Muslims celebrate the anniversary of 9-11


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Good bless them as always, and then carpet bomb them. Happened shortly after midnight huh? How cool is that?

I copied this page in case it "somehow vanishes".

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A rocket exploded at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan just minutes into Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the United States, but officials at the compound declared all-clear about an hour later and reported no injuries.
Rocket blast at US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 anniversary
Good bless them as always, and then carpet bomb them. Happened shortly after midnight huh? How cool is that?

I copied this page in case it "somehow vanishes".

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A rocket exploded at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan just minutes into Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the United States, but officials at the compound declared all-clear about an hour later and reported no injuries.
Rocket blast at US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 anniversary

Those bad Taliban. Now they'll not only miss meeting Trump for a pow-wow and will get nothing but a lump of coal in their stockings this Christmas, they'll also get a Hellfire missile suppository.
Benghazi was on 9-11.
I tried searching for muslim atrocities committed on 9-11 and all I get are links to hate crimes against muslims.

2001.09.11 Israel: Two policemen (ages 19 and 26) are killed when Palestinian gunmen opened fire at a border checkpoint

2002.09.11 India: Terrorists use grenades and arms fire to kill ten security force personnel and two civilians in an ambush.

2003.09.11 England: A 17-year-old girl is strangled by her family for resisting an arranged marriage.

2004.09.11 India: Mujahideen militants toss a grenade into a crowded marketplace, killing one civilian and injuring twenty others.

2004.09.11 India: Suicide attack on a heavily-guarded tourist hotel leaves three security personnel dead and seven others injured.

2005.09.11 Thailand: A civilian is shot off the back of a motorcycle by terrorists.

2006.09.11 Afghanistan: A 12-year-old boy is among six people murdered by a suicide bomber at a funeral for a previous victim of a suicide bombing.

2006.09.11 Iraq: Four civilians are killed in a Jihadi shrapnel bombing.

2006.09.11 Iraq: Sixteen people are blown to bits by a suicidal Sunni on a bus.

2006.09.11 India: A security official succumbs to injuries from a terrorist ambush.

2006.09.11 Thailand: A Buddhist woman is gunned down by militant Muslims in her grocery store.

I quit looking after 2007. It kept ramping up from there.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
2007.09.11 Iraq: Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirteen bodies in a 24-hour period.

2007.09.11 Israel: Gaza militants fire a rocket into Israel, injuring nearly seventy people.

2007.09.11 Afghanistan: Two Afghan truck drivers are murdered by a suicide bomber.

2007.09.11 Pakistan: Seventeen people are killed when a 15-year-old suicide bomber detonates on a minibus.

2007.09.11 Ingushetia Ordzhonikidzov: Two young men and their father are brutally murdered in their home by suspected Islamic militants.

2007.09.11 Thailand: A middle-aged Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while riding his motorbike.

2007.09.11 Thailand: A young Buddhist man is shot to death by Islamists.

2008.09.11 Thailand: Islamists gun down a 45-year-old man in a drive-by shooting.

2008.09.11 Thailand: A young Buddhist man is among two civilians killed in separate attacks by Muslim militants.

2008.09.11 Pakistan: A 9-year-old girl, brutally gunned down by Jihadis, is among eight people murdered in two attacks.

2008.09.11 Iraq: Jihadis bomb a minibus carrying civil servants, killing at least three.

2008.09.11 Iraq: A man and his son are shot to death inside their home by Sunni militants.

2008.09.11 Iraq: A family of three is among five civilians taken down by Islamic terrorists.

2008.09.11 Iraq: Five members of the same family are murdered in their home by Mujahideen.

2008.09.11 India: A farmer is pulled from his home by the Mujahideen, who then hack off his ears.

2008.09.11 Afghanistan: A suicide bomber takes out two Afghan civilians, including a young boy on his way to school.

2008.09.11 Pakistan: Talibanis abduct and slit the throats of two local soldiers, then cut off their heads.

2008.09.11 Afghanistan: Two civilians are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

2009.09.11 Afghanistan: Sunni hardliners kill six civilians with a roadside bomb.

2009.09.11 Afghanistan: Six security guards are murdered by Mujahideen.

2009.09.11 Afghanistan: Fourteen car passengers are massacred by Taliban bombers.

2009.09.11 Somalia: Fifteen people, including nine disabled patients at a hospital, are killed when Islamic militia slam mortars into a neighborhood.

