My election predictions, and what happens after.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Leading up to the election the riots will get worse in an attempted to suppress voters in middle class urban areas. A combo of fear of the Chinese virus, the most recent one, and the fear of having to plow their cars or shoot their way through a bunch of rich white kids will also be used to try and keep voters on the couch. I still don't think Biden has a chance. Trump will win and the riots will continue, for a bit, but I expect a big hammer to drop on that bullshit. I also predict a massive purge in every department in the govrenment, I e left allot of payback. I figure Dr. Faucci will be one of the first, if not the first to face the fireing squad and it won't be pretty. Expect the termination to be very embarrassing for Faucci. It sucks, but the guy let the game go to his head so he will pay for sure. I also figure the DOJ will indict some folks from Russia gate. No one we have heard of, likely secretaries and or low ranking FBI people. Comey, clapper, McCabe and the rest of the elite will ride off into the sunset Scott free with book deals and jobs on whichever cable news network. And finally, I'm thinking Trump will be a lame duck president his second term, even if Republicans kéep the Senate. Why? Because they are corrupt just like the Democrats. That's it. If I'm wrong then I will use a rainbow bright avatar, a super gay one, one so gay that gay men would call me a fag. I got to finish working. Sléep well USMB.
I respectfully disagree with the OP's predictions.

Because of the lying media and our less-than-honest voting system, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will be elected and inaugurate the "most progressive" program (as he said yesterday) in our tortured nation's history. In plain English, the supporters of that racist "anti-cop movement" will be running the government.

2021 will initiate the rule of the mob.
I have no predictions, other than the results will screw the working class over even worse than it is now, same as all elections since 1960 have. Both Parties are on their way to marching white proles and Xians into ovens or labor camps or both, and replacing them with wetbacks and Asians, both groups being a lot more amoral and accepting of fascism and being abused than WASPs are.
2021 will initiate the rule of the mob.

Yes, a Democrat win will indeed turn into a French Revolution type bloodbath, no doubt about it. And, there is no opposition Party to reclaim the country, either. It will be a permanent plunge into third World status; even Uraguay would be able to invade and take over the shithole in a few years.
My prediction is that US voters will come thru again, like in 2016, and make the right choice for America. Remember how in 2016 Trump had no way to win?
Biden will be a boring administrative president that goes days and days without doing anything "newsworthy". His actions will not be controversial or legally questionable. Republicans will have to return to inventing things to be scared of.
I respectfully disagree with the OP's predictions.

Because of the lying media and our less-than-honest voting system, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will be elected and inaugurate the "most progressive" program (as he said yesterday) in our tortured nation's history. In plain English, the supporters of that racist "anti-cop movement" will be running the government.

2021 will initiate the rule of the mob.
Lol. Biden is a neocon warmongering corporatist elitist. He will do nothing that can be considered progressive. His long track proves I’m right. He’s already said he won’t implement any of the policies advocated by Bernie.

If you think Biden’s a progressive, you’ve been duped.

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