Muslims Made Occupation Obsolete


Sep 23, 2010
Much of the world ignored the threat Islamic fundamentalists pose. The world better pay attention when a Roman Catholic pope talks about a global war.

Pope Francis called the terrorist attack in Paris "a piece" of a Third World War, broadening the scope of the world's response to one between good and evil.

Speaking Saturday to an Italian TV network, the Pope said there is no "religious or human justification for these things," adding that the murders perpetrated by adherents of the Islamic State, were "not human."

Third World War: Pope Francis sets Paris attacks in global fight
By Al Weaver
11/14/15 11:08 AM •Updated: 11/14/15 1:19 PM

I will believe the pope’s motive is pure when he connects the United Nations to the violence. All of the killing done by Muslims in the name of Allah in various organizations is being engineered by New World Order fanatics working through the United Nations.

It is highly unlikely the American people will be allowed to withdraw from the UN, but there is a slim possibility a majority of Muslims in every Muslim country will force their governments to walkout en bloc once they understand how Islam is being manipulated by brutal men. In short: The only way the killing will end is when the ideology that keeps the United Nations in business is discarded. Once the entire Muslim world is out of the United Nations the New World Order’s plan for a one government world falls apart.

Incidentally, Dopey’s solution is for the Christians while Muslim terrorists cheer for the lions:

Madonna: Only Way to Stop Terrorism is to ‘Love Unconditionally,’ Keep Having ‘Fun’
by Daniel Nussbaum
15 Nov 2015

The war will only end when non-Muslims and non-Christians stop being conned into letting the United Nations choose sides. Then, and only then, will the war end permanently. Neither Islam, nor the Roman Catholic Church, can fight a major war over territory —— territory is the bottom line. Clearly, Muslim infiltration is about territory, while Christians must conquer with a traditional army. Infiltrating Muslim counties will not work.

One side must control the territory inhabited by the other side. That is only way to destroy a major religion, or at least render it harmless for all time. Muslims already started a war of territorial conquest, while the pope is hinting at a third world war.

Frankly, the way things are stacking up it looks like worldwide Socialism is taking the best of it. Socialists cannot be unhappy about Christians and Muslims killing each other. Us poor schmucks in the middle who do not want to see any religion win, including Socialism/Communism, are getting all the worst of it.

NOTE: The failed League of Nations was created after the end of World War One. The United Nations replaced the League after WW II ended. A global government administered by the United Nations after the next major war ends is the next logical step. That is why Taqiyya the Liar is doing everything in his power to protect Islam while his policies drive Americans towards United Nations control.


Incidentally, the Chicago sewer rat said that his strategy is going to work. He forgot to say that it will work for Islamic terrorists. Throwing occupation on the table is part of his strategy. He practically says do not war against Islam:

“It is not just my view but the view of my closest military and civilian advisers that that would be a mistake,” Obama said, adding that’s “because we would see a repetition of what we’ve seen before, which is if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governance and who are pushing back against ideological extremes, that they resurface, unless we’re prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries.”

‘We’re going to see it through’: Pres. Obama defends U.S. strategy against ISIS after Paris attacks
Posted 10:58 am, November 16, 2015, by CNN Wire

'We're going to see it through': Pres. Obama defends U.S. strategy against ISIS after Paris attacks

The fact is that militarily occupying a defeated country is not the only choice. The lesson learned in the Algerian War (1954 - 1962), and the more recent war in Iraq, taught that future wars must be fought without occupation as the end game when it is certain the enemy will fallback on terrorism to drive out the occupiers.

6. Destroy everything with all of the technology available short of nuclear weapons. Destroy every commercial building. Destroy every structure higher than 25 feet. Destroy every dam, every bridge, every tunnel, every power plant, every airport, every railroad. When that is done do not sign a peace treaty with people who advocated war in the first place. Never signing a peace treaty means that every time a defeated enemy rebuilds something knock it down again until they curse the reason they started their war.

