My brothers friend committed suicide

Very sad !!
He was giving my brother lessons in karate and other old martial arts .
He was a huge man of muscle and was having issues and just killed himself
I don’t know many details
He is dead and had a kid

It's a big issue in the world today. You see a person with one leg, or one eye. You KNOW they've got a problem.

You see someone with mental problems, either people joke about it, or pretend it's a character flaw or something.

It's a harsh world to have mental problems in. Prisons are when quite a few end up, we just can't be bothered to deal with the problems, so let their problems because our problems in terms of crime, and then lock them away because it's easier, and makes us feel good about it.
I have known several people that committed suicide. One man was distraught because he had to wear dentures. That was pre implant days. If he had only hung on for a few more years.

Your friend was weak. There is no other way to put it.

I would disagree.
This is not a normal human society we live in. It is impersonal, competitive, monetary, hostile, isolating, indifferent, etc. We throw millions of harmless people in jail, like for using drugs. We murder hundreds of thousands of innocents, like when we lied about WMD in Iraq. We don't allow people to independently survive on their own, but instead make them get menial jobs where they have to act totally subservient.
Well..... We really should execute the drug users. An alternative is to just keep them safely away from others until they die.

I would be much better if if the addict that creamed my car yesterday had died before he got in his BMW instead of collapsing right after the crash.

No one should be forced by circumstances to work. They should be allowed to feed on dumpster maggots.

Yeah, drug users like people who drink coffee, people who drink alcohol, people who take drugs for health reasons. Execute the lot of them.

Instead we should act like the dumb forks we actually are. We should look at drugs, say "they're bad", shake our heads and feel better that we're not these people.
I have known several people that committed suicide. One man was distraught because he had to wear dentures. That was pre implant days. If he had only hung on for a few more years.

Your friend was weak. There is no other way to put it.

I would disagree.
This is not a normal human society we live in. It is impersonal, competitive, monetary, hostile, isolating, indifferent, etc. We throw millions of harmless people in jail, like for using drugs. We murder hundreds of thousands of innocents, like when we lied about WMD in Iraq. We don't allow people to independently survive on their own, but instead make them get menial jobs where they have to act totally subservient.
Well..... We really should execute the drug users. An alternative is to just keep them safely away from others until they die.

I would be much better if if the addict that creamed my car yesterday had died before he got in his BMW instead of collapsing right after the crash.

No one should be forced by circumstances to work. They should be allowed to feed on dumpster maggots.

There is nothing wrong with drugs because that is how biology works, Your body creates drugs to give you pain/pleasure to make you eat, sleep, procreate, etc. The danger is just that artificial drugs can interfere with what you would have done naturally.

Humans evolved for millions of years as hunter/gatherers, not to be some subservient in a boring assembly line.
Our society is unnatural and wrong.
I have known several people that committed suicide. One man was distraught because he had to wear dentures. That was pre implant days. If he had only hung on for a few more years.

Your friend was weak. There is no other way to put it.

I would disagree.
This is not a normal human society we live in. It is impersonal, competitive, monetary, hostile, isolating, indifferent, etc. We throw millions of harmless people in jail, like for using drugs. We murder hundreds of thousands of innocents, like when we lied about WMD in Iraq. We don't allow people to independently survive on their own, but instead make them get menial jobs where they have to act totally subservient.
Well..... We really should execute the drug users. An alternative is to just keep them safely away from others until they die.

I would be much better if if the addict that creamed my car yesterday had died before he got in his BMW instead of collapsing right after the crash.

No one should be forced by circumstances to work. They should be allowed to feed on dumpster maggots.

There is nothing wrong with drugs because that is how biology works, Your body creates drugs to give you pain/pleasure to make you eat, sleep, procreate, etc. The danger is just that artificial drugs can interfere with what you would have done naturally.

Humans evolved for millions of years as hunter/gatherers, not to be some subservient in a boring assembly line.
Our society is unnatural and wrong.

So you want natural? Like, no electricity, hunter gather societies?
I have no sympathy for those that take their own life.
Suicide is a choice but I have sympathy for the people who lose a loved one to suicide
Thats where all my sympathy goes. They are the ones affected..

Many of those who commit suicide do so because they've been troubled for years. Mental problems or other issues.

They don't need sympathy any more, they needed it before they got to the end.
Very sad !!
He was giving my brother lessons in karate and other old martial arts .
He was a huge man of muscle and was having issues and just killed himself
I don’t know many details
He is dead and had a kid
So he committed, in effect, hara-kiri.
Certainly avoiding a much worse and more painful death.
With a certain touch of "honor" — but there are books still closed that must be opened on Judgment Day.

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