Muslim Leaders Vow To Protect Rights Of Religious Minorities


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
If anything "good" could possibly be said about the atrocities brought about under ISIS, it's that it's forcing a dialogue among Muslim majority countries in the region and a working together to take control of their religion back from extremists.

Muslim Leaders Vow To Protect Rights Of Religious Minorities

The rise of ISIS and other Muslim extremist groups in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia has brought horrific persecution of non-Muslims — Christians, Jews and other religious minorities. Now, a group of Islamic scholars, Muslim leaders and government ministers from Muslim-majority countries has promised to work together to protect those minorities, saying Islam forbids religious persecution.

More than 100 countries were represented at the gathering of Muslim leaders in Marrakech this week, sponsored by the Moroccan government and the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, an organization led by Islamic scholar Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah.

.....A declaration coming out of this week's meeting in Morocco calls on Muslim intellectuals to develop a more inclusive concept of citizenship. Education authorities are urged to identify curricular material "that instigates aggression and extremism, leads to war and chaos, and results in the destruction of our shared societies."

Religious leaders are told to address the "amnesia" of their followers that blocks memories of the centuries of interfaith coexistence on their lands.

"It is unconscionable to employ religion for the purpose of aggressing upon the rights of religious minorities in Muslim countries," the declaration concludes.​

Remainder of article at link.
ISIS needs to be defeated. Moderate Muslims help is welcome.
AKA -- Muslims and Dhimmi.

This sounds more like publicity to me in alignment with the classic Islamic practice of saying one thing to their own and something else entirely to the infidels. This is merely an attempt to give the appearance of something with no real heart behind it.
After the Prophet Muhammad established the first Muslim state, he wrote the Charter of Medina to make sure his subjects lived in harmony, whether they were Muslims, Jews or people of other faiths.

Nearly 1,400 years later, hundreds of religious scholars met in Marrakesh in a bid to revive the charter to protect religious minorities in Muslim communities today.

The scholars recognize a worldwide crisis: The so-called Islamic State is killing Christians, Yazidis and others and imposing its harsh orthodoxy on millions in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa. Tensions between Sunni and Shiite leaders throughout the region are escalating, too.

Sponsored by Moroccan King Mohammed VI and the United Arab Emirates-based Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, the Jan. 25-27 conference included 300 prominent Islamic clerics and experts from Morocco to Indonesia.

Participants called for more tolerance for minorities and unveiled the Marrakesh Declaration, an updated bill of rights for religious minorities, inspired by the Charter of Medina.
Morocco summit pushes Muslim clerics to improve the lot of religious minorities - Religion News Service
AKA -- Muslims and Dhimmi.

This sounds more like publicity to me in alignment with the classic Islamic practice of saying one thing to their own and something else entirely to the infidels. This is merely an attempt to give the appearance of something with no real heart behind it.
I see it differently. Good hearted people want an end to ISIS.
I see it differently. Good hearted people want an end to ISIS.

and ignorant and naive people are easy to fool.

Yes, these Muslim leaders oppose the wholesale slaughter of religious minorities. That does NOT mean that they do not see these religious minorities as second class citizens, however.

You might as well champion a big meeting of the kkk getting together to oppose the lynching of blacks because doing that gives them a bad name. All the attitudes are still there, and the only difference is this quibbling over the methods.
I am glad that DHARA is here to DEFINE THE RIGHTS of non muslims
in Shariah adherent lands as per the lauded "CHARTER OF MEDINA"
and "THE PACT OF OMAR" A plan to "protect rights" is useless
in the absence of a DEFINING of those rights----OVER TO YOU, DHARA
Supposedly there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and anywhere from 2% - 10% are radical (depending on who you believe) the "moderates" far outnumber the radicals...why haven't they eradicated the radicals?
Isis has killed more muslims than any other faith. The "civilised" world has a common interest in uniting against them.
ISIS needs to be defeated. Moderate Muslims help is welcome.

seems to me that there are all KINDS of muslims who would like to defeat Isis---
not all (or perhaps even most) are "moderate" It also seems to me that
a very significant population of muslims support ISIS-------A nice project would be a poll of ALL POPULATIONS SUNNI MUSLIMS-------difficult to design----but doable
using fair statistical methods of sampling
Supposedly there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and anywhere from 2% - 10% are radical (depending on who you believe) the "moderates" far outnumber the radicals...why haven't they eradicated the radicals?

Good point, lassie------my take on that issue is------a huge proportion of
people who have kinda self defined as "moderate" -----are sunnis who
harbor in their hearts a very warm and fuzzy feeling for the GLORIOUS
Supposedly there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and anywhere from 2% - 10% are radical (depending on who you believe) the "moderates" far outnumber the radicals...why haven't they eradicated the radicals?

Good point, lassie------my take on that issue is------a huge proportion of
people who have kinda self defined as "moderate" -----are sunnis who
harbor in their hearts a very warm and fuzzy feeling for the GLORIOUS

Taqiyya :rolleyes:
Bad news for conservatives. They need a long list of enemies to rally their terrified base against.
Supposedly there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and anywhere from 2% - 10% are radical (depending on who you believe) the "moderates" far outnumber the radicals...why haven't they eradicated the radicals?
Its a bit complicated.
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne

That has nothing to do with my statement
To save you the trouble of reading it. The author claims that extremist groups are backed by western governments to attack whatever group is not popular at that time. The educated deduction from this is that it is difficult for moderates to do anything against well armed and organised terrorists.

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