Might as well keep the woke agenda going, right? Give voters more reason to kick you fuckers to the curb!
MSNBC Opinion Columnist Michael Cohen warned that Democrats are headed for a "bloodbath" in the midterm elections, so they "might as well" continue to "pass their agenda" regardless of the "political backlash."
Cohen opened his MSNBC column saying, "I have some bad news for Democrats: As bad as things seem now, they’re almost certainly going to get worse."
He began by pointing to record-high inflation: "The Labor Department released its latest Consumer Price Index report this week, and the numbers are ugly. Inflation hit 8.5 percent — the fastest one-year surge in prices since Ronald Reagan’s first year as president."
Cohen stressed, "It’s precisely the kind of news that will compound the Democrats’ political woes in November, which already looked dire."