2009.09.11 Ingushetia Nazran: A local police officer dies from injuries suffered from a suicide bomber.

2009.09.11 Iraq: Five Iraqi police are gunned down at point blank range by Muslim terrorists.

2009.09.11 Afghanistan: Three civilians are killed when a Taliban rocket strikes their home.

2009.09.11 Afghanistan: A child is among two people blown into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

2009.09.11 Ethiopia: A Muslim mob ransacks two Christian churches and seriously injures three Christian worshippers.

2010.09.11 Iraq: Two Iraqis die from splinter injuries after Jihadis send rockets into a commercial district.

2011.09.11 Afghanistan: The bodies of six civilian contract workers are found five days after being abducted by Sunni militants.

2011.09.11 Iraq: A journalist at a cafe bleeds to death following a Mujahid bombing.

2011.09.11 Iraq: Three civilians are shredded by a roadside bomb.

2011.09.11 Kenya: al-Shabaab radicals are suspected of shooting an unarmed man on his honeymoon and kidnapping his wife
2011.09.11 Afghanistan: 94 Children are among the casualties when Fedayeen detonate a truck bomb.

2011.09.11 Afghanistan: The Taliban take out six civilians, including two women, with a roadside bomb.

2011.09.11 Afghanistan: Three children are among five civilians disassembled by a homemade Sunni bomb.

2011.09.11 Afghanistan: Three policemen are shot to death by Religion of Peace hardliners
2011.09.11 England: Two activists are stabbed by Muslims after disparaging Islam.

2011.09.11 USA: Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.

2012.09.11 Afghanistan: A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out five lives at a tea shop.

2012.09.11 Yemen: 12 Twelve people bleed out in the aftermath of a suspected al-Qaeda blast.

2012.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 The Islamic Army of Iraq executes four people in their home.

2012.09.11 Libya Benghazi: An Ambassador is among four Americans killed when Ansar al-Sharia members storm the US consulate.

2012.09.11 Iraq Dujail: Three security volunteers are shot to death by al-Qaeda.

2012.09.11 Afghanistan Bagram: Three Afghans are killed by a rocket attack from Islamic extremists.

2013.09.11 Egypt: A Fedayeen suicide car bombing leaves eleven dead.

2013.09.11 Iraq Baghdad: At least thirty Shia worshippers are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber at the entrance of their mosque.

2013.09.11 Thailand: Muslim 'insurgents' spray a police car with machine-gun fire, killing five passengers.

2013.09.11 Iraq Baghdad: At least one child is among fifteen Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks.

2013.09.11 Nigeria: Two officers are killed during a Boko Haram assault on a police station.

2013.09.11 Pakistan: A Shia scholar is brought down outside his home by Sunni assassins.

2013.09.11 Syria: An 'Australian' suicide bomber kills three dozen soldiers guarding an airport.

2014.09.11 Iraq: A half-dozen people in a commercial district are laid out by a Mujahideen car bomb.

2014.09.11 Iraq: Sunnis blow up a bus stop in a Shia area, killing three commuters.

2014.09.11 Iraq: Jihadi bombers strike a restaurant, taking out five patrons in mid-bite.

2014.09.11 Iraq Baghdad: Two vicious bomb attacks leave thirteen dead.

2014.09.11 Pakistan: Religious extremists murder a peace committee member outside his home.

2014.09.11 Pakistan: Two Shiites are brought down by Sunni gunmen. One was a doctor in his clinic.

2014.09.11 Thailand: Militant Muslims beat a truck driver to death.

2014.09.11 Iraq Mosul: Seven men are beheaded for speaking out against the Islamic State.

2014.09.11 Thailand: Muslim terrorists spray a government building with gunfire, then throw a bomb inside
2014.09.11 Philippines: At least two people are riddled with bullets by Bangsamoro Islamic gunmen.

2015.09.11 Yemen: At least twenty civilians bleed out following a rocket attack by Shiite radicals on a marketplace.

2015.09.11 Egypt: Four local soldiers are blown to bits by Islamic extremists.

2015.09.11 Syria Damascus: A civilian loses his life to an ISIS mortar round.

2015.09.11 Nigeria: A female suicide bomber detonates at a market, taking four patrons with her.

2015.09.11 Nigeria: Children are among the victims of a horrible Boko Haram bombing at a refugee camp that claims seven.

2015.09.11 Iraq: Thirteen Kurds are blown to bits by ISIS bombs.

2015.09.11 Pakistan: Two members of a peace committee are sectionalized by Taliban bombers.

2015.09.11 Egypt: Fundamentalists take out a woman and child with a car bomb.

2015.09.11 DRC Mamove: An ADF attack leaves at least nine others dead.

2015.09.11 Afghanistan: A rival imam is executed by the Islamic State.

...and so on into 2016, 2017, 2018,and 2019...

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