Mueller Strikes again? Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey

We think that for the info compromised, spewing associations should be enjoyable and secretly interesting. What would Mueller think?

The MI6 link to Clintons in Michigan is also the Paducah link to the Christian and Missionary Alliance. That is why we noticed C&MA on the Gulen document, because these are actual people who connect the dots between Clintons, Paducah, and Flynn. Therefore, Flynn's stint with 82nd Airborne links to Paducah as does Paducah to the Russian uranium deal and its analysis for 2010, as we have already mentioned here at USMB.

82nd Airborne Division by Steven J. Mrozek
'....published by Turner Publishing Co., Paducah, Kentucky in 1997....'

Would Mueller probe with the question, "Does the 82nd Airborne's activities link the chron to Russia?"

Is this the royal 'we'? And you already babbled about a 'link' between Podesta and Flynn's 'illegal activity'. But when pressed to show us the evidence of this link, you failed spectacularly.

Apparently what 'we' believes doesn't amount to much.
Perhaps unlike Skylar's head, there are other authors in badger's, and since each of us is several, there's really quite a crowd.
Perhaps unlike Skylar's head, there are other authors in badger's, and since each of us is several, there's really quite a crowd.

I have no doubt there are a cadre of voices in there. What I'm questioning is their utility.

As so far your accusations haven't panned out well. Like your claims that there's a 'link' between Podesta and Flynn's illegal activity.

That turned out to be a big bucket of imagination, didn't it?
Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey
The Dec. 12 indictment unsealed Monday alleges that Kian and Alptekin “conspired covertly and unlawfully to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion concerning a Turkish citizen living in the United State
Flynn is not identified by name in the filing. Instead, he is referred to as “Person A,”

:113: LOL Mr 'Lock Her Up' is now... 'Person A' ~aka DOPer American Traitor Flynn.
Seems like Mueller scores again. :happy-1:Seem like Flynn gave this guy up.
Looking forward to the new charges on others as this guy rats on them.
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and has failed at that assignment utterly, is flailing around wildly trying to justify the tens of millions of dollars he has fleeced from taxpayers instead of investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, making the US justice system a laughingstock.

If you had bothered to read the article, you would know the charges were filed by the US Attorney's office in the Eastern District of Virginia. This is a serious matter. It's a shame you don't believe in the rule of law.
Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey
The Dec. 12 indictment unsealed Monday alleges that Kian and Alptekin “conspired covertly and unlawfully to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion concerning a Turkish citizen living in the United State
Flynn is not identified by name in the filing. Instead, he is referred to as “Person A,”

:113: LOL Mr 'Lock Her Up' is now... 'Person A' ~aka DOPer American Traitor Flynn.
Seems like Mueller scores again. :happy-1:Seem like Flynn gave this guy up.
Looking forward to the new charges on others as this guy rats on them.
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and has failed at that assignment utterly, is flailing around wildly trying to justify the tens of millions of dollars he has fleeced from taxpayers instead of investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, making the US justice system a laughingstock.

False premises.

First, there's no mention of 'collusion' in Mueller's mandate. Making it impossible for Mueller to be limited to it.

Second, Mueller was given the authority to investigate any matters that may arise from his investigation, including federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation.

Third, you don't know to what extent Mueller has been successful or not in investigating links between the Trump Campaign and Russia. As Mueller hasn't released his report yet.

Fourth, Mueller's investigation has cost $25 million.....and netted $48 million in fines. Meaning that Mueller's investigation has made the US tax payer over $20 million dollars. There's no need to 'justify' making $20 million dollars for the tax papers.

Fifth, with dozens of indictments, half a dozen plea deals, and 8 felony convictions, Mueller's has been among the most successful and productive special counsel investigations in history.
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Poor USMB mushrooms, scared to death to think outside the box, while supporting Sullivan's fascist rabidity in establishing evidence. Sullivan knows that the Gulen connection is pivotal, and that Gulen is propagating a membership into a faith-based religion, which has no evidence, which is a mushroom's responsibility to believe or not. Organizations such as the FBI and CIA have much experience dealing with and manufacturing propaganda. Since Tass confirms Podesta's involvement, we will take a broader view of things rather than a frog's eye-view from the bottom of a well-head.

As already mentioned, Brunson in Turkey (or at Black Mountain, North Carolina) is linked closely to Bataclan when considering the demographics, so that one can link Ukraine to Low Gap, North Carolina not only because Eagles of Death Metal are an excellent comparative meme for church-and-state pathologies, the band links both theology and the Vikings. Zizek would not be fooled, though is yet to publicly comment on Pence's chastisement of Flynn, or the Viking connection to Eagles of Death Metal.

