My Cat Is An Evil Mastermind

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Although it was a lot funnier to see,.. she was just laying on my stomach and she has a habit of going down off backwards off of furniture like a toddler since she has short little legs. So she acted like she wanted to get down off my bed and I made her some room because I know how she is. So the little bum got up by my pillow to lay down and when she eventually decided to get off the bed she went off front words. -___- (I swear my cat is smarter than me and does this deliberately to mock me. XD)
Although it was a lot funnier to see,.. she was just laying on my stomach and she has a habit of going down off backwards off of furniture like a toddler since she has short little legs. So she acted like she wanted to get down off my bed and I made her some room because I know how she is. So the little bum got up by my pillow to lay down and when she eventually decided to get off the bed she went off front words. -___- (I swear my cat is smarter than me and does this deliberately to mock me. XD)
The 350 lb Bengal Tiger in the picture? Nice kitty.
Although it was a lot funnier to see,.. she was just laying on my stomach and she has a habit of going down off backwards off of furniture like a toddler since she has short little legs. So she acted like she wanted to get down off my bed and I made her some room because I know how she is. So the little bum got up by my pillow to lay down and when she eventually decided to get off the bed she went off front words. -___- (I swear my cat is smarter than me and does this deliberately to mock me. XD)
Just remember this when you go to sleep, these creatures are the purrfect killing machines, just packaged in a small container. Be thankful that they give you all their love and affection, because they wont ever stab you in the back.
My own house cat saw your post ... I sure as hell hope your cat gave you permission to put that up ... the caternet is already blazing ...

I've been house painting by the bird feeder ... and some of the sparrows are getting close, couple feet away and I'm watching ... neighbor cat goes nuts, yowling and a hissing and a crying ... teach the little monster about reading MY mind ...
The 350 lb Bengal Tiger in the picture? Nice kitty.

No,.. it's this kitty but yes tigers are beautiful. :)


How long does a tiger sleep in your bed?

As long as it wants!!!!

As beautiful as that tiger is it's only sleeping there because it thinks that the human is its lunch and the two dogs are its appetizers. It isn't safe for the dogs, and hugging and kissing a tiger is like playing with a loaded gun. Tigers are called wild animals for a reason folks.

Your cat would eat you if you were mouse size, and don't forget it.

That's right, I'm looking at you Wayne Szalinski. Keep your stupid machine out of my house!! :mad: (I freaking love this movie though. :D)

I once had a cat named Tiger. Got it from a Vet. The prior owner was moving to Japan and wasn’t allowed to have the cat brought over. We loved Tiger. What a great cat.

But the fuckin’ vet didn’t bother to tell us that the cat had cancer. She died about 6 months later. I was crushed; but my then young kids were even more wrecked.

We now have two very affectionate cats and a nice (albeit “on the spectrum”) dog.
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I know had a car named Tiger. Got it from a Vet. The prior owner was moving to Japan and wasn’t allowed to have the cat brought over. We loved Tiger. What a great cat.

But the fuckin’ vet didn’t bother to tell us that the cat had cancer. She died about 6 months later. I was crushed; but my then young kids were even more wrecked.

We now have to very affectionate cats and a nice (albeit “on the spectrum”) dog.

That's nice, I'm sorry to hear about Tiger though. :(
Thanks. Even all these years later, I miss that little critter. It was a very cool cat. It was almost more dog-like than cat like.

So is ours,.. she follows us around and enjoys belly rubs lol we haven't quite taught her to bark yet though, but she certainly taught us how to meow. XD

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