Murder by firearms

People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.
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People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.

please tell that to all the innocent people who were killed in Shitcago, N.Y.C., W.D.C., L.A., N.O. Huston etc., etc. because they as law abiding citizens were denied the opportunity to defend themselves.

you lack the brains of a beetle bug. :lmao:

I really don't give a crap about this debate. The fact is simple; more guns lead to more deaths, but that is what we choose to accept and live with, because a lot of people love guns and feel threatened by the boogie man should they be taken away. What drives me nuts is this stupid bullshit argument that everyone who was killed by a gun could have saved themselves had they been armed. That is the stupidest argument I have ever heard. Especially in these gang killings, the people getting killed rarely even know they are being shot at until they are dead.

Talk about lacking the brains of a beetle bug, you've proven that you fit the bill completely with your dumbass statement.
There, there.........don't worry sweetie. Guns are wonderful and are responsible for bringing peace to all mankind. You are right. You are right. Sleep tight.

I agree. I don't care if guns bring peace to mankind. I could give a shit about about mankind.
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.

Wait. Why do some kittens display stalking behavior while some don't?
Good fucking god this bullshit subject gets old. Don't you all have ANYTHING better to discuss other than the same fucking subject over and over.

No one is taking your guns. There are more guns in circulation than ever before. You can walk into a gun store today and buy weapons and ammo to your hearts content.

What the fuck is the problem? Other than you gun nuts being mental midgets.

a suggestion-when you anti gun nuts want to whine about guns, you ought to pretend you actually are going after criminals so you can pretend we are paranoid. Posts like yours suggest that people like you really do hate gun owners

Dude, you got a reading comprehension problem. I have guns. I can shoot.
I just get tired of all the gun owners who whine like little bitches (like YOU) that someone is taking my guns.

It ain't happening. How many times you got to hear that before it sinks into your pea brain?
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.

i almost agree with your post 100%.., except for one thing: "When Man came down from the trees", you should have said: When Liberliars came down from the trees

we conservatives believe we were created in the image of GOD !!, liberliars belie...., oooops FEEEEEL they descended from swamp slime. AND that is a fact !
:up: ...... :lmao:
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.

i almost agree with your post 100%.., except for one thing: "When Man came down from the trees", you should have said: When Liberliars came down from the trees

we conservatives believe we were created in the image of GOD !!, liberliars belie...., oooops FEEEEEL they descended from swamp slime. AND that is a fact !
:up: ...... :lmao:

Conservatives like YOU believe that God is a gun toting, minority hating, ultra rich loving con man like YOU. What the hell are you smoking this morning? Some of Gods very own. :badgrin:
Good fucking god this bullshit subject gets old. Don't you all have ANYTHING better to discuss other than the same fucking subject over and over.

No one is taking your guns. There are more guns in circulation than ever before. You can walk into a gun store today and buy weapons and ammo to your hearts content.

What the fuck is the problem? Other than you gun nuts being mental midgets.

a suggestion-when you anti gun nuts want to whine about guns, you ought to pretend you actually are going after criminals so you can pretend we are paranoid. Posts like yours suggest that people like you really do hate gun owners

Dude, you got a reading comprehension problem. I have guns. I can shoot.
I just get tired of all the gun owners who whine like little bitches (like YOU) that someone is taking my guns.

It ain't happening. How many times you got to hear that before it sinks into your pea brain?

I would love to compare intellectual accomplishments with you. and yes, one of the main ploys of the gun banners is to pretend no one is seeking to ban guns.

I just get tired of gun banners pretending they own guns or pretending no one wants to take their guns away. Claiming that there is no such movement afoot is the sign of a PEA BRAIN
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.

Wait. Why do some kittens display stalking behavior while some don't?
Certain physical and behavioral characteristics are gradually altered or eliminated as generations progress, accounting for the familiar phrase; A different breed of cat. I have three daughters. Two are very similar in their (extroverted) behavioral characteristics while one is significantly different (introverted).

These are subtle genetic mutations.
"The fact is simple; more guns lead to more deaths..."