Swedish Vikings Ukraine
(site not secure)
'....local Turkic people were stricken with horror, but could do nothing to resist....hired to serve in the so-called Varingian life-guard (Viking Army)....Vikings gave name to present-day Ukraine.'

Thus, when cataracts are removed from the mushroom's eyes, a more consolidated trajectory reinforces the underlying Flynn-Podesta scenario, and by last year we had posted on the Clintons' connections to MI6, Steele, Christian and Missionary Alliance employees kidnapped by the Viet Cong, connections to the C&MA at Paducah, Kentucky, UK sleuth Chapman Pincher's investigative blind spot, etc.

18 Dec 2018 Moscow Times 'Russia is Being Used As a Meme in U.S. Politics' -- An Interview with Fyodor Lukyanov: '....Russia has become a kind of meme in very brutal infighting in U.S. politics. A meme is a passive object of someone else's will.'

And with what Putin has just said at Moscow Times about nuclear technology, we think that Mueller would be nuts to dig up anything linking Clintons to Paducah, Kentucky. Sullivan's suspension of Flynn's sentencing would be precisely understood by Zizek, and parallels Gulen's "new community" (except for the monetary elitism embedded in Gulen's modus operandi, of which Sullivan is quite aware):

'12. Christ's Uncoupling
It is precisely in order to emphasize this suspension of the social hierarchy that Christ (like Buddha before him) addresses in particular those who belong to the very bottom of the social hierarchy, the outcasts of the social order (beggars, prostitutes....) as the privileged and exemplary members of his new community....In order to specify these communities further, one is tempted to risk the reference to Freud himself -- in his Crowd Psychology he provides two examples of crowd formation: the Church and the Army. Usually, one takes them as equivalent, without considering the difference between the two. What, however, if this difference (is [italics]) crucial, along the lines of Laclau's opposition between the structure of differences and the antagonistic logic of equivalences?

The Church is global: a structural Institution, an encompassing network of hierarchically differentiated positions, basically ecumenical, tolerant, prone to compromises, all-inclusive, dividing its spoils among its subgroups; while in the Army the emphasis is on antagonism, on Us versus Them, on egalitarian universalisms (we are all ultimately equal when we are confronted with Them, the Enemy), so that the Army is ultimately exclusionary, prone to annihilate the Other. Of course, this is a notional opposition: empirically, the line can well be blurred, and we often have a militant Church, or, on the contrary, an Army that functions as a Churchlike corporate social institution.'
(Zizek, The Fragile Absolute -- Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, pp. 123-4)

At this point we can't help but to notice the spatial involvement of Russia as Meme, and Guattari has suggested that the real object of the Institution isn't an object at all: it is space. Gulen purchased the Pennsylvania real estate from whom? We think the the French model has the best potential for deciphering various church-and-state pathologies.

'As Derrida points out, the spatial (renvoi [italics]) of democracy signifies both an invitation to the other (" the sending off or referral to[italics] the other, respect for the foreigner or for the alterity of the other") and a deportation of the other (a sending off of[italics] the other through exclusion")....The violent spacing of (renvoi [it.) is "an autoimmune necessity." ....As Derrida maintains, one electoral law is "at the same time more or less democratic than another" since "one will never actually be able to 'prove' that there is more democracy in granting or in refusing the right to vote to immigrants....nor that there is more or less democracy in a straight majority vote as opposed to proportional voting; both forms of voting are democratic, and yet both also protect their democratic character through exclusion, through some (renvoi [it.]).''
(Haegglund, Radical Atheism, Derrida and the Time of Life, p. 176 Derrida and Laclau)
Poor USMB mushrooms, scared to death to think outside the box, while supporting Sullivan's fascist rabidity in establishing evidence. Sullivan knows that the Gulen connection is pivotal, and that Gulen is propagating a membership into a faith-based religion, which has no evidence, which is a mushroom's responsibility to believe or not. Organizations such as the FBI and CIA have much experience dealing with and manufacturing propaganda. Since Tass confirms Podesta's involvement, we will take a broader view of things rather than a frog's eye-view from the bottom of a well-head.

As already mentioned, Brunson in Turkey (or at Black Mountain, North Carolina) is linked closely to Bataclan when considering the demographics, so that one can link Ukraine to Low Gap, North Carolina not only because Eagles of Death Metal are an excellent comparative meme for church-and-state pathologies, the band links both theology and the Vikings. Zizek would not be fooled, though is yet to publicly comment on Pence's chastisement of Flynn, or the Viking connection to Eagles of Death Metal.

Swedish Vikings Ukraine
(site not secure)
'....local Turkic people were stricken with horror, but could do nothing to resist....hired to serve in the so-called Varingian life-guard (Viking Army)....Vikings gave name to present-day Ukraine.'

