Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Racist’ Trump’s Victory a ‘Disaster’ for Muslim World


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just THIS is more than enough reason for a President Trump.....the scum of the world are afraid of Trump, unlike their Muslim brotherhood in the White House!!!

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group — praised by Democrats, President Barack Obama, and presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — has reportedly denounced “racist” Republican Donald Trump’s victory over the former secretary of state as a “disaster” for the Arab and Muslim world.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Even Putin knows...

If only our President was actually a leader. President Trump will quickly fix that!!!!!
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Just THISvis more than enough reason for a President Trump.....the scum of the world are afraid of Trump, unlike their Muslim brotherhood in the White House!!!

The terrorist Muslim Brotherhood (MB) group — praised by Democrats, President Barack Obama, and presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — has reportedly denounced “racist” Republican Donald Trump’s victory over the former secretary of state as a “disaster” for the Arab and Muslim world.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Even Putin knows...

If only our President was actually a leader. President Trump will quickly fix that!!!!!

Yeah, Trump is such a douche for not wanting to allow unvetted radical muslims to come and squat...what a sorry POS....said no one ever .......but a stupid leftard/liberal piece of shit.
Well, at least now the election is over we can back to brass tacks.
No unvetted radical Muslims are squatting here. None have and none will. We have millions of Muslims living here posing no threat to you and millions of Muslims living in tents with no home or livelihood any longer due to the wars our nation began (or so they say). They are FLEEING the same radical terrorists that we hate. So, don't call me a piece of shit for refusing to buy this garbage.
Stop all Moslems from entering America, bull doze mosques into the ground and send the refugees packing. I'd also ban face coverings. The growth and advancement of Islam in America must be stopped or it will stop us.
Well, at least now the election is over we can back to brass tacks.
No unvetted radical Muslims are squatting here. None have and none will. We have millions of Muslims living here posing no threat to you and millions of Muslims living in tents with no home or livelihood any longer due to the wars our nation began (or so they say). They are FLEEING the same radical terrorists that we hate. So, don't call me a piece of shit for refusing to buy this garbage.
You're a moron. We already have seen what's coming just looking at Europe's migrant/refugee crisis. The majority of these people are military aged males. You are thinking with your feelz....not your brain.
No, the majority of refugees to THIS country are not military aged males, and since we have no intention of allowing 2 million unvetted refugees into this country, you can't compare the issues there with what we have done and planned on doing. Not if you're using your brain that is.
I realize that the threat of radical terrorism is REAL. I also have looked at the reality, which is -- there is no way to 100% protect against it. Our security agencies are doing a good job and they are unearthing MOST of these conspirators before they attack. But when a lot of them are homegrown or people with absolutely no "record" anywhere, the "shut the door" policy won't help one wit.
No, the majority of refugees to THIS country are not military aged males, and since we have no intention of allowing 2 million unvetted refugees into this country, you can't compare the issues there with what we have done and planned on doing. Not if you're using your brain that is.
I realize that the threat of radical terrorism is REAL. I also have looked at the reality, which is -- there is no way to 100% protect against it. Our security agencies are doing a good job and they are unearthing MOST of these conspirators before they attack. But when a lot of them are homegrown or people with absolutely no "record" anywhere, the "shut the door" policy won't help one wit.
Bullshit I can't. They're coming from the same damn region, lady.
Well, at least now the election is over we can back to brass tacks.
No unvetted radical Muslims are squatting here. None have and none will. We have millions of Muslims living here posing no threat to you and millions of Muslims living in tents with no home or livelihood any longer due to the wars our nation began (or so they say). They are FLEEING the same radical terrorists that we hate. So, don't call me a piece of shit for refusing to buy this garbage.

Do you want to bet the life of your family on that??? How do you know this? We have an unsecured southern border and if you can fog a mirror and make it across to America, you are granted a fucking bus pass to anywhere you want to go if you claim you have relatives...and even IF they don't have relatives, they will simply package them into a group and drop them off in a designated small town leaving the local government with the task of housing you think I am kidding or that I don't know what I am talking about? The U.N actually decides which cities and/or towns are appropriate designations per their guidelines. Do your own research on this or STFU ...of course you can take the risk of looking like an idiot.....the choice is yours....but don't you fucking DARE try and "school" me......this is what I do all day, every day.
To me if Trump was truly a racist, he wouldn't have married a woman from Russia or have a black man be a part of his cabinet.

God bless you and him and his family and Ben Carson always!!!

Leftards be like "You let them muslims in..... you islamophobe! "

I'm like "Fine, can we move them in with you?????".....and listen to the crickets chirp...... will show up at the bus and train stations with their little leftard rainbow colored flags offering free "hugs" but that is where it ends. LOL!
The majority of refugees in this country are military aged men who are mostly lying about being children. The refugees from peaceful Honduras are military aged men with beards and in some cases going gray lying about being children.

What is absolutely disgusting are the family reunification centers where the gang recruiters look over the available offerings and say "oh yes there's cousin Pedro."

A woman taking in a child refugee found herself housing a jihadist who was building bombs in her home.

Deport deport deport, build the wall.
Well, at least now the election is over we can back to brass tacks.
No unvetted radical Muslims are squatting here. None have and none will. We have millions of Muslims living here posing no threat to you and millions of Muslims living in tents with no home or livelihood any longer due to the wars our nation began (or so they say). They are FLEEING the same radical terrorists that we hate. So, don't call me a piece of shit for refusing to buy this garbage.
I hate to break this to you, but Homeland Security has been saying that the Muslims that have been brought in by the thousands haven't been able to be vetted as the numbers were too overwhelming. Evidence has also shown that Muslims are coming over our southern border illegally. What we no doubt have in our country are sleeper-cells and lone-wolves that at some point will act on their in the name of Islam and we have a definite potential for danger. You REALLY need to do your homework on the birth, history, teachings and present day Islam and its ongoing global goals.

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