Mr. Smith goes to Washington

Trump had four years to rid himself of the DEEP STATE

What happened?
Usually you can find at least one person and get him to turn in the rest of the DEEP STATE. Trump could not find a single member of the Deep State……Can you?
"Deep State" is a term that has a range of definitions and applications over the decades. Following excerpts from the Wiki page, it's self a bit Left leaning and at times contradictory, give some hint of the broad application of the term.
In 2014, former Congressional staffer Mike Lofgren alleged that there was a deep state protecting "powerful vested interests" and that a "web of entrenched interests in the US government and beyond ... dictate America’s defense decisions, trade policies and priorities with little regard for the actual interests or desires of the American people".[21][22][23]

In 2017, former Democratic U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich alleged that there were individuals in the intelligence community attempting to sabotage relations between the United States and Russia.[24][25][13]

Some commentators, such as former NSA leaker Edward Snowden, allege that there is a deep state made up of civil servants.[26]

During his presidency, Donald Trump and his strategists alleged that the deep state was interfering with his agenda and that the United States Department of Justice was part of the deep state because it did not prosecute Huma Abedin or James Comey.[27][28][29] Some Trump allies and right-wing media outlets alleged that Obama was coordinating a deep state resistance to Trump.[27][30] President Trump's supporters used deep state to refer to allegations that intelligence officers and executive branch officials were influencing policy via leaks or other internal means.[31][32][33]

Those supportive of a Deep State will deny it's existence or effectiveness.
Those realists whom know of it and have dealt with it realize it is so large and old that removing one or two members(persons) will have little effect upon it.
Some students of history know that almost from the moment, centuries ago, that governments came into existence, that 'Deep States' formed within them.

Your idea that only one person could turn in thousands and unravel a system entrenched for decades~centuries is naive, and/or ignorant or both, if not just another attempt to be disingenuous.
"Deep State" is a term that has a range of definitions and applications over the decades. Following excerpts from the Wiki page, it's self a bit Left leaning and at times contradictory, give some hint of the broad application of the term.
In 2014, former Congressional staffer Mike Lofgren alleged that there was a deep state protecting "powerful vested interests" and that a "web of entrenched interests in the US government and beyond ... dictate America’s defense decisions, trade policies and priorities with little regard for the actual interests or desires of the American people".[21][22][23]

In 2017, former Democratic U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich alleged that there were individuals in the intelligence community attempting to sabotage relations between the United States and Russia.[24][25][13]

Some commentators, such as former NSA leaker Edward Snowden, allege that there is a deep state made up of civil servants.[26]

During his presidency, Donald Trump and his strategists alleged that the deep state was interfering with his agenda and that the United States Department of Justice was part of the deep state because it did not prosecute Huma Abedin or James Comey.[27][28][29] Some Trump allies and right-wing media outlets alleged that Obama was coordinating a deep state resistance to Trump.[27][30] President Trump's supporters used deep state to refer to allegations that intelligence officers and executive branch officials were influencing policy via leaks or other internal means.[31][32][33]

Those supportive of a Deep State will deny it's existence or effectiveness.
Those realists whom know of it and have dealt with it realize it is so large and old that removing one or two members(persons) will have little effect upon it.
Some students of history know that almost from the moment, centuries ago, that governments came into existence, that 'Deep States' formed within them.

Your idea that only one person could turn in thousands and unravel a system entrenched for decades~centuries is naive, and/or ignorant or both, if not just another attempt to be disingenuous.
A lot of “allege” in there

Allege only works if you follow up and find actual evidence supporting the allegation.

Looks like you came up empty
I though the idea was sending politicians that lie to us to jail? If so, I support that.
So Biden should go to jail for lying about not ever knowing Hunter's business associates?
It is concocting a lie to overturn an election
Using your lie to enrage a mob to the point they would attack the Capitol.
Pressuring local election officials to overturn the voters
Pressuring your VP to overturn the states
Fake electors
40 fbi agents lied about the Hunter laptop being Russian disinformation, that affected the election big time. You loons tried to attack the Whitehouse with your leaders spewing their hate about Trump.
Your idea that only one person could turn in thousands and unravel a system entrenched for decades~centuries is naive, and/or ignorant or both, if not just another attempt to be disingenuous.
I worked in the Federal Government for over 30 years. Presidents came and went and we just continued to do our jobs. We were banned by the Hatch Act to participate in political activities. Few knew the political leanings of fellow workers because we were discouraged from discussing politics at work.

A Deep State would require some organization, some way of communicating with members, some mission statement
There is no DEEP STATE
I worked in the Federal Government for over 30 years. Presidents came and went and we just continued to do our jobs. We were banned by the Hatch Act to participate in political activities. Few knew the political leanings of fellow workers because we were discouraged from discussing politics at work.

A Deep State would require some organization, some way of communicating with members, some mission statement
There is no DEEP STATE
Says a looney left liberal.
Then you're blind.

