Murder by firearms

Are you saying there has been no serious push for the federal gov't to pass legislation restricting firearms? The fact that a bill does not pass does not mean there aren't people in authority who are very serious about doing it.

Breaking news on US Senate considers gun control laws -

Hmmmmmmmmm........... Do we really need plastic guns? Now who would use such a thing to get past security? Think carefully about what you wish for.

Breaking news on US Senate considers gun control laws -

Since President Obama is out of the country, the White House tonight will use the Autopen to sign 10-year extension of law to ban plastic guns - [MENTION=11699]mark[/MENTION]knoller
see original on
Congress renews expiring ban on undetectable, plastic firearms - @AP

I did not wish for anything. I simply countered his claim that no one is trying to take anyone's guns.

Yea and I never made the claim that "no one is trying" now did I?

People are "trying" to cure cancer, the common cold and trying to get the Israelis and Palis to make nice. Ain't happening on any front.

Including taking away you guns.

Restrict guns yes. As it should be. Not everyone needs to have access to every kind of weapon. Or do you not agree with that idea either?

But you seem to be a hunter and a prepper. Any body taking away the guns you need to hunt and for your self defense?

I didn't think so.

Spreading this kind of bullshit that guns are gonna be taken away is selling fear to the weak minded. Why you do that?
Hmmmmmmmmm........... Do we really need plastic guns? Now who would use such a thing to get past security? Think carefully about what you wish for.

Breaking news on US Senate considers gun control laws -

Since President Obama is out of the country, the White House tonight will use the Autopen to sign 10-year extension of law to ban plastic guns - [MENTION=11699]mark[/MENTION]knoller
see original on
Congress renews expiring ban on undetectable, plastic firearms - @AP

I did not wish for anything. I simply countered his claim that no one is trying to take anyone's guns.

Yea and I never made the claim that "no one is trying" now did I?

People are "trying" to cure cancer, the common cold and trying to get the Israelis and Palis to make nice. Ain't happening on any front.

Including taking away you guns.

Restrict guns yes. As it should be. Not everyone needs to have access to every kind of weapon. Or do you not agree with that idea either?

But you seem to be a hunter and a prepper. Any body taking away the guns you need to hunt and for your self defense?

I didn't think so.

Spreading this kind of bullshit that guns are gonna be taken away is selling fear to the weak minded. Why you do that?

And why is it that the politicians that would take guns continue to fail? Is it because we trust them to do the right thing? Or is it because we raise hell and make noise when they try?

No, I do not believe everyone should have access to guns. Haven't we already made it illegal for felons and lunatics to own guns? How is that working out so far?
Dude. Post up the most recent gun law passed against those gun lovers where you are. In the desert SW. Show what new gun restrictions or whatever has been passed, supposedly by your state legislature that has restricted your access to guns. Cause the Federal govmint can't pass a bill to buy toilet paper even with all their shit, let alone a bill against guns.

But if you got em, show em and I'll hit another thread standing corrected.
Or are you just blowing shit again? Got toilet paper?

Are you saying there has been no serious push for the federal gov't to pass legislation restricting firearms? The fact that a bill does not pass does not mean there aren't people in authority who are very serious about doing it.

Breaking news on US Senate considers gun control laws -

Hmmmmmmmmm........... Do we really need plastic guns? Now who would use such a thing to get past security? Think carefully about what you wish for.

Breaking news on US Senate considers gun control laws -

Since President Obama is out of the country, the White House tonight will use the Autopen to sign 10-year extension of law to ban plastic guns - [MENTION=11699]mark[/MENTION]knoller
see original on
Congress renews expiring ban on undetectable, plastic firearms - @AP

Right. Why not pass a law to ban unicorns while they're at it? If you knew as much about firearms as you try to claim you would know that it's pretty silly to ban things that never existed in the first place.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.

Looks like by 2015 guns will kill more Americans than cars. And the homocide death rate of Americans population is far higher than any of the other western democracies.

And gun were DESIGNED to maim and Kill
And gun were DESIGNED to maim and Kill

And that allows us to feed and protect our families and Country. I'd call that a good thing.
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.

To me, the fearful, little people are those who are scared shitless that someone is going to shoot them, and therefore want all the guns removed from society.

If you ever run across a sane person in the anti-gun crowd, please let me know. I would like to meet that person.
And gun were DESIGNED to maim and Kill

And door locks are designed to separate people from each other.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we outlawed all tools which separate people from each other?

Door locks serve no other purpose than to separate people. No other purpose at all. Damn evil things, damn them to hell, for they're preventing all the people in the world from hugging each other and having peace for there's always some asshole who will go inside his home and lock the world out of his home.
11000 murders by firearms in the latest figures. There are 320 MILLION people in this Country. That means the percentage of murders to people is .00003%.

Just had a retarded Australian make the claim that if she came to the States she might be one of those killed in a mass shooting. Of the 11000 less then 300 are due to mass shooting. So her risk is so small as to be nearly zero.

