Muslims in Indonesia will CANE gay couple for breaking Sharia law

Snowflakes will make every excuse in the world to overlook the misogyny and homophobia inherent in Islam.

It's totally predictable

Cowardly snowflakes like Angus will make every excuse to attack Islam- while overlooking the millions Muslims who are not 'beating gays'- and of course countries like Russia who are imprisoning gays.

Please make a list of all Muslim countries that welcome gays and have no penalties for them. Most Muslims don't go around beating gays because their oppressive regimes outlaw them and take care of that on behalf of all the Muslim citizens.
News from The Associated Press

Is it homophobic for people who believe in the religion of peace to beat people because they are gay?

Seems aggressive, but we know snowflakes will not criticize Islam.

They're lucky they aren't getting their heads lopped off.

I'm sure the lefties will quickly site some incident where Christians were mean to gays once in order to deflect.

The Christian conservatives believe that if your religion calls for caning gays for their behavior, the 1st Amendment protects your right to do that.
News from The Associated Press

Is it homophobic for people who believe in the religion of peace to beat people because they are gay?

Seems aggressive, but we know snowflakes will not criticize Islam.
I agree it is criminal to cane gays, or punish them for their sexual orientation, and using Islam as a reason for this should also be punished.

On the other hand, I doubt most Trumputinists on here will have a problem with gays being beaten up and killed in their favorite Eurasian superpower.

Not to mention that there it's mostly done in the name of Christianity, but I do know of a little Islamic republic there too.
News from The Associated Press

Is it homophobic for people who believe in the religion of peace to beat people because they are gay?

Seems aggressive, but we know snowflakes will not criticize Islam.

They're lucky they aren't getting their heads lopped off.

I'm sure the lefties will quickly site some incident where Christians were mean to gays once in order to deflect.

The Christian conservatives believe that if your religion calls for caning gays for their behavior, the 1st Amendment protects your right to do that.

Wrong. If that were the case then why aren't gays flogged for being gay?
News from The Associated Press

Is it homophobic for people who believe in the religion of peace to beat people because they are gay?

Seems aggressive, but we know snowflakes will not criticize Islam.

They're lucky they aren't getting their heads lopped off.

I'm sure the lefties will quickly site some incident where Christians were mean to gays once in order to deflect.

The Christian conservatives believe that if your religion calls for caning gays for their behavior, the 1st Amendment protects your right to do that.

Wrong. If that were the case then why aren't gays flogged for being gay?

Do you deny that conservative Christians in general argue that their religious beliefs about gays allow them, via the 1st amendment, to act in ways contrary to the otherwise law of the land,

such as discriminating against them because they are gay?
Thank God we live in a country that treats homosexuals that way

In Indonesia they cane gay couples
In the US, we only refuse to bake them wedding cakes

Actually we force people to bake cakes for them by threat of force.

Maybe we should cane them

At least you're beginning to admit you're just as much a fascist as Muslims are.
I know

Being forced to bake cakes can be so cruel
Snowflakes will make every excuse in the world to overlook the misogyny and homophobia inherent in Islam.

It's totally predictable

Cowardly snowflakes like Angus will make every excuse to attack Islam- while overlooking the millions Muslims who are not 'beating gays'- and of course countries like Russia who are imprisoning gays.

Please make a list of all Muslim countries that welcome gays and have no penalties for them. Most Muslims don't go around beating gays because their oppressive regimes outlaw them and take care of that on behalf of all the Muslim citizens.

Please make a list of all the Muslims that are going around beating gays.

Most Muslims don't go around beating gays for the same reasons that most Christians and Jews don't stone adulterers to death.
Muslims should be caned for crime against humanity by being Muslims.

Muslims Religious extremists should be caned for crimes against humanity for being Muslims Religious extremists.

Sure. This particular incident involves Muslims in Indonesia caning homosexuals.

We can certainly extend to argument to include discussion of overall jurisprudence. I, too, believe that people who commit unprovoked violent acts against any other person should be punished.
Frankly I feel the same way whenever an American travels to North Korea- have some common sense!

I think this provinces laws are cruel and idiotic- just as I think the laws still in place- but unenforceable in the United States now thanks to the Supreme Court- that would imprison these guys for their 'lifestyle'.

Something to remember- there are many here at USMB which would welcome this same law if it was repackaged as a "Christian values law"

That is why there are still anti-gay laws on the books across America.
---------------------------- agree on travel to north korea, but speculation on Christians doing the same as 'islam' if they could is simply speculation Syriusly .

Christians HAVE done the same in the name of their religion. They stoned gays and adulterers. What changed? Was it religion or culture?

What changed was the passage of fourteen centuries. Christians became human, Muslims reverted to sub humans.

Certainly the fundamental extremist Muslims and those who contort the religion for their own personal deviancies need to change.
--------------------------------------------------- in my opinion it is ALL of islam that follows shariah and that is the problem CAngus .

Yet 3 million Americans are Muslims- and they follow the Constitution- not Shariah.
So you applaud when 'gay pedophiles' are thrown in prison- but don't care whether straight pedophiles are thrown in prison or not.

Another crucial difference between us- I am against all child molesters- whether their victims are little boys or little girls.

Russia imprisons gays because they are gay- and because Putin wants gays in prison.
Red herring, BE SPECIFIC and quote where he said any such thing as the drivel you just posted.

Feel free to prove anything i said to incorrect.

So you applaud when 'gay pedophiles' are thrown in prison- but don't care whether straight pedophiles are thrown in prison or not.