7. Systematically keep the defeated people living in the dark ages for a century.

8. Every neutral country that accepts refugees from a defeated country will be seen as committing an act of war.

9. Anyone found guilty providing aid and comfort to the enemy during, or after the war ends, would be sentenced to living the remainder of their life in the defeated country.​

NOTE: France’s problems in Algeria were all about wine if I remember correctly. Wealthy Frenchmen had millions of acres of vineyards in Algeria. The table wine realized from those grapes was the wine the French people drank. After France lost Algeria most of those vineyards went to ruin because Muslims are supposedly teetotalers. The wines produced from French grapes were exported to acquire foreign currency. That’s how I remember the French/Algerian conflict. An old seaman I knew called it the Muscatel War. More importantly, the Algerian War was also a revolution; nevertheless, the methods Muslims employed to defeat France was the template for Islam’s strategy today as well as making occupation obsolete.

Finally, never forget why most countries remained neutral during WWI and WWII. Neutrality will be far more widespread in a shooting war between Christian countries and Muslim countries. Even then a few Muslim and Christian countries might opt out if they can. In truth, “neutral countries” would be living in a fool’s paradise should they root for one side or the other —— well-knowing they will be next.

p.s. As I’ve said many times, I have no objection to killing priesthoods who want to kill me, but it makes no sense for a free people to surrender their freedoms by replacing one religion with another, and that includes Socialism-cum-global-government.
Taqiyya the Liar is doing everything in his power to protect Islam while his policies drive Americans towards United Nations control.
Now, the filthy United Nations scum is warning governments:

UN warns Europe against 'backtracking' on migrant commitments

UN warns Europe against 'backtracking' on migrant commitments

Government officials in European countries know where the warning originated, but I doubt if many average Europeans know that it came from the White House.

In any event it only takes one country to flip the UN the bird as it walks out the door.

Immigration: Who picks the Syrian refugees that resettle in the U.S.? Homeland Security? No, the United Nations, in concert with a global Islamist group. And they're sending "more than 15,000," not the widely reported 10,000.

UN Working With Islamist Group To Resettle Over 15,000 Syrian Refugees In America

11/17/2015 06:51 PM ET

UN Working With Islamist Group To Resettle Over 15,000 Syrian Refugees In America

NOTE: If you go to Lucianne’s homepage you will see this question beneath the article’s title:

When did our government cede its authority to the UN?​

I’ve been asking that question on message boards for 15 years, and I’ve yet to see anybody in government offer an answer:

And it is not over 15,000. It is over 185,000:

John Kerry: US to accept 185,000 refugees in next two years
By Associated Press
September 20, 2015 | 2:31pm

Incidentally, has anybody noticed that able-bodied illegal aliens outnumber the men and women serving in the US military? Obviously, the known-traitor noticed! He intends to increase the number of able-bodied United Nations refugees until they, too, outnumber the military.
ohn Kerry: US to accept 185,000 refugees in next two years
John McCain is a little late on this one:

"John Kerry has probably been the most inept Secretary of State, certainly in my life time," Sen. John McCain (R-Ari.) said Wednesday on FOX News.​

More than any other senator serving with then-Senator John Kerry, I never understood how he could stomach a man who openly betrayed this country then made a career out of his treason. Everything Kerry did and say as secretary of state is only proof of what he was all along. McCain should have seen it coming when he voted to confirm a traitor as secretary of state.
I will believe the pope’s motive is pure when he connects the United Nations to the violence. All of the killing done by Muslims in the name of Allah in various organizations is being engineered by New World Order fanatics working through the United Nations.
I repeat the above:

“Christmas is a charade”. (Pope Francis, Nov. 12, 2015)


The pope, who claims that Christmas is a “charade” due to continued war across the globe, has said that the lights, parties, Christmas trees and nativity scenes of the season are a charade with so much “war and hate”. (Telegraph, Nov. 19, 2015)​

To Pope Francis Christmas only a “charade”
By Judi McLeod
November 22, 2015

To Pope Francis Christmas only a “charade”
Granny says, "Dat's right" - dat's why she keeps her Mossburg 12ga. locked an' loaded w/ rocksalt...

