Mueller & Weissmann caught lying in Op-Eds about Stone commutation. Their own report nails them as liars.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
It's a long read, so I will just provide the link. Both wrote Op-Eds and lied their asses off, as their own report proves.

"The Mueller op-"ed, published in the Washington Post, does not just take aim at Stone – who was convicted for lying about his failed efforts to make contact with WikiLeaks regarding emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Mueller focuses, instead, on what he calls "broad claims that our investigation was illegitimate and our motives were improper." "

Weissmann's lies:
"Stone was instead convicted of making false statements to Congress about his failed efforts to obtain information about WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign. Stone's case and trial underscored that these efforts went nowhere: Both individuals whom he tapped as his intermediaries, Corsi and Credico, had no contact with WikiLeaks and no inside information of its plans. The suggestion to the contrary by Weissmann in the New York Times' op-ed section is contradicted by the paper's own reporting on Stone's trial last year, when it noted that Stone "had no real ties to WikiLeaks."
What? Somebody lied? OMG- say it ain't so! I mean, after all, the cream rises to the top, correct?

I think we all need a reality check- the media perception is getting old.
With all the evidence that already exists proving they are traitors, criminals, and liars, we don't need more...but they keep on insisting on giving us more....
Perhaps Nadless should be investigating Mueller and Weismann.

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