe the Hearst newspapers showed "unusual interest" in the new German Nazi Party and even the New York Times carried regular short reports of Hitler's speeches. Previously these newspapers had not shown too much interest, but that now changed.6 Also, in December 1929 a long study of the German National Socialist movement appeared "in a monthly publication at Harvard University." Part II of the suppressed "Financial Sources of National Socialism" is entitled "1931" and opens with a discussion of French influence on international politics. It avers that Herbert Hoover promised Pierre Laval of France not to resolve the debt question without first consulting the French government and [writes Shoup]: When Wall Street found out about this Hoover lost the respect of this circle at one blow. Even the subsequent elections were affected — many believed that Hoover's failure to get reelected can be traced back to the issue.7 In October 1931, Warburg received a letter from Hitler which he passed on to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company, and subsequently another bankers' meeting was called at the Guaranty Trust Company of-rices. Opinions at this meeting were divided. "Sidney Warburg" reported that Rockefeller, Carter, and McBean were for Hitler, while the other financiers were uncertain. Montague Norman of the Bank of England and Glean of Royal Dutch Shell argued that the $10 million already spent on Hitler was too much, that Hitler would never act. The meeting finally agreed in principle to assist Hitler further, and Warburg again undertook a courier assignment and went back to Germany. On this trip Warburg reportedly discussed German affairs with "a Jewish banker" in Hamburg, with an industrial magnate, and other Hitler supporters. One meeting was with banker von Heydt and a "Luetgebrunn." The latter stated that the Nazi storm troopers were incompletely equipped and the S.S. badly needed machine guns, revolvers, and carbines. In the next Warburg-Hitler meeting, Hitler argued that "the Soviets cannot miss our industrial products yet. We will give credit, and if I am not able to deflate France myself, then the Soviets will help me." Hitler said he had two plans for takeover in Germany: (a) the revolution plan, and (b), the legal takeover plan. The first plan would be a matter of three months, the second plan a matter of three years. Hitler was quoted as saying, "revolution costs five hundred million marks, legal takeover costs two hundred million marks — what will your bankers decide?" After five days a cable from Guaranty Trust arrived for Warburg and is cited in the book as follows:

Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary. In addition to Max Warburg and Hermann Schmitz, the guiding hand in the creation of the Farben empire, the early Farben Vorstand included Carl Bosch, Fritz ter Meer, Kurt Oppenheim and George von Schnitzler.2 All except Max Warburg were charged as "war criminals" after World War II. In 1928 the American holdings of I. G. Farben (i.e., the Bayer Company, General Aniline Works, Agfa Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical Company) were organized into a Swiss holding company, i. G. Chemic (Inter-nationale Gesellschaft fur Chemisehe Unternehmungen A. G.), controlled by I. G. Farben in Germany. In the following year these American firms merged to become American I. G. Chemical Corporation, later renamed General Aniline & Film. Hermann Schmitz, the organizer of I. G. Farben in 1925, became a prominent early Nazi and supporter of Hitler, as well as chairman of the Swiss I. G. Chemic and president of American I. G. The Farben complex both in Germany and the United States then developed into an integral part of the formation and operation of the Nazi state machine, the Wehrmacht and the S.S. I. G. Farben is of peculiar interest in the formation of the Nazi state because Farben directors materially helped. Hitler and the Nazis to power in 1933. We have photographic evidence (see page 60) that I.G. Farben contributed 400,000 RM to Hitler's political "slush fund." It was this secret fund which financed the Nazi seizure of control in March 1933. Many years earlier Farben had obtained Wall Street funds for the 1925 cartelization and expansion in Germany and $30 million for American I. G. in 1929, and had Wall Street directors on the Farben board. It has to be noted that these funds were raised and directors appointed years before Hitler was promoted as the German dictator. The Economic Power of I. G. Farben Qualified observers have argued that Germany could not have gone to war in 1939 without I. G. Farben. Between 1927 and the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben doubled in size, an expansion made possible in great part by American technical assistance and by American bond issues, such as the one for $30 million offered by National City Bank. By 1939 I. G. acquired a participation and managerial influence in some 380 other German firms and over 500 foreign firms. The Farben empire owned its own coal mines, its own electric power plants, iron and steel units, banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises. There were over 2,000 cartel agreements between I. G. and foreign firms — including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States, The full story of I,G, Farben and its world-wide ae-tivities before World War II can never be known, as key German records were destroyed in 1945 in anticipation of Allied victory. However, one post-war investigation by the U.S, War Department concluded that: Without I. G.'s immense productive facilities, its intense re. search, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, but concentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barreled attempt to expand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the world was not conceived and executed "in the normal course of business." The proof is overwhelming that I. G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany's plan for world conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken ..

Much worse and more complicated than one thinks.

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