And then we have the gun grabbers all claiming that law abiding citizens should give up their rights as protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the amount of murder committed.

Doctors kill over 100,000 a year, you have 10 times the risk of death by seeing a doctor then by gunfire.

You have 4 times the risk of dying in a car accident then from gunfire.

Yet we should give up our rights because .00003 percent of the population dies due to murder by firearms.

FastStats - Homicide

No 'we' don't, no one is advocating any such thing.

Your lies, ignorance, and stupidity do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber.'
I did not wish for anything. I simply countered his claim that no one is trying to take anyone's guns.

Yea and I never made the claim that "no one is trying" now did I?

People are "trying" to cure cancer, the common cold and trying to get the Israelis and Palis to make nice. Ain't happening on any front.

Including taking away you guns.

Restrict guns yes. As it should be. Not everyone needs to have access to every kind of weapon. Or do you not agree with that idea either?

But you seem to be a hunter and a prepper. Any body taking away the guns you need to hunt and for your self defense?

I didn't think so.

Spreading this kind of bullshit that guns are gonna be taken away is selling fear to the weak minded. Why you do that?

And why is it that the politicians that would take guns continue to fail? Is it because we trust them to do the right thing? Or is it because we raise hell and make noise when they try?

No, I do not believe everyone should have access to guns. Haven't we already made it illegal for felons and lunatics to own guns? How is that working out so far?

People with guns have more power than people without guns. Is that really a mystery to you?
People with guns have the power of the COTUS, the power of the courts, the power of college studies, the power of the gun manufactuers and the power of the NRA, all working for the power of the gun. Which in and of itself is a pretty powerful thing.

And you wanna play the victim? Seems kinda bullshit to me. And I have guns and even like guns but no one that has the power of the above working for them is gonna lose their guns. Ain't happening.Given that they can lawfully own guns.

But I don't need to make such a big deal about the fact that some people have lost a loved one to gun violence of some sort and THEY don't feel the same way about guns as I or you do. They have the right to oppose whatever they want to oppose. Including guns. And I don't have to slam it in their face that they can't change much of anything about guns in this country.

And I accept that the law works in my favor and just wonder why beat a dead horse on a message board when it comes to guns and who has them.

And sometimes, who has them (guns) are criminals and some people who shouldn't have them. But that is a cost you pay when millions of guns are out there and they are stolen, sold, bought by straw buyers etc etc. Just a cost and you seem to have a problem with that? What do you suggest be done about that? I mean there are laws against doing those sorts of things but people do them anyway. Just accept that part of a gun ownership society. I do.
But understand that other people are still gonna try and enforce the laws. And try and "improve" the laws. It's what they do. And I am not going to be all pissed about what they feel they need to do to make themselves feel safer.

After all, isn't they why WE do what we do with guns? To make US feel safer?
11000 murders by firearms in the latest figures. There are 320 MILLION people in this Country. That means the percentage of murders to people is .00003%.

Just had a retarded Australian make the claim that if she came to the States she might be one of those killed in a mass shooting. Of the 11000 less then 300 are due to mass shooting. So her risk is so small as to be nearly zero.

And then we have the gun grabbers all claiming that law abiding citizens should give up their rights as protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the amount of murder committed.

Doctors kill over 100,000 a year, you have 10 times the risk of death by seeing a doctor then by gunfire.

You have 4 times the risk of dying in a car accident then from gunfire.

Yet we should give up our rights because .00003 percent of the population dies due to murder by firearms.

FastStats - Homicide

No 'we' don't, no one is advocating any such thing.

Your lies, ignorance, and stupidity do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber.'

The Liar is you, you have been lying for months about no one trying to take firearms away and you have been reminded of just who has tried. Just because they failed does not mean they did not try you fucking moron. And you know it.
Tell me where you live, Sgt. I want to come over and grab your gun. Actually, that does not sound like a very good idea, but being a democrat, I guess it is expected of me.
There is no such thing as a 'gun grabber,' it's a moronic myth contrived by the right.

Government can't 'grab' guns, the notion is idiocy – conservatives who seek to propagate such an idiotic notion are either ignorant of the law or fear-mongering liars; likely both.

Private property cannot be 'confiscated' absent due process and just compensation, in accordance with the Fifth Amendment's Takings Clause.

If government sought to 'confiscate' guns, the owners of those firearms would be entitled to challenge any such attempt in court – the process would take decades to complete, if it could be completed at all, rendering 'confiscation' too burdensome to attempt.

Indeed, before government could attempt to 'confiscate' guns, measures would first need to be enacted authorizing 'confiscation,' measures that would be invalidated by the courts per Heller/McDonald.

Again, the most serious threat to our Second Amendment rights isn't the mythical 'gun grabber,' but ignorant rightwing liars such as the OP.
11000 murders by firearms in the latest figures. There are 320 MILLION people in this Country. That means the percentage of murders to people is .00003%.

Just had a retarded Australian make the claim that if she came to the States she might be one of those killed in a mass shooting. Of the 11000 less then 300 are due to mass shooting. So her risk is so small as to be nearly zero.