'Front Line With ISIS Isn't Just in Iraq and Syria, It's in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande'
December 16, 2015 | Tangling with rival Marco Rubio on immigration, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he stood for amnesty at the same time Rubio joined Democrats Barack Obama and Sen. Chuck Schumer in supporting a "massive amnesty plan."
Cruz framed his immigration plan as a matter of national security: "And let me mention, this issue is actually directly connected to what we've been talking about (national security)," Cruz said at the CNN-hosted debate Tuesday night. "Because the front line with ISIS isn't just in Iraq and Syria, it's in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande. Border security is national security. "And, you know, one of the most troubling aspects of the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight Bill was that it gave President Obama blanket authority to admit refugees, including Syrian refugees without mandating any background checks whatsoever. Now we've seen what happened in San Bernardino. (To be clear, the gang of eight bill never passed.) "When you are letting people in, when the FBI can't vet them, it puts American citizens at risk," Cruz said. He promised to secure the border and "triple the border patrol." "We will build a wall that works, and I'll get Donald Trump to pay for it," Cruz joked. (The two were chummy on the stage.)

In response, Rubio said there was no massive Syrian refugee crisis in 2013 like there is now. "Up until that point, a refugee meant someone fleeing oppression, fleeing Communism like it is in my (Cuba) community," Rubio said. "As far as Ted's record, I'm always puzzled by his attack on this issue. Ted, you support legalizing people who are in this country illegally. Ted Cruz supported a 500-percent increase in the number of H-1 visas, the guest workers that are allowed into this country, and Ted supports doubling the number of green cards. "So I think what's important for us to understand, and there is a way forward on this issue that we an bring our country together on...And it will begin by bringing illegal immigration under control."

Cruz, in return, accused Rubio of trying to "raise confusion." "It is not accurate what he just said, that I supported legalization. Indeed, I led the fight against his legalization and amnesty. And you know, there was one commentator that put it this way that, for Marco to suggest our record's the same is like suggesting 'the fireman and the arsonist because they are both at the scene of the fire.' "He was fighting to grant amnesty and not to secure the border, I was fighting to secure the border..."

Rubio asked Cruz if he would "rule out ever legalizing people that are in this country now?" "I have never supported legalization, and I do not intend to support legalization," Cruz responded. "What you do is you enforce the law." He directed people to the 11-page immigration plan on his website. "You enforce the law," Cruz repeated. "That means you stop the Obama administration's policy of releasing criminal illegal aliens. Do you know how many aliens Bill Clinton deported? 12 million. Do you know how many illegal aliens, George W. Bush deported? 10 million. "We can enforce the laws and if we secure the border, that solves the problem."

Cruz: 'Front Line With ISIS Isn't Just in Iraq and Syria, It's in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande'

See also:

‘Not All Muslims Are Jihadists’ But ‘All Jihadists Are Muslims’
December 16, 2015 | In response to a question about Donald Trump’s proposal to halt the immigration of Muslims into America until they can be securely vetted, presidential contender Rick Santorum said it was a “legitimate issue,” and stressed that “not all Muslims are jihadists” but “all jihadists are Muslims.”
At the GOP undercard debate on Tuesday in Las Vegas, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked former Senator Santorum, “you object to Mr. Trump's proposals on the grounds that it's unworkable. You've made religious liberty a hallmark of your career. Do you believe in religious liberty for Muslims as well as Christians?”

Santorum said, “Of course I do. But what Donald Trump was saying was nothing against Muslims. His comment was against this administration who doesn't have a policy to properly vet people coming into this country.” “Let's just be honest about what's being talked about here,” said Santorum. “And I know people will pile on because it makes sense to pile on, maybe from the polls. But he [Trump] brings up a legitimate issue.”

Santorum continued, “The fact of the matter is not all Muslims are Jihadists and no one, including I suspect, Donald Trump, would say that. But the reality is, all Jihadists are Muslims.” “That's a reality,” said Santorum. “And we have to stop worrying about offending some people and start defending all Americans. Because we're not, right now.”

The GOP undercard debate was held among four candidates who have not scored high enough in the polls to merit a place with the other candidates. The undercard contenders included Santorum, former Gov. George Pataki, Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Santorum: ‘Not All Muslims Are Jihadists’ But ‘All Jihadists Are Muslims’

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