There is NO law that I agreed/suggested to enact.

Being that there is no such law which is what I was discussing, I have no idea what you were discussing and saw nothing to gain by pursuing it.
I worked in the Federal Government for over 30 years. Presidents came and went and we just continued to do our jobs. We were banned by the Hatch Act to participate in political activities. Few knew the political leanings of fellow workers because we were discouraged from discussing politics at work.

A Deep State would require some organization, some way of communicating with members, some mission statement
There is no DEEP STATE
Common mindset, "vision", and goals can be effective tools without central organization and direction.
You all don't need to meet every other Tuesday night in O'Rielly's bar back room to plot your conspiracy for such to be in effect.

A certain course in indoctrination and training and each will act in conformance to a designed pattern with little to no direct ordering.
Either you are dumb on how to structure such or again engaging in disinformation.

Denial of a "Deep State" would be typical M.O. of such parties anyway.

"Hatch Act" aside, one doesn't have to operate overtly in political activities to engage a political bias in work actions.

Meanwhile, have yet to see any convincing proof you did get a Federal paycheck for "over 30 years", but will admit you have the sponge brains effects of many of the social defects whom do wind-up doing a career tract in Guv'mint work. You would have floundered and starved in the 'for profit' sector where you couldn't pull your own weight.

You are long on record here as Left-wing hack and minion whom will say anything to generate an impression that supports your lies, so I'm not surprised by this latest lie of yours.
I worked in the Federal Government for over 30 years. Presidents came and went and we just continued to do our jobs. We were banned by the Hatch Act to participate in political activities. Few knew the political leanings of fellow workers because we were discouraged from discussing politics at work.

A Deep State would require some organization, some way of communicating with members, some mission statement
There is no DEEP STATE
Common mindset, "vision", and goals can be effective tools without central organization and direction.
You all don't need to meet every other Tuesday night in O'Rielly's bar back room to plot your conspiracy for such to be in effect.

A certain course in indoctrination and training and each will act in conformance to a designed pattern with little to no direct ordering.
Either you are dumb on how to structure such or again engaging in disinformation.

Denial of a "Deep State" would be typical M.O. such anyway.
Common mindset, "vision", and goals can be effective tools without central organization and direction.
You all don't need to meet every other Tuesday night in O'Rielly's bar back room to plot your conspiracy for such to be in effect.

A certain course in indoctrination and training and each will act in conformance to a designed pattern with little to no direct ordering.
Either you are dumb on how to structure such or again engaging in disinformation.

Denial of a "Deep State" would be typical M.O. such anyway.

I worked in the Federal Government over 30 years…..there was no “mindset”, most were Conservative in their views, there was no opportunity to spread political views.
Top management never engaged in political pressure or spread political information

Your Deep State is a fantasy
I worked in the Federal Government over 30 years…..there was no “mindset”, most were Conservative in their views, there was no opportunity to spread political views.
Top management never engaged in political pressure or spread political information

Your Deep State is a fantasy
That's a rather broad and generic statement. Care to give some specific on what sort of work, for which agency(agencies) to validate that claim some?
" Paid message board poster, USMB Influencer "

BTW; a reminder ...

FWIW, after a few years with the US Army, my oldest son now works for US Immigration. His experience doesn't match your regards a "Deep State".
Guess whom has more credibility with me.

How about some proof of your fantasy.
That's a rather broad and generic statement. Care to give some specific on what sort of work, for which agency(agencies) to validate that claim some?
" Paid message board poster, USMB Influencer "

BTW; a reminder ...

FWIW, after a few years with the US Army, my oldest son now works for US Immigration. His experience doesn't match your regards a "Deep State".
Guess whom has more credibility with me.

How about some proof of your fantasy.
I worked for DoD

If your son has evidence of the existence of a Deep State…let’s see it

Who exactly is in it?
I worked for DoD

If your son has evidence of the existence of a Deep State…let’s see it

Who exactly is in it?
Goof ass ...
Like there's some sort of card carry membership ??? ...

Give us a break.

Start by defining what sort of "evidence" you are willing to accept.

Also, start by agreeing to the same definition of "Deep State".

So far you have done neither.

Meanwhile see the former post. You are junk source compared to my son. I know him, you are just an anonymous blob on the internet.

Burden of proof is on you to show why I, or anyone else, should take you as a serious source/poster.

* You history to date is as another disinformation source for the anarchist sorts seeking to destroy our nation = the enemies within!
I worked for DoD

If your son has evidence of the existence of a Deep State…let’s see it

Who exactly is in it?
Prove it!

So far your track record is as a phony, liar, and deceiver!

Start with which subset of the DoD; such as uniform, actual Guv'mint "civil service" employee, or a out-sourced sub-contractor, etc. ...

Also When and for how long ...

My experience to date is you are just bovine excrement!

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