Thus, when cataracts are removed from the mushroom's eyes, a more consolidated trajectory reinforces the underlying Flynn-Podesta scenario, and by last year we had posted on the Clintons' connections to MI6, Steele, Christian and Missionary Alliance employees kidnapped by the Viet Cong, connections to the C&MA at Paducah, Kentucky, UK sleuth Chapman Pincher's investigative blind spot, etc.

18 Dec 2018 Moscow Times 'Russia is Being Used As a Meme in U.S. Politics' -- An Interview with Fyodor Lukyanov: '....Russia has become a kind of meme in very brutal infighting in U.S. politics. A meme is a passive object of someone else's will.'

And with what Putin has just said at Moscow Times about nuclear technology, we think that Mueller would be nuts to dig up anything linking Clintons to Paducah, Kentucky. Sullivan's suspension of Flynn's sentencing would be precisely understood by Zizek, and parallels Gulen's "new community" (except for the monetary elitism embedded in Gulen's modus operandi, of which Sullivan is quite aware):

'12. Christ's Uncoupling
It is precisely in order to emphasize this suspension of the social hierarchy that Christ (like Buddha before him) addresses in particular those who belong to the very bottom of the social hierarchy, the outcasts of the social order (beggars, prostitutes....) as the privileged and exemplary members of his new community....In order to specify these communities further, one is tempted to risk the reference to Freud himself -- in his Crowd Psychology he provides two examples of crowd formation: the Church and the Army. Usually, one takes them as equivalent, without considering the difference between the two. What, however, if this difference (is [italics]) crucial, along the lines of Laclau's opposition between the structure of differences and the antagonistic logic of equivalences?

The Church is global: a structural Institution, an encompassing network of hierarchically differentiated positions, basically ecumenical, tolerant, prone to compromises, all-inclusive, dividing its spoils among its subgroups; while in the Army the emphasis is on antagonism, on Us versus Them, on egalitarian universalisms (we are all ultimately equal when we are confronted with Them, the Enemy), so that the Army is ultimately exclusionary, prone to annihilate the Other. Of course, this is a notional opposition: empirically, the line can well be blurred, and we often have a militant Church, or, on the contrary, an Army that functions as a Churchlike corporate social institution.'
(Zizek, The Fragile Absolute -- Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, pp. 123-4)

At this point we can't help but to notice the spatial involvement of Russia as Meme, and Guattari has suggested that the real object of the Institution isn't an object at all: it is space. Gulen purchased the Pennsylvania real estate from whom? We think the the French model has the best potential for deciphering various church-and-state pathologies.

'As Derrida points out, the spatial (renvoi [italics]) of democracy signifies both an invitation to the other (" the sending off or referral to[italics] the other, respect for the foreigner or for the alterity of the other") and a deportation of the other (a sending off of[italics] the other through exclusion")....The violent spacing of (renvoi [it.) is "an autoimmune necessity." ....As Derrida maintains, one electoral law is "at the same time more or less democratic than another" since "one will never actually be able to 'prove' that there is more democracy in granting or in refusing the right to vote to immigrants....nor that there is more or less democracy in a straight majority vote as opposed to proportional voting; both forms of voting are democratic, and yet both also protect their democratic character through exclusion, through some (renvoi [it.]).''
(Haegglund, Radical Atheism, Derrida and the Time of Life, p. 176 Derrida and Laclau)

And how does this establish your imagined 'link' between Podesta and Flynn's 'illegal activity'?
Lock up anyone who violated the law. Something liberals , of course, do not believe in. Instead preferring selective enforcement.
One should not assume the mushrooms will respond to the lack of evidence mentioned in post #86. An old, established fairy tale dies hard. Skylar has still not shown the stones to comment on Brunson, as if Brunson does not count because the media has played his role down in the Gulen affair. The mushroom sheep people will follow the template.
One should not assume the mushrooms will respond to the lack of evidence mentioned in post #86. An old, established fairy tale dies hard. Skylar has still not shown the stones to comment on Brunson, as if Brunson does not count because the media has played his role down in the Gulen affair. The mushroom sheep people will follow the template.

One should assume however.....that you'll flee from your own claim that Podesta is 'linked' to Flynn's illegal activities.

If even you are going to ignore your claims, why would anyone else care what nonsense you babble about?
It's about understanding the mother tongue, English. To call it babble, Skylar dismisses a world-class thinkers such as Zizek and Derrida, exposing his knowledge envy right off the bat. One should take the Podesta trajectory much slower than Skylar or the media on speed, because intelligence always comes after. It's best when it does, and only when it does. We wish first to slowly walk around this Podestan morsel, to view it from all sides, confident in the Tass report.
It's about understanding the mother tongue, English. To call it babble, Skylar dismisses a world-class thinkers such as Zizek and Derrida, exposing his knowledge envy right off the bat. One should take the Podesta trajectory much slower than Skylar or the media on speed, because intelligence always comes after. It's best when it does, and only when it does. We wish first to slowly walk around this Podestan morsel, to view it from all sides, confident in the Tass report.