If it were you would have no problem providing proof. I don't see any.
And more is not always a bad thing. Depends a lot on who's doing the dying.
a suggestion-when you anti gun nuts want to whine about guns, you ought to pretend you actually are going after criminals so you can pretend we are paranoid. Posts like yours suggest that people like you really do hate gun owners

Dude, you got a reading comprehension problem. I have guns. I can shoot.
I just get tired of all the gun owners who whine like little bitches (like YOU) that someone is taking my guns.

It ain't happening. How many times you got to hear that before it sinks into your pea brain?

I would love to compare intellectual accomplishments with you. and yes, one of the main ploys of the gun banners is to pretend no one is seeking to ban guns.

I just get tired of gun banners pretending they own guns or pretending no one wants to take their guns away. Claiming that there is no such movement afoot is the sign of a PEA BRAIN

You are a dummy. You know that. What are you? 16 years old.
Pretending I own guns eh? Well ok then. What other weird fears you let run your life?
"The fact is simple; more guns lead to more deaths..."

If it were you would have no problem providing proof. I don't see any.
And more is not always a bad thing. Depends a lot on who's doing the dying.

good point but the number of guns in the USA has gone way up as a result of both CCW increases and a reaction to the Clinton-Obama Jihad against the 2A. and yet gun deaths have gone down. Guns in the hands of good people DECREASE CRIME

and the idiots who push for gun control push for crap that ONLY DISARMS good people
Dude, you got a reading comprehension problem. I have guns. I can shoot.
I just get tired of all the gun owners who whine like little bitches (like YOU) that someone is taking my guns.

It ain't happening. How many times you got to hear that before it sinks into your pea brain?

I would love to compare intellectual accomplishments with you. and yes, one of the main ploys of the gun banners is to pretend no one is seeking to ban guns.

I just get tired of gun banners pretending they own guns or pretending no one wants to take their guns away. Claiming that there is no such movement afoot is the sign of a PEA BRAIN

You are a dummy. You know that. What are you? 16 years old.
Pretending I own guns eh? Well ok then. What other weird fears you let run your life?

ah another little poser who pretends to have guns. I am 55 , kid. I also have three IVY Degrees, was a Dept of Justice prosecutor and a several time all american shotgun shooter and a Grand Master action pistol competitor.

wanna play with me? you're gonna get your butt handed to you
I would love to compare intellectual accomplishments with you. and yes, one of the main ploys of the gun banners is to pretend no one is seeking to ban guns.

I just get tired of gun banners pretending they own guns or pretending no one wants to take their guns away. Claiming that there is no such movement afoot is the sign of a PEA BRAIN

You are a dummy. You know that. What are you? 16 years old.
Pretending I own guns eh? Well ok then. What other weird fears you let run your life?

ah another little poser who pretends to have guns. I am 55 , kid. I also have three IVY Degrees, was a Dept of Justice prosecutor and a several time all american shotgun shooter and a Grand Master action pistol competitor.

wanna play with me? you're gonna get your butt handed to you

Telling how members' posts rarely, if ever, reflect what they claim on an anonymous message board, particularly the internet tough guys.
Some people like guns, some people don't, and the reason why some do is pretty much the same as why some new-born kittens display stalking behavior while others don't. It's called primal memory and behaviorists believe it to be genetically transmitted to some but not to all.

When Man came down from the trees he was what is known to present-day anthropologists (and to author, Robert Ardrey) as The Naked Ape, so-called because early man had neither fangs nor claws and was utterly incapable of defending himself against the wide range of predatory creatures that dominated his primitive world. In fact were it not for a brain which was capable of forming concepts the human species could not have survived.

The concept that altered the history of life on Earth was that of weaponry, which probably began with the use of a tree-branch club or a rock used to bludgeon predators, prey, and, eventually, other humans. The concept of weaponry evolved from simple bludgeoning tools to stabbing and slashing devices, then spears and axes, slings, and the ultimate weapon for many generations of Man's development, the bow and arrow.

Then came the crossbow, followed by the first firearm -- a comparatively simple contrivance consisting of a sealed-end cylinder, an explosive substance and some pebbles or a stone. Moving forward from that relatively recent level of sophistication Man has developed the ability to sit at a keyboard in one part of the world and direct an un-manned drone aircraft to a remote target somewhere else in the world and destroy it with an explosive missile. He can even equip the missile with an explosive device capable of annihilating an entire city.