Another crucial difference between us- I am against all child molesters- whether their victims are little boys or little girls.

Russia imprisons gays because they are gay- and because Putin wants gays in prison.
And you repeat the same lie again, being against one does not somehow make you NOT against all. Keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.

What lie? Feel free to point out a single lie I stated.

The fact is that I objected to all child molesters.

Tipsy only condemned child molestation- when done by gays.
No she did not nor did I and you claimed I did also. You are a liar. .

Then prove my lie- stand up for once in your life and back up your claim.

Quote my 'lie'. Show everyone my 'lie'.

Or just admit you are a pissy snowflake.
News from The Associated Press

Is it homophobic for people who believe in the religion of peace to beat people because they are gay?

Seems aggressive, but we know snowflakes will not criticize Islam.

Well, to normal people that would seem to be a reason for mentally ill homosexuals to quit fawning over the terrorists, .

LOL- you don't have a clue what 'normal' is- or what 'normal people' think.

Which is why of course you think that all homosexuals are mentally ill.

Or that homosexuals 'fawn over terrorists'

You are just a whiny little snowflake who is for some reason terrified by homosexuals and spend your lying about them.
Red herring, BE SPECIFIC and quote where he said any such thing as the drivel you just posted.

Feel free to prove anything i said to incorrect.

So you applaud when 'gay pedophiles' are thrown in prison- but don't care whether straight pedophiles are thrown in prison or not.

Another crucial difference between us- I am against all child molesters- whether their victims are little boys or little girls.

Russia imprisons gays because they are gay- and because Putin wants gays in prison.
And you repeat the same lie again, being against one does not somehow make you NOT against all. Keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.

What lie? Feel free to point out a single lie I stated.

The fact is that I objected to all child molesters.

Tipsy only condemned child molestation- when done by gays.
Men molested by men as children never fully recover.

Yes- those women raped by men as children just bounce right back........

Why is it you only mention child molestation when it comes to gays and boys?

Why don't you ever mention the majority of child molestation victims?
Because men raping boys devastates them for life. Girls might not bounce right back but they are not touched with the same kind of depravity.

When will you admit that gays are degenerates?

...under the aegis of 'state's rights' should the individual states be allowed to govern homosexuals as they see fit,

including granting religions the right to discriminate against gays if that is a dictate of their faith?
Feel free to prove anything i said to incorrect.

So you applaud when 'gay pedophiles' are thrown in prison- but don't care whether straight pedophiles are thrown in prison or not.

Another crucial difference between us- I am against all child molesters- whether their victims are little boys or little girls.

Russia imprisons gays because they are gay- and because Putin wants gays in prison.
And you repeat the same lie again, being against one does not somehow make you NOT against all. Keep proving just how fucking stupid you are.

What lie? Feel free to point out a single lie I stated.

The fact is that I objected to all child molesters.

Tipsy only condemned child molestation- when done by gays.
Men molested by men as children never fully recover.

Yes- those women raped by men as children just bounce right back........

Why is it you only mention child molestation when it comes to gays and boys?

Why don't you ever mention the majority of child molestation victims?
Because men raping boys devastates them for life. Girls might not bounce right back but they are not touched with the same kind of depravity.

When will you admit that gays are degenerates?

So because you believe that man on boy pedophilia is a more serious crime than man on girl pedophilia,

you believe the penalties should be milder for the latter?

Russia imprisons gays when they are gay pedophiles. When gays find a child and groom the poor kid into accepting an adult lover.

Good for Russia.

So you applaud when 'gay pedophiles' are thrown in prison- but don't care whether straight pedophiles are thrown in prison or not.

Another crucial difference between us- I am against all child molesters- whether their victims are little boys or little girls.

Russia imprisons gays because they are gay- and because Putin wants gays in prison.
Put all child molesters in prison and recognize that gays exert exceptional pressure against children.

I recognize that you want to treat all gays as child molesters, even though the vast majority of child molestation is by straight men against girls.

Why exactly do you want to target gays, rather than all child molesters?

BS. Homosexuals account for over a third of all kiddie rapes, and are only 1%-2% of the population.

And again- why do you want to target gays, rather than all child molesters?

Here you do it again with your typical B.S.

The reality is that child rapists rape children- almost exclusively men-
sad fact men account for only 49% of the population but account for over 95% of all child sexual molestation.

The vast majority of child rape victims are girls- which you once again ignore.

And the majority of men who rape boys- or girls- identify as straight- and have consensual sexual relations with adult women- and rape/non-consensual sex with boys and/or girls.

Men like Dennis Hastert- the GOP former Speaker of the House- married for over 30 years, with 2 children of his own- and molested boys. Like Jerry Sandusky- coach- macho icon- again- married for over 30 years, with his own children- and molested boys.

The danger with assholes like you who try to convince Americans that the real danger is with the 'gays'- is that you are trying to get people to discriminate against gays- while ignoring the danger of the Hasterts and Sanduskeys of the world.

You keep telling parents that the danger is the openly gay man- not that married husband and father and coach- Jerry Sandusky.

And that gets kids raped.

Why are you willing to endanger kids- just to attack gays?
Thank God we live in a country that treats homosexuals that way

In Indonesia they cane gay couples
In the US, we only refuse to bake them wedding cakes

Actually we force people to bake cakes for them by threat of force.

Maybe we should cane them

At least you're beginning to admit you're just as much a fascist as Muslims are.
I know

Being forced to bake cakes can be so cruel
There is a civil right to dessert. It's right there in the Constitution.

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