Nah, I just dismiss your silly, baseless claim of a 'link' between Podesta and Flynn's illegal activity.

A claim you've abandoned and now won't touch with a 10 foot pole. Demonstrating elegantly that even you don't care what you said.

You're not very good at this, are you?
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19 Dec 2018 Two-Tiered Justice: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did the Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life is In Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

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Ironically......very descriptive of your inane babble about Podesta's link to Flynn's 'illegal activities'.

Try again. favorite is EverCurious thanking you for a blind link.

Because I've read how it went down already. ~shrug~
19 Dec 2018 Two-Tiered Justice: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did the Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life is In Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

404 Page Not Found

Ironically......very descriptive of your inane babble about Podesta's link to Flynn's 'illegal activities'.

Try again. favorite is EverCurious thanking you for a blind link.

Because I've read how it went down already. ~shrug~

And you 'read' about how Flynn and Podesta 'did the same work for Turkey', filing retroactively did ya?

Care to back that claim up with evidence?
19 Dec 2018 Two-Tiered Justice: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did the Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life is In Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

404 Page Not Found

Ironically......very descriptive of your inane babble about Podesta's link to Flynn's 'illegal activities'.

Try again. favorite is EverCurious thanking you for a blind link.

Because I've read how it went down already. ~shrug~

And you 'read' about how Flynn and Podesta 'did the same work for Turkey', filing retroactively did ya?

Care to back that claim up with evidence?

Did you just ask me for evidence son? We don't need that shit anymore, this is America! /sarc

Here ya go (this is what happens when you have more than one source for news JS):

TWO-TIERED JUSTICE: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life Is in Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

I like this one too because it goes further into the "two tier" justice system thing: The Curious Tale Of The Flynn Sentencing Hearing
Laziness is like stupidity: both always get the reality they deserve. This is what happens when Pork Soda fails to dig deeply enough into the connections:

Youtube: Bill Clinton Speaks at Stroudsburg High School

Considering Whitewater, whom did Gulen purchase the real estate from? (Skylar, et al won't be answering for you.)
19 Dec 2018 Two-Tiered Justice: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did the Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life is In Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

404 Page Not Found

Ironically......very descriptive of your inane babble about Podesta's link to Flynn's 'illegal activities'.

Try again. favorite is EverCurious thanking you for a blind link.

Because I've read how it went down already. ~shrug~

And you 'read' about how Flynn and Podesta 'did the same work for Turkey', filing retroactively did ya?

Care to back that claim up with evidence?

Did you just ask me for evidence son? We don't need that shit anymore, this is America! /sarc

Here ya go:

TWO-TIERED JUSTICE: Mike Flynn and Tony Podesta Did Same Work for Turkey, Both Filed Retroactively -- Flynn's Life Is in Tatters As Podesta Walks Free

I like this one too because it goes further into the "two tier" justice system thing: The Curious Tale Of The Flynn Sentencing Hearing

Here's the problem. Podesta didn't file a retroactive NARA for Turkey. But instead, for a non-profit in Ukraine.

The lobbying firms the Podesta Group and Mercury Public Affairs are the unnamed companies in the grand jury indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, according to three sources with knowledge of the investigation.

Sources: Podesta Group, Mercury are companies 'A' and 'B' in indictment

See, you really need to check your primary sources. As you're citing Gateway Pundit, which is citing an OP-ED for Fox News. This is what all of you are citing:

Indeed, various figures like Democratic powerhouse Tony Podesta (brother of Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta) filed the same retroactive declaration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act involving the same underlying work for the same country.

Jonathan Turley

Jonathan Turley: Judge surprises Flynn at sentencing hearing – Here's what to expect next

But the Fox News OP-Ed provides NOTHING to to back this up. At no point is there any evidence that Podesta filed a retroactive NARA for work in Turkey.

And this is where your and Badger's narrative breaks.

So can you show us the evidence that Podesta filed a retroactive NARA for Turkey?
Laziness is like stupidity: both always get the reality they deserve. This is what happens when Pork Soda fails to dig deeply enough into the connections:

Youtube: Bill Clinton Speaks at Stroudsburg High School

Considering Whitewater, whom did Gulen purchase the real estate from? (Skylar, et al won't be answering for you.) not checking to see if your link even worked? Or laziness like never bothering to check to see that your primary source was an OP-ED backed by nothing. Not a single document, not a single link, nothing.

Absolutely nothing that demonstrates that Podesta filed a retroactive NARA for work in Turkey.

Sigh.....try again. This time without all the distasteful laziness. Check your links. Read your primary sources. Do your homework before coming here. Its tedious to have to educate you on your own claims.

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