And then we have the gun grabbers all claiming that law abiding citizens should give up their rights as protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the amount of murder committed.

Doctors kill over 100,000 a year, you have 10 times the risk of death by seeing a doctor then by gunfire.

You have 4 times the risk of dying in a car accident then from gunfire.

Yet we should give up our rights because .00003 percent of the population dies due to murder by firearms.

FastStats - Homicide

So says the Yank who comes from a country where mass shootings are common place. As opposed to the Aussie who comes from a country where mass shootings are a thing of the past.
The Left's effort to ban handguns, is purely political. It has nothing to do with reducing crime.

Once you disarm the public, the power elite can do as they wish. Just as they have done throughout history.
We don't often agree but this time we do.
People like RGS need a security blanket. Lots of guns and lots of ammo provide that blanket. And when someone sane points out the fallacy in their security blanket, it pains them to no end. Fearful little people afraid of the world around them, incapable of dealing with it on a rational basis. So they arm themselves against non-existant boogymen, and hide from the sunlight.

To me, the fearful, little people are those who are scared shitless that someone is going to shoot them, and therefore want all the guns removed from society.

If you ever run across a sane person in the anti-gun crowd, please let me know. I would like to meet that person.

i would like an invitation.., please ! :lmao:
11000 murders by firearms in the latest figures. There are 320 MILLION people in this Country. That means the percentage of murders to people is .00003%.

Just had a retarded Australian make the claim that if she came to the States she might be one of those killed in a mass shooting. Of the 11000 less then 300 are due to mass shooting. So her risk is so small as to be nearly zero.

And then we have the gun grabbers all claiming that law abiding citizens should give up their rights as protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the amount of murder committed.

Doctors kill over 100,000 a year, you have 10 times the risk of death by seeing a doctor then by gunfire.

You have 4 times the risk of dying in a car accident then from gunfire.

Yet we should give up our rights because .00003 percent of the population dies due to murder by firearms.

FastStats - Homicide

So says the Yank who comes from a country where mass shootings are common place. As opposed to the Aussie who comes from a country where mass shootings are a thing of the past.

And how common are those mass shootings here? Actually, Retired Gunny's figure is high. The numbers given for "mass shootings" use the FBI definition of the term. That is, any shooting with more than 4 victims dying. And around half of those each year are domestic violence incidents. No less tragic, but not what post people would think of when you mention "mass shootings". Over the last 7 or 8 years, we have averaged 80 deaths from mass shootings involving stranger opening fire. That is well below 1% of the fatalities by guns.
Of course this never happened according to Clayton Jones.
Obama's EPA Attempts To Ban Ammunition | EPA Abuse

And of course this never happened.

Assault-weapons ban: What happened to 12 attempts to reinstate it

And of course Fienstien never attempted to ban all firearms either.

Bloomburg of course has not attempted to ban firearms right?

There are how many groups who's sole aim is the total ban of all firearms? But according to Clayton Jones absolutely no one wants to ban firearms.

Meanwhile at Local, State and Federal level there are numerous attempts every year to do exactly that. Just because they fail does not mean they do not happen, nor does it mean as Jones claimed that NO ONE is trying to ban firearms.
Good fucking god this bullshit subject gets old. Don't you all have ANYTHING better to discuss other than the same fucking subject over and over.

No one is taking your guns. There are more guns in circulation than ever before. You can walk into a gun store today and buy weapons and ammo to your hearts content.

What the fuck is the problem? Other than you gun nuts being mental midgets.

a suggestion-when you anti gun nuts want to whine about guns, you ought to pretend you actually are going after criminals so you can pretend we are paranoid. Posts like yours suggest that people like you really do hate gun owners
11000 murders by firearms in the latest figures. There are 320 MILLION people in this Country. That means the percentage of murders to people is .00003%.

Just had a retarded Australian make the claim that if she came to the States she might be one of those killed in a mass shooting. Of the 11000 less then 300 are due to mass shooting. So her risk is so small as to be nearly zero.

And then we have the gun grabbers all claiming that law abiding citizens should give up their rights as protected by the 2nd Amendment because of the amount of murder committed.

Doctors kill over 100,000 a year, you have 10 times the risk of death by seeing a doctor then by gunfire.

You have 4 times the risk of dying in a car accident then from gunfire.

Yet we should give up our rights because .00003 percent of the population dies due to murder by firearms.

FastStats - Homicide

No 'we' don't, no one is advocating any such thing.

Your lies, ignorance, and stupidity do more to jeopardize the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any 'gun grabber.'

you are not being honest. there are lots of people who want to ban all guns or some guns (now-the rest later)

When you say NO ONE you open yourself up to get destroyed since I all have to do is find one example to the contrary. Diane Feinturd admitted if she had the votes she would have passed a law making the possession of all the guns banned for future sale in the Clinton gun ban illegal to own without a grandfather clause

so you are totally and completely WRONG

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