So Man's affinity for weapons is not irrational. It is historical -- and as natural as is a cat's tendency to stalk.

i almost agree with your post 100%.., except for one thing: "When Man came down from the trees", you should have said: When Liberliars came down from the trees

we conservatives believe we were created in the image of GOD !!, liberliars belie...., oooops FEEEEEL they descended from swamp slime. AND that is a fact !
:up: ...... :lmao:

Conservatives like YOU believe that God is a gun toting, minority hating, ultra rich loving con man like YOU. What the hell are you smoking this morning? Some of Gods very own. :badgrin:

only an atheist fucking brainless retard could make a reply like this, thank you for making yourself known as such :up: ..... :fu:
You are a dummy. You know that. What are you? 16 years old.
Pretending I own guns eh? Well ok then. What other weird fears you let run your life?

ah another little poser who pretends to have guns. I am 55 , kid. I also have three IVY Degrees, was a Dept of Justice prosecutor and a several time all american shotgun shooter and a Grand Master action pistol competitor.

wanna play with me? you're gonna get your butt handed to you

Telling how members' posts rarely, if ever, reflect what they claim on an anonymous message board, particularly the internet tough guys.

I have been around for years-lots of refugees from DebatePolitics can vouch for me
nothing tough about it. I just know more about this subject than you ever will
ah another little poser who pretends to have guns. I am 55 , kid. I also have three IVY Degrees, was a Dept of Justice prosecutor and a several time all american shotgun shooter and a Grand Master action pistol competitor.

wanna play with me? you're gonna get your butt handed to you

Telling how members' posts rarely, if ever, reflect what they claim on an anonymous message board, particularly the internet tough guys.

I have been around for years-lots of refugees from DebatePolitics can vouch for me
nothing tough about it. I just know more about this subject than you ever will

Jones is a bald faced liar, he keeps claiming, for example, that no one at all wants to ban firearms.
Telling how members' posts rarely, if ever, reflect what they claim on an anonymous message board, particularly the internet tough guys.

I have been around for years-lots of refugees from DebatePolitics can vouch for me
nothing tough about it. I just know more about this subject than you ever will

Jones is a bald faced liar, he keeps claiming, for example, that no one at all wants to ban firearms.

yeah I sort of put him on the list of Brady Fluffers whom I need not ever take seriously. That sort of claim relegates him to the trash bin of 'tards
I would love to compare intellectual accomplishments with you. and yes, one of the main ploys of the gun banners is to pretend no one is seeking to ban guns.

I just get tired of gun banners pretending they own guns or pretending no one wants to take their guns away. Claiming that there is no such movement afoot is the sign of a PEA BRAIN

You are a dummy. You know that. What are you? 16 years old.
Pretending I own guns eh? Well ok then. What other weird fears you let run your life?

ah another little poser who pretends to have guns. I am 55 , kid. I also have three IVY Degrees, was a Dept of Justice prosecutor and a several time all american shotgun shooter and a Grand Master action pistol competitor.

wanna play with me? you're gonna get your butt handed to you

Wanna play with you? Fuck no. You are an asshole. Didn't I already mention that.

And what the fuck is up with assholes like you wanting to post up your supposed wonderful world of accomplishments on the "Net?

Lets see if you are stupid enough to put up "proof" of your "accomplishments". Go ahead. Give up your name and locale. I want to "verify" that you are the bad assed poster you claim to be.

But if you really think you are going to hand someone their ass on a message board, well you really are fucking stupid. How do you get that stupid in 55 years and all that time spent on your education?

Practice practice practice.

And what's is with the turtle? You "turtle dude" eh? Crawl back into a hole turtle dude.
Sure is taking a long time for you to hand me my ass. What's up turtle dude? You posting those "diplomas" and "law degree" on line?

But really, a shooter like you. Champion and all that stuff. How many of your guns have been taken away?
In your 55 years, how many of your guns have been taken away.

I won't even tell you how many of MY guns have been taken. Because according to you, I don't have any guns. And you keep right on thinking that.

It's the stupid braggarts like you that you don't have to worry about. You are a mouth. People like me, well you just don't know now do ya? And you gun nutters keep right on thinking that you are the ONLY ones with guns. Well. You and the thugs and the criminals.

Suits me that you think what you do. Yep, suits me just fine.

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